Monday, February 8, 2016

Book One…The Invitation
“A New Look At Pre-existence”
Paul C. Woodward




What this study is not about
No Second Chance  

One way in, One way out
Natural Generation
Disruption of the Channel
The Trap and Snare (God’s Warning)
As It Was
Patterns and Strange Flesh
Other Thoughts of Angels
Break in Continuity
Flashing Frames of Time
The Out Working
Nature of the Beast
Seeing who we are, were and ever shall be
Intrinsic Sons of God

A sense of pre-existence
A fear of pre-existence
Things not remembered
Pre-existent Knowing
Pre-existing joy, the presence
Pre-existent love definite

cHAPTER 4…… Shrouding of the Mystery

A Pinch to Hope              
The Beginning
It’s Just An Experience – A Perspective
Total Experience
Extremes of this Experience
Evil’s Push For The Extreme
Outer Extremes

Chapter 8……DimensionAL Overlays
Chapter 9……More Dimensional Overlays
Chapter 10…..Caught in the Threshold
Chapter 12…..What’s a Man/Woman to Profit?
The Jewish Example
Temptations of the Highs and Lows
Chapter 13……Liken Unto
Chapter 14…….Following Script
Cause and affect
Know or not to know?
World’s script
Personal script
His script
Learning to read out script
Check and balances of script
Image and Hidden script
Is there a black board?
Chapter 15……Letting The Cat Out Of The Bag
Chapter 16……The Book Of Remembrance
Chapter 17……Things That Are
The Are Factor
Chapter 18……From Whence We Were Taken, We Return
Chapter 19……Dimensional Realms
Chapter 20……Not From Men
Chapter 21……Water and Fire
Chapter 22……The Expansion and Expression
Chapter 23……Living Expressions of the Expansion…
Chapter 24……Pulsating Ryhythmical Expansions
Chapter 25……The Umbra
Chapter 26……MORE Things That Confirm

Defined Terms Used in This book:
  1.  The flesh
  2. The unseen verses the seen
  3. Reconcile
  4. Hope
  5. Darkness/light
  6. Mystery
  7. Joy
  8. Beginning
  9. Until

(NOTE - A lot that is found in this book, comes out in my Youtube series "The Ultimate Intention of God"  here is the play list link that takes you to this series and others on  my Youtube channel.      


I Cor. 2:7 “But we speak the wisdom of God in a MYSTERY, even the hidden wisdom which was foreordained before the world unto our glory; which none of the Princes of this world system knew, for had they knew it they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory.” But as it is written (Isa. 64:4) “Eye has not seen nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man those things which God has prepared for those that love Him, but God has revealed them to us by His Spirit, for the Spirit searches all things, yea the deep things of God.”

For those of you that have joined me in research of this subject, I submit the notes and thoughts I have gathered thus far.  I have attempted to put this in some order yet I did not receive it as I give it to you the reader.  You will discover, as I discovered via the many questions that came to me over many years, that there are answers to all your questions and doubts which you will find spread throughout the chapters before you.   All that you will read throughout the chapters in this book came to me over 46 years of research and experience.  It has satisfied me and I hope will do the same for you.  So, before you allow any question of doubt to cause you to think this endeavor to be error or heresy, give the chapters’ time to address your apprehensions.

Let me beginning by first saying what this study “IS NOT” about.   It is not in any way in agreement to so-called Cult teachings, so put your fears aside.  They use terminology that will appear in this study I am sure.  But what I have seen of them is a distortion of what I am coming to understand to be a TRUTH.  There are those in these various cults, like the Mormons, who also give some idea of a pre-existence of mankind.  I do not in any way agree with their perceptions on the subject matter at hand.  I do not want to go into just what it is they believe.  I will leave that for you to research on your own apart from our study.   I will let the study its self reveal to you just where I am coming from on this subject matter.  So, without any more said to a defense, let me get into the subject at hand.

An Analogy or parable to give a jest of what I have seen:
You as a young American, go on a trip to Australia with your parents.  While there you are involved in an accident; your parents are killed, yet you survive.  You are rushed to a hospital.  While there you lapse into a comma.  When you awake out of the comma, you have forgotten who you are.  Your name and place of birth is lost in the accident.  You remember nothing.   A couple takes you in, which treat you like a son or daughter.  You are raised as an Australian.  You end up talking, and living like an Australian.  Yet, inside you feel like there is something missing in your life.  Deep inside, you feel that you are someone other than who you have become.  Little by little, certain sights, sounds, trigger in you “Glimpses“of this other you.  You one day decide to go on vacation to America.   You feel strangely directed to_______________________.    Once there this sensation of your other self is increased.   You meet people that you feel you have met before.  You see places that you feel you have seen before.  Little by little it all comes back to you, “I was an American.”  Now, understand, you still have a love for Australia, yet now, who you “First” were becomes more important.   So, in time your desires have you leave Australia and move to America.

This is a parable, yet strangely, we feel similar feelings.  Many under reincarnation ideology direct these feeling to what they call previous lives (Déjà vu).  Karma then is implied and they give the idea that we have to go through many life times to improve our karma to enter into heaven.  This is not my understanding of these feelings.  I feel the Biblical record gives us the best understanding of our feelings of “otherness” as I have come to call it.  A “KNOWING” that passes what we can understand, yet it is an understanding, to be revealed, now hidden in us.  Something beyond reincarnation and what many in the cult and occult world understand.  

We are commanded in Phil 2: 5 “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.”   

Now understand that this mind set in Jesus Christ was before His incarnation.  Let us then take this same mind set; yet to be proven by me to you, let us take this same mind set that was in Christ Jesus, before His incarnation and before the FOUNDATIONS of THE WORLD and apply it to ourselves.  Here are a few Scripture texts to consider: 
Luke 2: 40 “And the Child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon Him.”

 Luke 2:52 “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with GOD AND MEN.”

Note.    Jesus grew in favor...He came to understand this life, mother, step father, area where He lived, its people and culture.  BUT at the same time grew in favor...came to understand who He was in relationship to His pre-incarnation existence.

Now going on, think in light of this mind set in us in light of the following Scriptures:
I Cor. 13:12”For now we see through a glass darkly; but then face to face; now I know in part; but then SHALL KNOW EVEN ALSO I AM KNOWN.” 
Eph. 1:4...”According as He hath chosen “us” in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in Love; having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will.”


Here are a few questions that came to me while reading these texts and got me searching for answers.  “When was this mystery revealed?  Was it known before time and our present life?  Is it locked up in our human spirits to be revealed to us?  Did we know something before we were born?  How long has our spirit existed?  Being “Born Again” does it imply what we experience in our natural idea of birth?  In other words, was there a time in which our human spirits did not exist?  If our human spirits are eternal, does that imply “no beginning, no end?”

Why did we have to be born in a human body?   Why did Christ have to come into a human body?  What is meant by Heb. 10:5  ”Wherefore when He cometh into the world, He saith,
Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but A BODY HAST THOU PREPARED ME.”
Has it always been God’s desire to dwell IN FLESH; in this case flesh is referring to a skin body?  In light of God’s idea of being “BEGOTTEN,” is what God begets ETERNAL?   It is said that Jesus Christ was God’s only Begotten Son, why does it say in I Cor. 4:15 “For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I HAVE BEGOTTEN you through the gospel.”   Also in I Peter 1:3 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to His abundant mercy hath BEGOTTEN us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  To an INHERITANCE incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, RESERVED in heaven for you?” So, what is the difference between Jesus being the “only begotten” Son of God and our being “Begotten?”

I wrote these questions out to let you all know that I, at one point in time, had many questions to this matter.  There are still many others questions I am sure in your mind as well as mine.  But the answers have come and still are coming.   There will be more books, which I am presently working on, which will follow this one.  Believe me, there are answers to all the questions I have just typed which will be dealt with throughout this book.  Any future questions that you may have, after reading this first book, will be addressed in the second; so stay opened minded with me and discover things hidden to those unwilling to adventure into From Whence We Came.


 I remember it being said to me after I shared various highlights of this book to friends, “I don’t remember ever thinking or feeling in another realm.  I don’t understand what you mean by what you’re saying Paul.  I don’t remember this.  All I do remember is what I’ve experienced in this life only, its past and present experiences.  What do you mean by another existence, our being there, our coming here, and our forgetting that, and also now my inability to remember that?  I just don’t remember it?”

Well, getting all that I am getting, then attempting to share all that I’ve gotten, has been for me
one of the hardest tasks.  Sometimes it is just frustrating.  I can remember things which have nothing to do with this experience, which for me it has given this experience greater meaning.  I longed to share it with others, not only out of my need to do so, but also that they might share in the joy of it all.  Here is one example from the Bible, which I will develop later in this book, “who for the joy present with Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and now is sat down at the right hand of God.”  (Heb. 12:2)

Who for the joy, brought out in Greek tenses, is referring to a pre-existent joy.  Jesus had come to the place where he could remember the joy he had with the Father.  He could remember that existence, beyond this three dimensional experience of coming into the flesh being incarnating in a body.  He had come to that, so I am thinking, if he came to that, and for now assuming what I have seen is true, could we come to this experience? 

Now we can’t really set an age on this knowing and its experience, if it were to occur.  It would depend on the willingness of the individual and his/her lot, task in this life.  You might be here for 20 years, 30 years, 60 years, or 120 years before being called to remember.  It would depend on who you were and when you should remember determined by God the Father.

But then again I asked myself, “Maybe there isn’t a need to remember while we are in this experience?  Maybe we don’t need to remember?  But then, why do I remember?”

So, I asked God, “How is it that I can honestly say that I can remember being somewhere other then this existence, living in that world.  I sense it!  I’ve always sensed this.  And it is growing stronger and stronger. And like I’ve said, to my frustration, I find I have been unable to share this with others.  Accept for a very few selected individuals, and even they have these questions, which I have stated, “I don’t remember like you do.” 

Again I asked God, “Give me an answer on this.”  So you can take this for what it’s worth.  You may question even this, “how is it that you claim you can hear even from God?”  I don’t explain this anymore.  I usually don’t even mention the fact whether I am getting what I’m getting is from God or from my own thinking.  I’m learning to just give it out. (See my book, “The Devil’s Scarecrow,” that develops this matter of our coming to hear God speak to us   ).

So, for those of you who can accept that we can hear from God, here is how He answered me, “You are called to this, a calling that was established before your entry into this world.  It was promises that you made.”  And I can vaguely remember those promises to individuals, beings.  I don’t want to use the words brothers and sisters because that kind of relates to the flesh, this concept of beings.  Mother, father, brothers and sisters, and my own views of Beings, it is beyond this, without trying to explain that, this will be a matter shared later, this matter of being. 

He went on to say, “these promises were established to assure that others would weather this
experience well.  They don’t really need to remember, only to know what I’ve given to you and
for you to share it with them, that is enough.”

 So I replied back to Him, “I really don’t like sharing this with them because they give me these
strange looks; then I find myself hesitating sharing it with them.”  I find myself doing this even in the sharing of this book.  Maybe people will call me to accountability and someday use this against me and want to lock me up thinking I am crazy, using what I’ve written here against me.”  Well, I’m still writing this and may never put it out to anyone.  I may reserve it for, as I said, a few selected individuals.  But I will not let this stop me in the sharing of it.

So here is the reply I got to this, Don’t let that stop you!  Remember, you promised.”
 I remember, somewhere I promised that what I am doing now, I would do.  And I would be sixty years of age and be sharing it.  I know this.  But I can’t explain this.  I just know this.  So this is why I have to do this.  Whether anyone ever reads this and understands it, or looks at me with nutty squirrel eyes, I must attempt to get beyond this.  I can’t say that I don’t still have hesitancy and have conflicts with this, I do.  So I asked Him to give me an approach. 


So at this point, with my concluding remarks in this introduction, I will say it as it was given to me:  “I’m going to share something with you that you will not remember, and for now, it’s not important that you remember, but only that you at least listen and consider its possibility; you will remember when you want to remember.  There are reasons why you don’t remember anything of that realm which I will address throughout this book and others that will follow it.  It only requires that you have the desire to read this now, and then put it aside.  Then there will be triggers that later, in your experience in this life, which will ignite what you are now reading.  Things which will be unprompted by you or me but will come from common everyday events.  So watch for these events.  And when you get them, feel free to share them with me.” 

                                                    PROMISED FULFILLED

I have always known one day I would have to share what I have shared to others and to you the reader of this book.   When it came time to remind you, you would fight me on this.   In that other realm before this one, you didn’t believe it would happen, yet incase it did, we agreed, in that other realm, which some may not believe existed, we agreed to what I have been told to call TRIGGERS; triggers that were pre-set to remind you of that which you might reject in this over whelming experience.  Triggers of circumstances that would cut into this temporal experience we are now in and once again redirect your attention to that realm you left.

In this experience, these triggers would appear cruel.  Yet, from what you once knew and were, and choose to set these triggers up, it was accepted in an eternal gratitude.  These triggers gave you enough assurance that you would return from where you came and not be trapped in a temporal realm, thus assisted you in coming here in this temporal realm in the first place.

These triggers would appear as judgments on my part or God’s against you in this experience for not listening to what He and I’ve have been saying.  Trust me, they are not.  These triggers were pre-set BY YOU, not Him or me.  They were what you wanted and knew might be needed, though now you may not remember them.  I did not set them up, nor do I now trigger them, or set them off.  They are pre-determined to set into motion their goal....getting you back.  You might want to blame Him, me or others in your experience, or natural cause and affect for these coming needed circumstances.  Their actions DO NOT have Cause in This World at all.  See this and they will be a blessing...other wise a curse, self imposed before the foundations of this world of cause and affect, BY YOU.  I have fulfilled my promise to initiate this Awakening and the Warning that went with it.  Now pre-determined triggers will do their work.

 I had thought, at one time, that I would have to share this to thousands.  I’ve seen lately that only a few needed to be shown.  No different then Christ’s designated 12.  No more were needed. Yet, had they rejected this message of Christ, I for one, would not have seen what I’ve seen and have shared to you the reader and others, what I had promised to share.  I thank God that they did listen and gave me the foundation to build on in my experiences.
Any further question on this possibility of a Pre-existence will be answered by two events:
1.  God meeting your desire to know about its truth; thus His answering your questions.
2.  Triggered circumstances in your life that will direct you to ASK. (It was expressed this way to me once...”He sometimes has to make life here on this side of the door rather uncomfortable to get us to step across the THRESHOLD to the other side.)

In closing....I remember and obey one of the laws of a paradigm shift, which will be developed in another chapter of this book, which will assist you in at least considering what I am offering in this book:

A truth does not triumph by convincing it's opponents and making them see the light.
Rather, because it's opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.

All those I have met and now you the reader of this book are afforded the opportunity to read that which I was instructed to share to those around me.  This book and verbal expression in conversations with many, has met with some receiving it, some questioning it, and others rejecting its truth.  I have no control over this free will choice which we all have.  My responsibility has only been to deliver that which I have seen and heard.  An old expression says it well...”Don’t kill the messenger.”  Yet, we know that it is usually the way with a world that loves its own.  The messenger doesn’t usually fit the scheme of things.  You hear this in an ancient proverb in light of what I have said:

"There are those who know they don't know, they are simple...teach them."
"There are those who know and know not that they know...awake them for they are asleep."
"There are those that don't know, and don't know that they don't know, they are fools, avoid them."
"There are those who know and know that they know, follow them for they are wise."

                                                                                      PAUL C. WOODWARD

To hear what I’ve come to understand will interfere with your experience; it will never be the same.  The purpose of sharing this is to accomplish just that, yet it will also give what
experiences you have had up to this point greater meaning.  More meaning then you may want to hear.  Are you willing to hear it?

At this point, your present life view is over whelming and real; so real that what I am about to share will appear to be UNREAL.  It will take more than just a one time hearing to at least believe its possibility.  Should you not read beyond this point, your encounter with this truth may never occur again and you will be left where you are, no further attempt will be made, and the experience you are living in now may very well last FOREVER.  Would you want what you are presently experiencing to last forever?  That’s the question of all questions and your answer will reveal to you the depths that this experience has you in its grips.

There have been those who have not wanted to know anything more than the experience they are presently experiencing; then again, there have been those that start and don’t finish what is called the awakening.  Caught in a limbo, knowing yet not knowing, mixed with what little they have experienced and allowed, missing what could have been experienced, if they had considered the possibility of something beyond.  Thinking they have awoken, now are worst off then when they didn’t know.  It would have been better that they had not started till later in this experience or not at all.  Usually this is the danger of sharing these matters where there is no desire to know, where the question has not been asked, the question of the hope in you; hope being that unseen.  What they see in you is something they can’t explain.  It doesn’t fit their experience of the world around them.  They see you as “strange” because you can’t run with them. (I Peter 4:4)  So if they should ask you, you should ask them, “Do you really want to know?”

In Chapter Two I will address the matter of our condition; a condition which I have discovered includes all of humanity.  This condition was the result of what the Biblical record called the fall of Adam and Eve.  This fall is an inherited perspective of this life and its meaning; a perspective that entrapped us all from birth expressed in the remarks of King David in Psalm 51:5 “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin my mother conceived me.”


I must say this up front.  This study came about because for most of my life I have felt this truth deep inside of me.   I did not do as some have done, that is, come up with a subject idea, and then goes to the Bible to prove their subject matter.  All through my years of study I have sensed and seen throughout my Biblical studies hints of a “Pre-existence” to which we must return.  What scared me away from pursing it was what I read of various cults that gave some idea of a pre-existence of mankind.   The stories that they gave were so farfetched that I considered the idea wrong, thus never entertained it further.  But lately through other reliable sources I have discovered that many good Christians have had the same thoughts.  Now understand, they, along with me, do not believe that we existed in a body sense; that is a future eternal experience.  Somehow in our spirits we “KNEW” people, places and things, and things of this natural existence triggered this knowing.   Think, have you ever seen someone and thought to yourself, “I know him/her.  I can’t remember from where.  I just seem to know them.”  There is a French word for this, (Déjà vu), which gives this idea of knowing beyond natural abilities.  Those is the occult world liken it to our living past lives and reincarnation.  I, and those other Christians I have talked to on the matter, know that this is NOT WHAT WE ARE IMPLYING.  It is something more.  The various hints we have gotten from our Biblical studies will follow in this study.  


Kenneth Wuest, a Greek scholar from Moody Bible Institute, comments on the word “Reconcile”:

“The verb “reconcile” is apokatalasso in the Greek text.   Vincent says that the compound preposition Apo gives the force of “back”, hinting at restoration to a primal unity.  Lightfoot says, “The whole universe of things, material as well as spiritual, shall be restored to harmony with God.”

 So, from this we see that “BACK” to something is true.  But back to what?  Also that it included “all” things, material as well as spiritual.   I recently heard it said that “spirit is matter and matter is spirit.”   This puzzled me.  I remember scripture saying to the effect, “what is of the flesh is flesh, and what is of the spirit is spirit.”   Of course I was thinking wrong, seeing the term “flesh” as only the material.  In the Greek, Wuest explains this term “Flesh”:  Gal. 3:3”Are you so unreflecting?  Having begun by means of the Spirit, now are you being brought to maturity by the FLESH?”  The Flesh here refers to all that a person is as the product of natural generation apart from the morally transforming power of the Holy Spirit in regeneration.  The word speaks of the unsaved man, body, soul, and spirit, controlled by his totally depraved nature, together with all his human accomplishments, positions, capabilities, and philosophies.”

So, what many scientists have discovered and now I am attempting to express is that “all matter is energy and all energy constitutes matter”, bears truth.   There is no such thing as solid matter.  There is space in matter.  What holds things together to give it a sense of solidness is a puzzle to them.  We KNOW, that through HIM all things hold together and consist.  “Personified”, energy, not as science had thought impersonal, plus time, plus chance.  This is right on track, in light of where I am now going to lead you.  Paul in Col. 1:20 says, “And, having made peace through the blood of His cross, by Him to reconcile ALL THINGS unto Himself; by Him, I say, whether they be THINGS IN EARTH, or THINGS IN HEAVEN. (so, material as well as spiritual,. all forms of energy, personal and impersonal, restored to Him).  Note in the spiritual sense this is already done; something I develop later in this book.

So, from whence we came, we must return.   ALL THINGS must return.  This is established, and no more need to be said at this moment; yet in later chapters we will develop this more.  So let’s continue in the direction that we are going in this study in light of the questions raised in my opening paragraphs.   Is it locked up in our human spirit, this knowing?   This is answered in Psalm 5:16 “Behold, you (God) desire truth in the inward parts; and in the hidden part you shall make me to know wisdom.”

Now I must give some more texts to prepare you, so bare with me:
Example of Cyrus the Persian King, hidden things coming up from God’s eternal plan for this one individual which gives us some idea that we will come to be “known as we were known”: 
1.   Isa. 45:5    “I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:  (so, at first it was unknown to Cyrus the King and us)
2.  Isa. 45:11 “Thus saith the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me.”  (you must know that we can ask for such things; note “concerning my sons, and the work of my hands…this speaks to this total experience and its purpose for each of us.  God is using King Cyrus as an example; so the use of “my sons” reveals this isn’t exclusively addressing King Cyrus but “all of us.”)

3.  Isa. 45:1     “Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut; (reflect on this in light of Matt. 7:7-8 “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; for every one that asks, receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened.”)
Isa.45:2 “I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron: (reflect on Prov. 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your path.” Also consider the fact that God can cause all things, “make the crooked places straight”, God can cause all things to work to the good for those that love Him and are called to His purposes.)
Isa. 45:3 And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.  (Matters kept from the wise and prudent, revealed to babes in Christ.  Treasures of darkness; what is this matter?  Genesis 1:2 it reads, “And the earth was without form, and void; and DARKNESS was upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”  This is developed later, but in relationship to what I am saying here, Gen. 1:1 says, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth,”  understand this, “in the beginning” as “in the Mind of God”;  in the Mind of God the Father were hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge of God.   Now what the Father had is given to the Son of God, and this Son of God, Christ Jesus is IN US waiting to be unlocked (Col. 2:2-3)…please note Col. 2:4 “And this I say, lest any man should beguile  you with enticing words” – in other words, get you to think you acquired these treasures independent from God.  These come from Him, and to whom He desires to given them; in this case of Isa. 45, it was to a heathen King for God’s purposes and not his.  It required the moving of God the Holy Spirit in Genesis; the same with King Cyrus and today with us.  These HIDDEN purposes come up from before the foundations of this world; it is these He will reveal if you ask.  These matters are developed in greater depths in my other books, “Warnings of the Occult” and “In The Shadow of His Power.”)
Isa. 45:4 For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me.  (Here we see that He does know us by Name.  And very detailed instructions go with that name given to us.  Think of our DNA, our finger print of our unique make up, OUR NAME, known of God.  I have notes I hope to include later in this book or another on this thing of our DNA.  I had asked God about this and got this simple answer which He is developing, “DNA…Divine Names Assigned; along with this He added, “ATGC”…All That God Created.”  The letters “ATGC” are what science call the structure of our DNA and assigned these letters A-T-G-C in unique combinations.  We know a lot today, along with Evil’s knowing as well, about our DNA.  This Evil has and will again seek to disrupt God’s purposes down to our very DNA.  That’s the Evil that most in secular sciences do not know; their intentions might be good, yet there definitely is an Evil that seeks to work it to its evil intents.  It must some how infect the DNA of all humanity.  It’s done it before and will do it again in the future. (Genesis chapter 6) That’s another whole subject matter I will share later in this book or another).
4.  Isa. 45:13   I have raised him up in righteousness, and I will direct all his ways: (I will go in greater depth of what this matter of righteousness is in another chapter, yet will briefly touch upon it here)… he shall build my city, and he shall let go my captives, not for price nor reward, saith the Lord of hosts. (now we get a good definition of this term Righteousness.)  It is something beyond our ideas of good behavior, beyond price or reward.  The first mention principle states that where a word is first mentioned in scriptures, it usually follows this definition throughout scripture while following contextual rules.  The first mention of this word righteousness is found in:
Gen. 15:6 “And he believed in the Lord; and he counted it to him for righteousness.”
Here Abram is given detail instructions coming up from God’s eternal plan for him, even to the changing of his birth name from Abram to Abraham:

Gen. 17:5 “Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.”

Think with me for a moment in light of the following text:  Rev 2:17 “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receives it.”

What, a new name for us?   This is scripture, not my weird ideas.   It is new to us, but in God’s reality of things, it is the name that He has always known us by.  It is not the name we were born with.  This name is temporary.  Note it says that no man knows it BUT HE THAT RECEIVES IT…do you want to receive it?  You can know it if you desire to.  Let me give you an example once again from Kenneth Wuest Greek word studies:  Paul Says, “Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him and given Him THE NAME (the definite article is used in the Greek), that at THE NAME of Jesus every knee should bow.” (Phil.2:9).  That name is not Jesus.  The latter designation was given Him at birth.  Paul is speaking here of His exaltation consequent upon His humiliation.  The expression, “The Name,” is one found in the Old Testament and refers there to all that God is in His attributes, character, majesty, and glory.  All of that was placed upon the shoulders of the Man Christ Jesus at His exaltation, although in His deity He possessed it from eternity.  Thus, when Jesus says, “Whatsoever you shall request of the Father, He will give it to you in view of all that I am in His estimation.”

Now think with me in light of the following text:  2Cor. 5:16 “Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more.”  Think; how had Paul known the Christ?  He knew him as Jesus the trouble maker; a strange fellow that started a huge following.  Paul once being called Saul sought to destroy this movement.  Later he becomes Paul who encounters the Living Christ.  His view of Jesus changed along with his views and perspectives of this life.  What he had known of Jesus when He was in the MODE of a servant, now changed to where he saw Him as the Son of God manifested in a body, now resurrected having “all” the power of God given to Him.  Paul now saw Him for who He was, is and ever will be.  In his letter to the church at Philippi he goes at great length to describe this Jesus he once thought he knew.  Thank God for the Greek text, if really seen in its greater definition describes Jesus as God of very God, the second person of the Trinity of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Rev 3:12 “Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.”
1Cor. 2:12 “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.”  (What is being addressed has nothing to do with the “spirit of the world.”  It is our reaching beyond matters seen, to matters hidden, held in reserve, before the foundations of the world.  Works that fit with God’s over all plan and purpose of this experience; works expressed in II Tim. 1:9 “Who hath saved us, and CALLED us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose, and grace, which WAS GIVEN in Christ Jesus BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN.”  Ephesians 2:10  “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, WHICH GOD HATH BEFORE ORDAINED THAT WE SHOULD WALK IN THEM.”)
1Cor. 2:13 “Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.”
1Cor, 2:14 “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”
1Cor. 2:15 “But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.
1Cor. 2:16 “For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.”  

So what have we seen up to this point?   Locked up in each of us is a Name; a name God has known of us from eternity past which reaches past this experience into eternity future.  Instructions are locked up in us all desiring to be expressed in this temporary experience which has greater meaning than we could have ever imagined.  This will come out more in chapters dealing with what I have called “Script.”   This expression “NAME” is more then Joe, John, Mary or Sue; it is more then what we give or know of one another after the flesh or our surroundings or life positions.  The expression “NAME” is all that God had intended we be, which is something we “were”, using this life and experience to express it.  This also is developed more in another chapter of this book where I plan to reveal how this “NAME” is locked up in this “Implanted, incorruptible SEED” placed in us at our New Birth; a SEED that replaces what is called the corruptible seed we all inherited through Adam. In this it is revealed why Jesus had to be Virgin born and not conceived by Mary’s husband Joseph.  So, more on this later.


There are those in various cults who give you the idea that we all will be given a “second chance” to embrace what God has offered thought His word and His Son, Jesus Christ.  They believe we all at one point will be reconciled back to God.  For example, those under the teaching of Herbert Armstrong believe in the reconciliation of all things back to God; note, but to the extreme.  They see all returning, some include the Devil himself, back to God in the final end of all things.  Of course they are wrong in taking such an extreme view of Col. 1:20 -21“And, having made peace through the blood of His cross, by Him to reconcile ALL THINGS unto Himself; by Him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.  And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath He reconciled.    Note the next verse Col. 1:23  “IF” you continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which you have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul an made a minster.”   Also read  II Cor. 5:19 “To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us; we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.” 

It doesn’t get any better than this; this is the BEST OFFER.  God has done His part, now it’s the choice of humanity to embrace what He has offered.  But to imply that “all” whether they accept this offer or not are reconciled back to God, is to the extreme and is not what these texts are saying even in their context.

 Know this; the reconciliation that God is offering is TO HIS ORIGINAL INTENT.  Note that it is written that the flesh will not enter the Kingdom of God.  Flesh meaning race, cultures, creeds, ideas and opinions of men developed totally independent from what God originally intended.  In this experience God works with and around what humanity in its free will produces, yet in the end God’s original intent stays intact and that of the flesh never enters that eternal realm.  The original intent reaches “beyond even the millennial reign of Christ on Earth.”

 As I have already mentioned, in the Greek text the word reconcile carries with it the idea of a “return to a primal base (God’s original intent).  When it is said that God causes ALL THINGS to work to the Good for those that Love Him, this “good” is His original intent.

I have focused most of my life studies on finding the Original Intent of God.  A good Christian Writer named DeVern Fromke has a book that touches this matter of God’s original Intent called, “The Ultimate Intention of God.”    I had always wanted to purchase his books, especially this one, yet I found that I either couldn’t find them, or when I did I didn’t have the money to purchase them at the time.
Well, once a friend who had heard me mentioning my wanting Fromke’s works, found them and sent them to me.   Note this; before this I had asked God to reveal to me that which He had given to Fromke.   Well at first I was excited when I got the books, but once I got into reading them ended up disappointed.  The reason was, I was already told by the Lord, so what I was reading was like old news, yet confirmation of what I was told.

To go into this matter of God’s Original or Ultimate Intent, would require me sharing the years of notes I have on it (which you will be reading in this book).  It has taken me years to come to some understanding of it and finding words to express it.   I believe that this is the real solution, knowing the ultimate intention of God; but to gain a solution I equally believe that one must first come to know the problem.  In the next chapter I will be developing this matter of the problem, or as I have come to call it, Humanity’s Condition.



I have always said that if you don’t know the problem you can’t give or get a solution.  There are those who want to give the solution yet never really address the problem.  This is what’s wrong with this thing they call the New Age or new world idea of religion.  It doesn’t really address the problem of humanity.  No one wants to tell the truth; each wants to be well spoken of; so they don’t want to say, for example that in truth we are all under the wrath of God.  If I said to you, that you are under the wrath of God, what question would I expect from you after I said that to you? I would expect you to say, WHY?  That’s where it all begins, the asking of why we are, all, and when I say all I mean all, all are under the wrath of God. (Eph. 2:3…”Among whom also we all have our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and WERE by NATURE the children of wrath even as others.”)  Now if you can get a society to throw out the Geneses Record of the Bible, there is no addressing the true problem.  You can see why there is so much attack on just that one book of the Bible.  It is the FOUNDATION, and if the foundation is removed, how do the righteous stand. (Psa. 11:3… “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”)  If we don’t know the problem, yet hear that we are under the wrath of God; and we live in a society that has thrown out the one book which addresses this thing of our real problem, how would you address, give an answer to your problem of being under the wrath of God if you don’t know the source of this problem?  If you throw out the Geneses account of the problem of humanity, you will turn to social, political, economical, racial, and an untold number of other causes for mankind’s dilemma.   From what the Biblical record says, if you take any other approach to finding the main cause of humanity’s problem, you are only dancing around the problem not addressing it.  Forever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth. (Phil. 3:7“Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”)  You might find temporal solutions to the areas I have mentioned, yet in the long run the real problem remains.  In Colossians 2:20-23, you see Paul attempting to get them to see the real problem and he warns them that “rudimentary things of the world, its attempts to solving the world’s problem are “not of any value as a remedy against the indulgence of the flesh.”  In other words, Paul is saying what I am stressing here; human efforts to solve its problems, cut off from God, will “never” accomplish this.  It might appear to be doing this, yet where they appear to have solved one problem they end up creating 100 more.

I have addressed this matter of our NOT KNOWING THE REAL PROBLEM over and over, coming at it in every possible way that I could.  (Brought out in other books I am writing called “Matters of Salvation” and “Addfire’s Spiritual Insights.”)  Yet, even after all that I have said and written, there still are those unwilling to see it.  How do I know that they don’t see it?  Just listen to their comments.  It is written that, “by your words you are justified, by your words you are condemned.” (Matt. 12:37)  I don’t have to judge an individual; as a matter of fact I never had to.  If I’d only listen long enough I would hear that they are “self-condemned.”  I’ve also discovered that a very judgmental person is one of these self-condemned individual.  You might ask why.  It’s called projection; they are only judging in others those things they cannot accept in themselves.  You can see this in the secular crowd as well as the religious crowd.  It appears to be human nature to do this.  Our conscious accuses us and then we excuse ourselves; (Rom. 2:15… “Which show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another…”)  one way is by judging others, or our justifying our actions in some way or another.  All this behavior speaks loud and clear, “We don’t know the real problem.”

Let me see if I can narrow this matter down in the simplest way.  So come now, and reason with me.  If you were BORN on this planet, you have a problem.  Now if you can come up with some stupid idea that we were seeded from another planet by aliens, you have just thrown out what the Bible gives for our real problem.  You have postponed ever finding out our real problem; as a matter of fact you may never discover it…UNLESS…you can come up with someone who says that they came from outside our total universe of time, space and the material, and offer another solution to humanity’s problem.  (Jesus made such a claim; which I deal with in another chapter).  Hollywood movies have given us this, some alien coming to warn us to straighten up or they would wipe us out.  Of course, the alien doesn’t say why we have a problem, they only said “we don’t want your problem, and if you don’t change we are going to wipe you out.”  With that, we are right back still not knowing the cause of our problem.  So, President Regan’s comments that if an alien threat were to present itself to us, we would all pull together, thus world peace would come.  It is begging the question and is only another refusal to face what the Geneses record says is the problem.  Think of the recent movie, 2012, at the end of the movie after the world has been devastated, there are these three arks filled with peoples from all around the world of many different cultures and creeds.  What do you think will happen; let’s say after a few hundred years?  I’ll tell you what would happen, especially if they have refused to see the real problem, they will be right back to their divisions and at war with one another.  Or it would work out that one culture over rides another and becomes a dictatorship, one world order as we see on the horizon today.  Did you not notice in the movie the big put down of the, I quote, “religious nuts with the paper signs?” Also did you notice the put down of those who saw prayer as a waste of time and being foolish? (Then the movie shows them getting wiped out).  You get the feeling of embarrassment if you ever thought these things were of value.   I don’t see their new world, in that movie after that catastrophe, having any interest in the Bible and what it says of mankind’s problem. You do get the strong message of, “ man, in the name of man, by the power of man, to the glory of man;” we call it secular humanism, a philosophy that openly declares to be atheistic, which says we will save ourselves and do not need God to accomplish this. 

In our present age of mass media, if you were to take a toll of all that is being said that truly addresses the problem as the Bible clearly states it, I could guarantee that the percentage figure would be a single digit.  It is sad that to get any degree of truth today you have to turn to the web for some answers; yet even there you have to wade through the debris of rebuttals and crazy comments to just find a few with the answer to what the Bible states is the real problem.  I thank God that you can still find some answers there.  But there is coming a day, that outside ham radios hidden in the wilderness and operating against the status quo, you will only get what this world wants you to hear.  Do we have a problem?  If you can’t at least answer this question with a “YES” then you wouldn’t even start to consider what the cause of this problem is; you first must be brave enough to say we have a problem.  Also to see that this problem is beyond what the media is saying it is; even beyond what those who are crying conspiracy are saying along with many of the religious denominations who, sad to say, haven’t a clue and are only joining the world and its ideas of a solution to our problem. 

Let me wrap up this attempt to add more to our coming to see the real problem by saying this.  There was only ONE WAY into this world, and it wasn’t initiated by aliens.  What is recorded in the Bible gives you this one way in.  There is only ONE WAY OUT of this world.  What is recorded in the Bible is the only way out.  One way in was via one set of parents, Adam & Eve.  Throw this out and you end up with either evolution or aliens.  Sadly, the world and its educational system and media promote both; just start taking notes, see if you can prove otherwise. 

See this ONE WAY into this life as a CHANNEL.  If the channel is contaminated, all those that pass through it are contaminated.  There is no other channel in, so all have had to pass through it, thus “ALL” are infected.    If you can’t understand how you were in Adam & Eve, thus are infected, just ask yourself this question, “If your great-great grandfather died in his infancy, where would you be?  Well to answer this for the few who might not get what I am saying, if your great-great grandfather died in his infancy, then your great grandfather, grandfather, your father would never had been born and you would not be here trying to figure out what I have just wrote.  Got it?  So, if there wasn’t an Adam & Eve, NONE of us would be here. But since we are here, we can see, to some degree, see that we “PASSED THROUH THE LOINS OF THIS COUPLE.”  If there was an Evil that wanted to destroy all of us, what would it do?  CONTAMINATE the channel through which we would all come.  So then everyone BORN on this planet is contaminated.  Now if there is this God, that the Bible mentions over and over; and if this God cannot accept us in this CONTAMINATED CONDITION, the ONLY WAY TO SOLVE THE “PROBLEM”is to have us all BORN AGAIN through another channel that was not contaminated thus “cleansing us.”  See it this way; the first Adam contaminated the channel – the 2nd Adam, Jesus Christ, introduced a NEW CHANNEL, (He claimed to be this DOOR.  John 10:7 “Then said Jesus unto them again, “Verily, I say unto you, I AM the door of the sheep.  All that came before me are thieves and robbers; but the sheep did not hear them.  I AM the door; by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved.”)…He and He alone would undo what the first channel did to us; thus cleansing us of all infection, allowing us to EXIT this world back to where we came from.  What an Evil had sought to do, a LOVING GOD has undone by giving His Son as the Channel back to Him.  And you know the rest of the story… you?  Realize this was accomplished before the foundations of the world, something I will address later in this book.

There will be more from me on this matter of our problem, or condition and what God had done to correct it.  Believe you me, what the world has to offer cannot come close to what God has to offer as a FREE GIFT OF ETERNAL LIFE.   


We have become immune to it all and have set established laws and rules of science and religion to even protect and keep it in place.  We find ourselves living under these laws and rules, which expose our limitations placed upon us in this temporal world, which do have some justifiable reasoning to their being given, yet not to hide what I will develop later, this possibility of a better condition then that which we have grown accustom to.  These laws and rules that we have gotten use to, and hide behind, would not had been needed if the resultant condition imposed upon humanity had not occurred, which many have called the Biblical Fall of humanity through Adam.  I want to reach now beyond the usual reason for laws and rule and show how their main intent was to “Expose” and bring out the world’s real problem.

We can’t imagine a world without these laws and rules.  To even talk about it, conflicts in our conditioned minds, a mind which rejects this possibility.   Thus in the world view of many scientist and religious folk, we have been forever taught laws and rules and thinking that God is surrounded with what we contribute to Him, thus restricting Him, limiting Him to our views of this matter, which in themselves were imposed by Him because of our fallen condition. (Rom.8:20)  We have misunderstood their purpose and His reason for imposing them, which was not to restrict, limit, but to REVEAL our CONDITION using law and rule to accomplish this; thus the exposing of a hidden condition; a condition which was not in the original intent and had to be exposed, using laws and rule to do this, once seen would get us beyond these limited laws and rules, their end intent being accomplished reconciling us back to an original condition or intent.  Think, in light of what I’ve just said, what Paul the Apostle’s says in Romans 8:20 “For the creation was made subjected to vanity, (unreality) not willingly, but by reason of Him who hath subjected the same in hope” Hope of what?  That we would seek beyond this restricted world’s experience to a better way.

It’s said, “the law is for the lawless;” (I Tim 1:9) without going with some limited idea of this phrase, let me say this,  any law, rule, or limitation imposed upon humanity is there because there is present, in this world, a condition.  And if law and rule or restriction were not present, to expose and oppose this evil condition, it would run rampant undetected.  Thus the law is for this lawless condition embedded in humanity if unchecked would destroy all flesh. 

I’ve done studies on this matter of law and grace and now will only highlight what I discovered in that study here, to reveal our condition and the intent and purpose of the law.  Paul the Apostle was questioned on this in his letter to the Romans and reveals there the purpose and the end intent of the law.  Why did God give the law if we were unable to be saved by the law?  Paul reveals that its end intent was to expose this condition in us.   That it was never given with the intent that humanity could ever keep this law to gain God’s favor, but was given to show how they were out off from favor with God and helpless when it comes to saving themselves in any capacity, be it socially, politically, economically, or spiritually.

So, once you came to understand its end intent, which was to bring you to a deliver, which was
Jesus Christ, Paul goes on to say that this Christ is the end intent of the law for righteousness, or gaining God’s favor.  Thus it would give us the right to HEAR from God once again.  The law itself is not this Hearing from God, or righteousness required, a matter which I have addressed
in a deeper fashion in my book, “The Devil’s Scarecrow.”  To just know the Letter of this book, the Bible, is to only have what Paul called a religious form where one is forever learning but never coming to the knowledge of this experience, hearing God speak to you one on one. 

Later in this book you will see that the true experience of this matter of Godliness, or righteousness, is gaining the power to actually hear God speak to us.  Just reading about God and quoting the Bible is not that experience of hearing from God.  To hear God speak to you is one of the most awesome things to acquire in this life.  It’s the only thing that will get us pass the condemnation of the law which should have brought us to the saving, loving voice of the Father saying “I love you.”  This is the essence of the Good News, the Gospel, which the Christian message was supposed to have been about, getting people to where they can hear from God.  You dare to say this in many a religious circles, you will be met with strange looks and judgments because they feel God got laryngitis after the Apostles and no longer speaks to us one on one.  Their fear is that one might start an addition to the Bible because of this ability to hear from God, which is unfounded, which is addressed as I said in my book, “The Devil’s Scarecrow.”

If it were not for hearing from God, this book would not have been put together and the invitation which I am offering here would not have been made.  Yes, I claim that I do hear from God.  It is this very God that gave me many things you will read in this book    Things I call “pocket notes.”  I, from time to time, get thoughts that come as answers to the many questions I have had concerning my faith in this God.  I would ask and He would answer me.   Again, later

on in this book, I will share just how and where I heard from Him.  You decide if what I’ve heard is truth or not; test the spirits, whether it is from God or not.  (I John 4:1).

This may appear off subject yet it fits where I am going in this subtitle, The Condition.  God has His purposes coming up from that eternal.  He is only using this earthly plane to convey that which is eternal; including who and what He is along with who and what we were to be.  Our distraction with this earthly experience and its ideas coming from a limited experience of who God is and who we are can get at time so corrupted that who He is and what this experience is all about gets way off track.  If at any time this happens, God is not caught off guard; He has known all along the way things would go and has already solved it before the foundations of this world and its attempts to distort what He had desired to convey. 


I feel at this point I must interject some thought to clarify some terms. This matter of spirit and soul must be understood or what I am relating here will be misunderstood.  Without a doubt I have come to know we were spirit long before we existed in this material world.  Let me say in the simplest way that I can express it, “You were a spirit that came to live in a body, and developed a soul (intellect, emotions, will) to express this spirit.” What happen was that the spirit was suppressed along with this pre-existence knowing I speak of; thus the soul became a life of ITS SELF cut off from God.  Paul called it the FLESH and self-willed religion. King David expressed it as our being "SHAPEN IN INIQUITY"     I have found that the fear most have of a pre-existence can be put into the form of a question: "If we were a spirit being, perfect, then born by natural generation (natural parents and the method we understand) how could we remain perfect beings born through FALLEN parents?" Their belief, and mine in the past, was that we through natural generation inherited this fallen nature. As David said, "From my mother’s womb was I conceived in SIN “ Psalm 51:5 (Cut off from I still believe, yet not in the way I once believed, other words, conceived meaning non-existence before this.)     A child pre-existed in that it did not have a material body as we know material body. You have to know what I mean by body.  There are TWO types of bodies....two words for this, BIOS and ZOE. The Bios body is the FALLEN body after Adam’s fall which introduced death.   A Bios body dies. Had he not fallen, a ZOE body (spiritual) would have sustained the bios body so that it would have NEVER died. We see it this way expressed in scripture as Adam and Eve being CROWNED with glory. The Zoe ruled the Bios. But after the fall, the Zoe (life factor) dwindled to where we see it today, humans only living to no more then 120 years of age. We became a hot house breed of what Adam was; even after his fall....he lived to be 930 years of age.  The LIFE of God is said to HOLD all things together and through which we consist, thus live and have our very being. (Col. 1:17; Acts 17:28)  Cut yourself off from that Holding LIFE of God, and it is all down hill from there.  But for the grace of God, it’s still held even in our fallen condition, or we would have perished a long time ago.  God’s ultimate intent is the only reason for our still being here at all.    Link these verses with what I’ve just said:
 I Thes.5:23 “And the very God of peace sanctify YOU wholly; and I pray God YOUR whole SPIRIT, and SOUL, and BODY be PRESERVED blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Faithful is He that CALLED YOU, who also will DO IT."
Acts 17:28 “For in Him we LIVE, and MOVE, and have our BEING…”
Col. 1:17 “And He is before all things, and by Him all things CONSIST (hold together).”
Jude 1:1 “Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and PRESERVED in Jesus Christ, and CALLED…”
Ephes. 4:  “Endeavoring to KEEP (Preserve) the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”

All these verses and many more reveal why we exist at all; a higher purpose beyond what we have become.  (I have developed this in yet another work I call, “Rights of the Unfallen Adam.”)

Without an understanding of a pre‑existence and our being called to this experience and something being PRESERVED in the spiritual realm, misses the mark of what Paul saw.  The question is when was this done?  Paul says it again....Ephes. 1:4 “According as He hath chosen us in Him BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in Love;” the material world which was to be used only to express the Beloved.  The mystery is that Preserved, this Christ in us, hidden till Paul was called to reveal it; not that it wasn't there, it was always there, yet hidden and Preserved.   Once again, had Adam not fallen, cut himself off from that held in this matter preserved, no death would have ensued.  He, and we, would have had the wholeness of spirit, intellect, emotions and the shear will of the Father's power to be LIVING expression of the expansion of the Beloved in a unity beyond our wildest imagination.  Blameless in that there would have been only One Lord, One Baptism of that spiritual realm held and preserved for our use to handle any matter that would arise in this experience.  This also gets developed more in depth in these other books I mentioned above.  What I have just shared is only highlights of what comes out later also in this book.


This goes along with my expansion and expression pieces found in a later chapter of this book, yet fits what this chapter is conveying.  Evil disrupted the channel that God would use, to expand and express who He was and we were; that channel was one Adam.   An evil has sought from before the beginning of time and human history to disrupt God’s original intent.  If Evil could mess up this one man, Adam, everyone born through this man would be affected.  Understand, we all came about through this one man’s loins.  There is a lot more to this that would take pages to explain.  I will give here only highlights of what those pages contain. 

We came through this fallen Adam and inherited his fallen state or condition.  So, if he fell, we in him fell with him; this truth is held down with the lie that we did not fall with him, that iniquity inherited of Adam through our parents will visit the second and third generation.  (Romans 1:18; Ex. 34:7)  You can see the by-product of that lie by listening to the News or just looking around you.  Christ, the second Adam came to set this matter straight and restore the original intent of God for this experience.  (Romans 1:18; 5:12)

THE TRAP AND SNARE (God’s warning)

All names are written; all are welcomed back; all are guaranteed excess simply because it is so and has been before the foundations of this world.  Yet, something else, which started our present condition, would have you not know this.  It created an illusion of permanency; a blindness from where you came from and to where you must return.  The trap is “the lie,” the snare is “the guilt.”

“For in the day that you eat thereof…” sight of the True reality will be lost and this reality will rule you.  I will subject this reality that you have chosen to an Unreality.  It will have beginning and end.  You will be barred from eating that (Tree of life) which would keep you trapped, and the guilt you possess, though Not From Me, will be used to get you back, not have you flee.  It, Evil would use guilt to keep you from Me; Don’t allow this to happen.

My intent always surpasses Evil’s intent.  My original intent, though it appeared thawed, is still in effect.  It, this life, is just an experience needed, to the intent beyond the needed experience.  It would have you to its intent (that of Evil), the total destruction of all humanity.  The lie hides its end intent.  The lie paints a bad picture of the tools I use to direct you back; the law is one such tool.  It was created to the intent of being impossible to keep, cut off from a higher reality.  It, Evil, has self-righteousness, another lie, as truth and false promises of a utopian world now.  My intent never was this.  My Son is the end intent of my giving the law.  (Christ is the end of the law for righteousness)


They were marrying and giving in marriage.  They were living the experience, yet without consideration of a God in it at all. Devising their intents, giving any intent of God no thought at all, their cares and affairs of everyday life consumed their time and thinking so much so that it was said, in light of the consumption, that every imagination of their hearts were evil continually.  Evil meaning, occupied with the temporal and having that temporal life cloud out God from their trivialized matters.   God was not the subject of their conversation and if it was, it was so detached from their lives it had no power or influence in their lives or thoughts at all.  God was deemed a time and place but did not fit in the scheme of things.  Idle talk ruled.  If God was introduced by any, they were shot down and deemed as UNREAL.  They could not see how God could fit into their lives, or even if He, or It, existed at all. And the few that did claim to know anything about God really knew nothing of the experience of what they claimed to know.  For those few that really knew God, and claimed a personal relationship, they were considered crazy or someone to be pitied or a laughing matter especially if they claimed to hear from Him.

Religion took on many shapes and forms after the creation and temporal matters of their own perspectives. To consider anything outside these perceptions was considered a CLOSED MATTER.  The seen existed and there was no unseen.  Living long lives, seeing it all, experiencing it all, their accumulated knowledge far surpassed the knowledge of today.  Knowledge generated and stored in what was called NOBLE MINDS.  They were Giants to which no past generation could even come close to in their achievements and success.  They were setting the direction of a utopian dream of unity in the name of man, by the power of man, to the glory of man.   Everyone KNEW IT ALL, thus, no one could tell another, thus, because of this, none listen to another, which brought about strife and violence, a dog eat dog world.  The love of God was replaced by the love of FORCE.  Force ruled, force destroyed their utopian dream leaving them in a world without God and without hope.  Because their hope was in the seen and the seen was being destroyed, they became men most miserable.  Violence filled their world.  They exhausted their answers, and perplexity (no way out) was the norm of their day.  Each one then chose what each thought was right, and found none were right.  So wrong ruled, and right took flight.   Day turned to night, and the darkness ruled.  Light did not shine in their darkness, for they were lovers of it.   It satisfied their lust.  They turned from the normal to the abnormal to beat their boredom.  They sought a reality beyond their reality limited in this reality.  Pleasures took on new meanings.  Doing even that which beasts were not known to do.  They were the high and noblest of God’s Creation, now had became the lowest of all His creatures.. 

That’s how it was.  Sounds familiar doesn’t it.  The only difference is that we lack the minds they had and longevity of life.  But then again, we now have this marvelous machine, called THE NOBLE COMPUTER.  With our accumulated knowledge WE KNOW IT ALL, and believe it will usher in our Utopian dream world. We can now hope to live to the ripe old age of 120 and longer with exercise and pills.  Our machines and pills can keep us alive and save us all......  Sure!   Think of the many T.V. ads....”But the side effects are.........?”   The side effects many times are worst then the ailment.  What ails us?   How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?


First, this world’s teaching of individualization has its problem.  Yes, you are an individual yet this individualization came through one man with a fallen condition and if you do not accept God’s solution to this problem, your individualization will go down the drain.  You see each doing his or her own thing; yes, you are doing your own thing even in your individualization what your father did, he was a liar from the beginning and did not abide in the truth.  John 8:44
You see all the various teachings today attempting to disrupt this truth of the fall of humanity through the Biblical record of the fall of Adam & Eve; attempting to exclude God and what He had intended to do, expand and express not only Himself but us all.   I guess there was and still is a jealousy on the part of evil not being chosen to do this, but was, and still is, to be subservient to us. We read in Heb. 1:7 “And of the angels He said, who makes His angels spirits, and His ministers a flame of fire.   It is written in Heb. 1:5 “for unto which of the angels said He at any time, You are my Son, this day have I begotten you?  And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son?”  Instead of being Sons of God, angel were, Heb. 1:14 “Are they not all ministering spirits; SENT forth to minister for them who shall be HEIRS of salvation?”

Yet you see where we, humanity, in John 1:12-13, are given the rights to son ship, “But to as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.  Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.”  No angel ever was or should ever be understood to be the Sons of God in the sense of this text.  As I said earlier, we see in the book of Job Satan coming among the Sons of God going before God.  Job 1:6  “Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them.”  No doubt, from the Hebrew words used here, these “angels” are called the sons of God.  It appears to conflict with the text I mentioned above in the book of Hebrews, where no angel has the right to this title of son of God.
Question:  Does this tie in with Gen. 6:2 “That the sons of God (fallen angels) saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.”

As I read this it reminds me of various movie scripts I have seen and even written.  You have flash scenes jumping back and forth in time and if you do not follow it you get lost as to the meaning of the movie ending up lost in time. 

It is thought that these sons of God mentioned in Geneses 6 were fallen angels who did not keep their first estate  as mentioned in Jude 1:6-7 “And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto judgment of the great day. EVEN AS   Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in LIKE MANNER, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after STRANGE FLESH, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.”

But after doing a word study, which I’ll share with you in the following paragraphs, this word study open my eyes to things I didn’t see before.  Read though my word study notes, and then read what I saw in these words.  All of these words come out of the texts mentioned above:
Greek word:  Arche
  1. beginning, origin
  2. the person or thing that commences, the first person or thing in a series, the leader
  3. that by which anything begins to be, the origin, the active cause
  4. the extremity of a thing
    1. of the corners of a sail
  5. the first place, principality, rule, magistracy
    1. of angels and demons
Rooted to:  Archomai
  1. to be the first to do (anything), to begin
  2. to be chief, leader, ruler
  3. to begin, make a beginning
From these few words, with more to follow, here is what I have learned.  It gives us the idea of the original make up of the angels and their duties.  They were to take the lead in God’s dealing with humanity.  There was a point of destination, what I have come to call God’s original intent, which they were to follow.  They were spirits given a unique body.  A hint of this is seen when Jesus is questioned of the Pharisees about a women who had several husbands that all died, and the Pharisees wanting to know which one would be her husband in heaven.  His reply was that they were ignorant not knowing that in heaven we neither marry nor are given in marriage BUT WOULD BE LIKE THE ANGELS.  Note, He didn’t say we would be angels, only like them in BODY.  Now catch this; these fallen angels who left their first estate and habitat go in the opposite direct we are heading.  They left that original body and state that they were assigned, came into a human bios body, thus were able to have intercourse with the daughters of Adam.  They might be what some in the New Age movement call, “Walk-ins.”  We all probably have seen a fictional movie where an angel falls in love with a human and gives up his estate to become a human, losing all his powers; giving us the mistaken idea that an angel can do this.  It is clearly revealed in scriptures there is a horrible consequence to such a choice.  Let me now continue my word study:
ANGEL:  Aggelos…messenger, envoy, one who is sent, an angel,  a messenger from God.
  1. Rooted in:  Ago…to lead, take with one
    1. to lead by laying hold of, and this way to bring to the point of destination:
    2. to lead by accompanying to (into) a place
    3. to lead with one's self, attach to one's self as an attendant
    4. to conduct, bring
    5. to lead away, to a court of justice, magistrate, etc.
  2. to lead,
    1. to lead, guide, direct
    2. to lead through, conduct to: to something
    3. to move, impel: of forces and influences on the mind
  3. to pass a day, keep or celebrate a feast, etc.
habitation:  oiketerion…
  1. a dwelling place, habitation
    1. of the body as a dwelling place for the spirit

Reserve:  Tereo :  which means
  1. to attend to carefully, take care of
    1. to guard
    2. metaph. to keep, one in the state in which he is
    3. to observe
    4. to reserve: to undergo something
Rooted in:  Theoreo, which means:
  1. to be a spectator, look at, behold
    1. to view attentively, take a view of, survey
      1. to view mentally, consider
  2. to see
    1. to perceive with the eyes, to enjoy the presence of one
    2. to discern, descry
    3. to ascertain, find out by seeing
Hebrew:  Desmon which means:
a band or bond
Origin of word:  Deo
  1. to bind tie, fasten
    1. to bind, fasten with chains, to throw into chains
    2. metaph.
      1. Satan is said to bind a woman bent together by means of a demon, as his messenger, taking possession of the woman and preventing her from standing upright
      2. to bind, put under obligation, of the law, duty etc.  
    3. to be bound to one, a wife, a husband
      1. to forbid, prohibit, declare to be illicit
Hebrew:  Zophos which means:
  1. darkness, blackness
    1. used of the darkness of the nether world
Origin of word:  Nephos which means:
  1. a cloud, a large dense multitude, a throng
    1. used to denote a great shapeless collection of vapor obscuring the heavens as opposed to a particular and definite masses of vapor with some form or shape
    2. a cloud in the sky
 The above words came together in light of our subtitle, “Disruption of the Channel.”  The text in Job were angels but not Sons of God as we are who have received Jesus Christ thus having rights to this claim. Remember, in the book of Hebrew’s text we mentioned it clearly says, to what angel did He ever say, you are my son; no angel should ever be called Sons of God.  They might desire this, as we see in certain angels leaving their original estate and habitat, but will never have such a right.  In this scene recorded in the book of Job, I don’t want to use the word “time” in regards to this scene which takes place outside this realm of time; so I’ll use the best word I could come up with and say, “Sequent of Event,” pre-history as we know it.  In this sequent of event in the eternal realm, the Sons of God (angels in this case) had come before God and at this sequent of event, Satan may not had been cast down to the earthly realm.  I believe this is a end time event seen in Rev. 12:10 “And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now is come salvation, and strength, and the Kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ, for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.”  (During the expanse of human history).  You see that he still had excess via dimensional doors enabling him to walk through out the earth then report as all the rest of the angels were called to do. Yet there is coming a time in the end times that this activity will end.   I have a strange suspension that this recorded event could have been what is said in Ezek. 28:15 “Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.” (Lucifer)  You notice in the Job account that God is carrying on a rather calm conversation with Lucifer; treating him as one to whom a question could be addressed with an expectant wise reply.  Remember Lucifer did hold a high position before his fall.  Yet Lucifer’s reply to God’s question has in it a sense of jealousy. (this could be the possible iniquity mentioned)  His reply is to demean Job, see him as some kind of lackey susceptible to being duped, saying in essence…”if you take away your treating him so well, Job wouldn’t be as great a servant that you make him out to be.” Now that to me is evil!  It sounds like the prodigal son’s brother who was jealous that his run away brother was treated well by their father when he returned home after squandering his inheritance.  I see this as the manifestation of the rivalry between the seed of the woman and the seed of Satan brought out in Genesis chapter three.  I believe that the “iniquity that was found in Lucifer” was this thing of jealousy; jealousy that humanity was given the right of Son ship and the angelic host were not; but rather were to be the servant to those who were to receive this son ship.  In a book by Taylor Caldwell called “Dialogs With The Devil” you see this rivalry expressed in her fictional story of Michael the Arch Angel pleading with Lucifer to end his hatred of humanity and return to God the Father.  Very interesting reading.
The thought of “Pattern” came to my mind as I did this word study, a change in pattern of activity not once known; thus “left their first estate.”  You see this in the passage we mentioned in Jude….” EVEN AS   Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in LIKE MANNER, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after STRANGE FLESH, are set forth for an example,”
The word EXAMPLE can be translated “Pattern.”  The same pattern which occurred in this sequel of event before this event in Sodom and Gomorrah is repeated in Sodom and Gomorrah…what?  Fornication and going after STRANGE FLESH.  Fornication is open free sex outside marriage; strange flesh was in Sodom and Gomorrah the homosexual act of male with male or female with female; thus the idea of strange flesh which in this case implies both the skin and view or perspective, carnal view of life.  There is also a hint of something even worst, the repeat of what occurred in Genesis chapter six.  You see it when the men of Sodom and Gomorrah desire the angels who came to save Lot and his family. It gives the hint that these in these corrupt cities had other angels to mate with and saw the angels who came to save Lot as more playmates.


Just because Paul the Apostle says that Satan can appear as an angel of light, doesn’t mean he is an angel of light.  He very well may have been one at one time, yet now we know he definitely isn’t; he is anything but.  The focus would be in the context where Paul is stressing “Appear as.”  The same could be applied when in Job, which we have been considering, says that Satan came before God with the sons of God.  That may have been Satan’s desire that they be called sons of God, but it wouldn’t make them sons of God; based in the Hebrew’s text, as we mentioned several times now, no angel is ever called a son of God.  So it is either another of Satan’s lies or these Sons of God were Sons of God.  Then the question is, “how could there be sons of God in heaven before Christ’s coming to offer us son ship?  Could it be that there is a possible pre-existence of the sons of God?  And if so, as some have advocated a pre-existence fall of these sons of God going after strange flesh; strange patterns for them, thus bringing about the existence we are experiencing today; an existence claimed by some to correct what had happened in this pre-existent fall of the sons of God?  (This matter is developed in my book, “Warnings of the Occult.”)
I can’t bring myself to believe in a pre-existent fall of the sons of God, nor can I see the angels as these sons of God.   I can see our pre-existence, yet not in the sense others have seen it.  I can see an eternal existence using the experience we now are experiencing to express who we were and God is through many such existences.  Even this is rejected by formal fundamental Christians as heresy which does not see us as ever existing before our natural birth via our parents in this life.  Yet over and over the expression or idea of a pre-existence can be seen when various Biblical writers say things like, “before being formed in the womb of my mother I was known, or chosen.” Ps. 22:9-10; Ps. 58:3; Ps. 71:6; Ps. 139: 13-16; Isa. 44:2; 44:24; 49:1,5; Jer. 1:5;Matt. 19:12; Luke 1:15; Gal. 1:15;   It is my belief we were all known and at some point and in this experience we regain this knowing, and if we don’t something is lost.  To what degree of lost requires some long explanations which I have developed, thus will come out later in this book. 
Other created beings beside Angel, Cherubim, Seraphim, and human kind; Angelic hybrids?  On Youtube you can hear all kinds of views on this surrounding this idea of hybrids.  At this moment for me, the jury is still out as far as my coming to some kind of final decision concerning these angels who left their first estate.  I do know that strange events did unfold according to Genesis chapter 6 and that we are told that as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Lord.  We today are seeing what had happen “in the days of Noah.”  Jesus’ warning of the end times being as the day of Noah is being fulfilled before our eyes, especially in this areas of Transhumanism, stem cell research and toying around with the human DNA.  I hope to add another chapter to this book or a separate book on this matter; as the Lord leads.  (Here is a Youtube link where I introduce some insights on this via three videos on Transhumanism, Tip of the Iceberg:
So, in conclusion, they were pure spiritual beings not having a bios body as we have.  They could traverse dimensional realms in this original state.  Yet they decided to give up this estate and take on a bios body, thus leaving what is called their habitation.  Those in the New Age movement might call them “Walk-ins.”  Remember as I just said above, “as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man (Jesus).  Will other angels do what a group of angels in Noah’s day did?  I believe they will and are at this moment.

Upon a deeper study of the destruction of that world it comes out that the real reason behind its destruction is linked with this matter of angelic being taking the daughters of men as wives (more than one) and producing a race of what’s called giants; a very strange mix of angelic and human hybrid.  Because of this, Noah, his wife, his sons and their wives, who were not hybrids of this strange union, were spared to start a new world after the flood.  Yet understand, generations later, humanity repeats what was done in Adams day.  This time God confuses the language to put a stop to this mixed breed.  I believe there is more to this matter of confusing of the language, which I at present am searching.  The Tower of Babel was built more to worship these fallen angelic or demonic beings rather than its height that is said reached to the heavens.  Many bring in Aliens and space ships and really get this matter confusing.  I don’t want to do that and have left this out of my article.  I have read a lot that is out there yet feel it distracts from something even deeper. More of this is brought out in another book I have called, “Warnings of the Occult.” 

(Found on my Youtube channel) 
At one point in my past I had gotten into learning how to write movie scripts.  To my surprise I found that its only value was to reveal spiritual matters.  What an adventure for which I am eternally grateful for.   I’m sure not all will agree with what I was given, yet still I’ll share it.  It came about from another study quite by chance; if I dare use the word chance, I guess God’s Spirit had more to do with it than chance.  One word came through my study on Genesis 1:1-2, the word “continuity.”  I will now share that study and how this word “continuity” came to light:

We read in Gen. 1:1-2 “In the beginning, (in other words before in the beginning in the mind of God) …in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” And the earth was without form, and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep.  And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.  Let me paraphrase this for you:
In the beginning, in other words, before in the beginning, in the mind of God, God created the Universe in which contains this planet we call earth.  Yet with it still being thought, was without form coming from the essence of this Eternal Personified Intelligence we know as God; thus in the void of unexpressed eternal energy, it sought to be manifested in the form of carnal energy, that which we have come to call, time, space and the material world.  It was into this void of darkness, the deep, that this Personified Intelligence said, “Let there be light, (the manifestation of the eternal energies in a temporal carnal material form expressed through light).  And so it was. 

Before we focus in on this word continuity, here is another interesting word, this word “void;” that leads us to our word continuity; listen to the definition of the word void:
1.       Containing no matter (as we have come to understand it to be in its temporal carnal form; which originally had not been intended; no death was originally intended…blame Adam & Eve for this.)
2.      Empty, unoccupied, vacant.
3.      An open space or a “Break in continuity.”
Taking this further, here is the definition to the word “Continuity:”
“The quality or state of being continuous; an uninterrupted succession or unbroken course.”
Now see what I saw in light of my movie screenplay, or script writing.  One definition for this word continuity read as follows:  “A detailed shooting script; consulted to avoid errors and discrepancies from shot to shot in a film.”

God calls the shots.  He laid it all out, thus these things were written that you might know. I John 5:13.  What has happen is that humanity has sought to throw out this detailed shooting script; thus error and discrepancies are the result.  Also some attempts have been done to do a rewrite of this shooting script (Bible) to where it becomes unreliable and has to be thrown out, as some have claimed.  Yet there are those who have traced it to its original source, so much so that they discovered that it still is a reliable source (the Bible).  Yet still some want to throw it out and think to come up with a whole new play.  God’s play still stands!

I believe that God doesn’t run things by throwing dice.  He has shown that there is an order and the only problem has been that we have at times second guessed this order or gotten totally off the track, thus error and discrepancies were the result.

In light of my attempts at screenplay writing, though limited, it was to convey stories I’ve had in my mind for years, and put them into a script format, with characters, scenes, action etc.  Sometimes I think what I should have done was first write out the story in great detail, publishing the book, then later, if the publisher desired it, have it made into a movie via a movie screenplay-script outline.

Well, with that said, let me share a spiritual insight off all this.  See this book we call the Bible, in truth to be a screenplay script, not the full story-book- which is in God’s mind fully played out start to finish (Call it the book of life).  In the script just brief character roles are brought out with greater time periods and greater variety of actions that would shed more light.

 Hold what I have just said in your mind and allow me now to add some more to this.  I have heard many teachings and interpretations on these opening comments of Genesis; yet I personally have never heard what I’m about to share.    If you read an article in the News Paper the opening paragraph gives you a condensed expression of what the following paragraphs build on.  Genesis 1:1-2 is such a matter.  If you miss this, the rest of what is said is in limbo or open for definition.  Here is what I see:
These two verses, Genesis 1:1-2, are like the opening of a News Paper article.  Verse one and two is THE TOTAL CONDENSED VIEW OF THIS WHOLE EXPERIENCE.  See it in this way:
1.      The original intent of God.
2.      The fall of humanity.
3.      The restoration of God’s original intent.
God in these two verses is letting the reader know that there was an original intent, yet in this original intent there is a BREAK.   And “No,” I am not leaning towards what is called “The Gap Theory.”  I won’t take the time in this article to explain just what the Gap Theory is; just go on the web and do a search for those of you who might want to know.  Those of you, who do know, will see why I said what I just said.  Other than the Gap Theory, I could agree with most of what I have read on these two verses in Genesis 1.  To bring out the direction I am going, remember our definition of VOID, focusing on where it says it is an open space or a BREAK in continuity.  In God’s original plan, there wasn’t this break that we see at the fall of Adam & Eve.  Yet in the Genesis’ record the break is brought out and how God over centuries brings all that does occur, recorded history, back to His original intent.  It’s amazing how He does this when you get into the study of how Evil appears to constantly seek to disrupt what God had originally sought.
I now “break” and would like to interject an article I wrote that fits with what I have said thus far.  I called it “Flashing Frames of Time.” 


We need a TOTAL PICTURE, before entrance and after exit. Imagine viewing an animated stack of papers. You grab the center of the stack and let the pages slip through your fingers stopping short of the beginning and the end. You get a sensation of something but not the total picture, Flashing Frames of Time. What you see was once in a Mind put into individual frames attempting to express what was complete in that Mind.  A reality complete in that Mind now being expressed through flashing Frames of Time and viewed by carnal minds trapped in a temporary experience believing it will last forever.

In the Mind of God, as it is written, “In the Beginning”...other words, in the Mind of God.  This text in Genesis, written in the Hebrew language, expresses this very thought.  The totality of the plan and purpose of God was complete yet unexpressed in this Mind of God.  It is expressed in this fashion, ”God created the heavens and the earth, “AND THE EARTH WAS WITHOUT FORM AND VOID.”

Void of expression, it waited for its expression.  THEN GOD is at this point that this manifestation came about.  We, being in this expression at different time periods, are like the above illustration of time frames seeing only an incomplete view of the total frames from beginning to end.  The whole of the Old and New Testament is this total view seen throughout all of Biblical History.  Starting in the middle you miss the total picture.  One must begin with THE BEGINNING.  It is called “In the Mind of Christ”.  It is our entering into this Mind to see the total picture.  The letter of this word, the Bible, does express it, but we must enter into the living experience causing this letter to come alive.

In older film making you could see the individual frames flicking as the movie rolled.  But today, there is such speed to film making that what is on the screen appears as REAL.  With High Definition TV and now 3D you get the sensation of BEING THERE.  Think of this in light of the old biblical verse, "And every imagination of their hearts was evil continually."  They had Time to develop speed and what was meant to be temporal became real to them.  So much so, that what was truly real became unreal.  It is also written, and alluded to, that time will be speeded up in the end, so much so that those days would have to be cut short lest all flesh perish...or get trapped in an unreality.  The DIRECTOR cuts the production to His Ending and intent.

They had thought to kill the Director and Screenplay writer, take over the stage and change the screenplay, playing out what was not originally intended.  As great as they might have thought their production was, and we ours, God will end it, consummating it to have it restored to his original intent for all who will fight for this original intend.  The carnal world around us may not see it this way.  They will see what you are advocating to be crazy and think to label you a dooms day prophet, end timer, a clog in the machinery of progress and a great hindrance of the advancement of their utopian dream created by them, who do not need the help of this so-called God. 

It is said that the rain falls upon the just and the unjust.  You can see why, for a time, their dream of creating a world without this old image of God can be accomplished.  It is His rain that they get to enjoy, with those who have not thrown Him out.  What had cost the Father His Son, they now enjoy not seeing the true source of this pure rain from that unseen to us all, just and unjust.  The latter day rains, the increase of speed.  The flashing frames speed by.   The change of the reel and it begins to un-reel.  The movie goes on......”SNIP”...the movie is cut short.  The audience sitting in the darkness begins to complain.  The HOUSE lights come on.  It is announced, THE MOVIE IS OVER....the film is broken.  It was God who created; it is God who sustains; and it will be God who Consummates this Experience.


This short article goes along with what I have said; though it is kind of repetitive, it adds

more to the picture. 

On a roll after entering this piece......What we are experiencing is the HOW of it all.

Take the letters of the word "HOW"




I have mentioned in the above segments how "In the Beginning" quoted in Gen.1:1

 implied more than our idea of beginning.  When translated it means.."In the Mind

of"...In the mind of GOD, the total sum of the matter of what we experience in these 6 to

7 thousand years, was thought out and completed.  What we are simply experiencing in

this life is the Expression and Out Working of what was IN THE MIND OF GOD. 

Amazing!  Image having 7 thousand years going off all at once in your mind....I thought,

"What a headache!!"   Gives the idea of a "Big Bang" a different meaning; I don’t

 particularly don’t agree with this big back theory, yet scientist today  have no idea of the

implications of what really happened.  

That same Geneses text goes on to say that what was in the mind of God, being

unexpressed, was without form and void.  Well, thank God it goes on to say then He

SAID....It is expressed and like a Big Bang, this expression sent vibrations that echoed

through time and space and formed the material world experience we are going through.

Again, science has no idea in their definition of the Big Bang!!  What a powerful voice of

expression.  It still echoes in eternity and continues into ages upon ages.


In recent News we all heard the horrible story of a Killer Whale killing its trainer.  They had thought they had trained it and for years it entertained the crowds.  Other T.V. specials revealed this same phenomena where trained bears, elephants, monkeys, dogs etc. suddenly turning on their trainers in moments of lax guard.  Never, I repeat, never think for one moment that just because it appears that the beast is trained, never lax your guard.  The danger of emotional attachment comes into play also in this warning..  It’s something I am sure we all know as I am sure trainers of these wild beasts would say and keep in mind during the entertainment.

They questioned if the Killer Whale should be put to death for killing its trainer.   There are cases where a dog attacking an innocent by stander was put to death, yet in this case, this Killer Whale was not.  I wondered why?  It might have been a matter of price of the beast, emotional attachment, or it could have been because of its entertainment value.  I really didn’t hear why, these are only my thoughts on the matter.  I did hear that they are thinking about placing these killer whales back into their original habitat.  We all kind of know that this isn’t going to happen; the Sea World Parks would lose out not only on the cost of their investment but also its entertainment revenue.  Then human emotions would come into the picture; animal activist wouldn’t have a problem with them being put out to sea, with the other side of the coin, scientific research and the general public that likes being entertained, the greater the danger, the greater the entertainment, objecting to their lost of entertainment and research contracts.

With that said, I hope to reveal some spiritual truth in light of this matter of taming the beast; thinking of what scriptures refer to, in various ways, such as the flesh, the carnal nature, the heart, the sin nature, iniquity, the outward man, double mind, left hand, and other such expressions which give us fair warning of what we are up against.  It was Paul the Apostle who expressed it as a wrestling match between the Spirit and the flesh.  Many warnings go along with this wrestling match that shows this it isn’t just a game nor should it turn into a sport to be seen as entertainment,  The wrestling match is a matter of life or death; our death if warnings aren’t heeded.

Taking this further using a Biblical base, again we hear from Paul the Apostle who got a deep look into this area of “The Beast” in us and expressed it this way, “in me, that is in my flesh, dwells no good thing:”  .”...also he expressed it in this way, "Who will deliver me from the embodiment of this death?"   He wasn’t putting himself down as some might think, rather, he stressed the flesh that was in him as his enemy as the text highlights…”that is in my flesh.”  Once again I must stress that in this text Paul is not referring to his skin body, but is identifying views and perspectives of this experience we encounter, these are our enemy; an enemy that has been shaped and has grown into this wild beast in us.  The reason behind laws and law enforcement being in place is because we all know about the potential of this beast in us all.  Many have sought to tame this beast or deny its existence.  They have called it the subconscious Id and many other psychological terms using untold therapies to tame and control it. 

Years ago I heard a phrase that haunted me; it went like this…”the enemy of my enemy has become my friend.”  I pondered this and came to this realization that the true enemy of my flesh is the Spirit of God.    To the flesh, a carnal world view of spiritual matters, it sees the Spirit of God as its enemy.  So, the enemy (the Spirit of God) to my enemy (the flesh) has now become my Friend, one with whom in my earlier days, I, my flesh, wrestled with.  In my earlier thinking, in a religious setting, I was lead to believe that I could tame this beast in me using laws and rules.  The beast deceive me into thinking I had got it to roll over and perform tricks at my command; tricks that were pleasing and entertaining to my religious peers.  This beast manifested its strength and powers and I thought that my taming it gave me the right to take from it its power and strength and use for my own agenda.  Then one day, under my illusion of control, it turned on me and took back that which I had taken.  My lost was a marriage and four children via a divorce, third seven years ago.  I discovered that I never really had control but that the beast that I thought I had tamed was in control.  I have learned since then, that there is no taming of this beast.  A warrant has clearly been issued via the word of God for it arrest, trial and sentencing to death.  Yet, with our self pity and emotional weaknesses, we fight what must clearly be enforced.  Yet again, we have become so attached to our pet beast that we see this as a treat not only to our pet, but also to OURSELF. (This is developed in two of my other books in the making, “Warnings of the Occult,” and “In the Shadow of His Power.”)

Quite a dilemma; one in which we are not alone.  All born through Adam & Eve must face this beast in us.  Some have called it the shadow, the dark side of our human nature.  They have said that we should learn to embrace our shadow, yet little do they know of what it is that they are embracing. I would not use the word embrace but would use the word “FACE”.  We are commanded to face the fact of what is in us from birth with a clear understand of what God has said concerning the heart, the den of this beast…”the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked, who can know it?  I the Lord have search the heart and tried its restraints.”  If anyone could truly sees our dilemma it would be the Creator.  To say anything to the contrary would be our calling Him a liar.  Yet this is the nature of the beast.  It was a liar from the beginning and did not abide in the truth.  Jesus said this very phrase to the so-called best of the best in the religious world of His day who laid claim that their father was Abraham.  Jesus corrects them and says, “your father is the devil and he was a liar from the beginning and did not abide in the truth.”
Without a doubt, my flesh, your flesh, and any one that I have ever known, does not want to hear this and will follow any so-called truth to avoid this confrontation.  They enter a broad road that appears correct, but its end is very destructive.  They set out to prove what God claims is a truth to be something other than true.  They gain a following for sure; they spread out their successes and methods of obtaining this success, yet God is excluded.  They boast how they didn’t need God or His Son found in a book they claim is myth.

I and many others have wrestled with this beast not only in ourselves but also in those around us. At some point in our experience we learn to stop wrestling with that which can’t be tamed.  We come to understand that it isn’t we who will conquer it, and we learn to rest in the One who already has overcome this beast dragging it by the tail kicking and screaming into hell itself.  And as strange as this may sound, we descended with Him riding the back of this beast gaining the victory over it; than with Jesus Christ the Lord, ascending with Him victoriously triumphant conquering death itself.  You may ask, “When did I do this?”  I’ll only say this for now, it was before the foundations of this world.  Matters the eyes can’t see nor ear hear.  It is an eternal fact, yet it is to the carnal mind’s foolishness.  In an eternal realm it is already finished or scriptures would not command us to be “SEATED” in heavenly places with Christ Jesus.  Again, it is a matter of perspective; either that of the Spirit or flesh, surrender or struggle.  Take His yoke upon you and learn this from Him; it is love in reality, which might appear harsh and dreadful, yet it is life saving.

I will be sharing matters to you that will address who we are in Christ, who we were, what we have become while in this experience, and what we shall be throughout all Eternity.  I know that most of you already do see a lot of this, yet hope what I have come to see builds on those things you know already.

Where do I get these things that I’ve come to see?  You can blame the Apostle Paul, who, coming to discover this, spent his whole life trying to convey what it was that he not only saw but came to experience; things which Peter honestly said were matters hard to be understood.
Once Paul gained these insights that he shares in all his Letters he did a comparison to who he had become in this life’s experience.  In the comparison to the new insights that he had gained, he in honesty and strong persuasion counted what he had become in this life as dung.  Now that is about as strong a word we darn use without offending religious ears.  You can imagine other words we might translate that word dung into today.  He had accomplished about as much as anyone could accomplish in his day in both the secular world and the religious world, yet in comparison to what he had gained, was considered dung.

We can’t imagine what this cost him.  If you notice, there is no mentioning of his parents.  It is assumed that they being Jewish disowned him for his beliefs, reckoning him as dead.  As for his peers, they wanted to kill him for these new insights.  Understand, Paul was a graduated from one of the top universities of his day; one located in Tarsus.  Being a Roman citizen of the Tarsus area, placing him in the upper crust of society; a man with wealthy parents and influence; it was this that he had counted as dung.  So, you can imagine the reaction of all those around him.

Imagine that in order for you to gain to any degree what he, Paul, had gained; it would cost you the same.  What would change in your life and what would be the reaction of those you once embraced?  We know that there are cults that have used this ideology to trap people off into their weird ideas.  So, you, now reading what I have said so far, might be starting to feel apprehension and rising doubts and question of where is Paul Woodward taking us?  Rest assure, I am not taking you anywhere in this world’s ideas of a place.  You won’t have to come to New Jersey or some distant island to a commune.  I don’t have a place to take you, nor do I desire to do that.  You won’t have to buy plane tickets and fly anywhere in the future to escape the big bad world.  You won’t have to leave family or friends to entertain what I have to offer.  If anything happens it will be made by those who cannot, or do not want to see what it is that you are seeing.  It will be them not you that leaves.  Do you think for one moment it didn’t hurt Paul to see his own family excommunicate him; see him as beside himself (crazy)?  Do you not think he would have given up his own place in the world to come, if it were possible, that his peers might come to see what it was that he had seen? (He said this in Romans 10).  

What I want to share to you has cost me dearly.  I take blame for some of the rejection simply because I had made mistakes in this experience, like a divorce years ago.  I have come to accept that from family members who kind of see me as the black sheep of the family.  That kind of reject we all can endure.  But the rejection of what you have come to know and experience as truth, and not being able to share it with those you love, simply because of your weaknesses, does hurt.  They can’t get past seeing as they did with Jesus, “Joseph’s, the carpenter’s son.” 
I have learned to not share too much of my past to those God brings into my life now.  The reason being that they might not have my weaknesses blind them to what God wants them to see through this vessel, Paul Woodward; I know you can understand this.  So, we may never see one another in a physical sense of the word.  We may not have gatherings in hotels and meeting up with one another; to only have elements of our weak flesh turn one another off.

I have seen this happen in the past when I was, for a long period of time, communicating some of the things I will be share with you, to other couples.  It went great until we decided to “get together.”  Just the fact of how one sips his soup, wears his or her clothes, etc. can be used of Evil to turn off the flow of God’s living word to us.  Sad that this does occur; that couple still communicates with me, yet now are limited in hearing what the Living Word desires to share to them through me.

So, whether this communications I have started with you the reader of this book goes any further then just this book doesn’t really matter.  What does matter is that what God wants us all to know, and that this “knowing” gets out there before something comes along and attempts to put a stop to it in some way or another. That day will come I know; and if it does we will all survive and go on as we have done in the past before we met.  Just for an example, I have had to break all ties to friends I once knew from a forum on the web.  I won’t explain why, but only say I had to do this.  I had hoped that we could see eye to eye, but I have discovered that this is not possible at this time.  Paul, the Apostle, had such a conflict with John Mark and Barabbas in scriptures, so I don’t feel alone in my decision.  Yet, from what scriptures reveals, later in Paul’s life he with John Mark and Barabbas reconciled.  Time will tell.
 So in closing the question is asked, “What did Paul see?”  Briefly he states it in this fashion, “He became known as he was known.”  This is what my studies have lead me to and I hope to share this with others; giving them insights of what was known of us all, before the foundation of this world.


Before there fall, Adam & Eve had intrinsic abilities, inherent powers.  Before I go any further, I feel the need to define a few terms.  The first being this word Intrinsic.  It is defined as:  1. essential 2. Actual; being a part, element, or quality of a thing; inmost being.  The word Inherent carries this word further.  “Being an essential part of something.”  The word Congenital takes us deeper into our subject matter: “Existing from birth.  Existing in or belonging to an individual inherently.  The synonyms of Intrinsic are as follows:  Ingrained, Inbred, Inborn, Essential, Elemental, Deep-seated, Constitutional, Build-in, Born.  Remember what Solomon said, “He has set eternity in the hearts of mankind.”
When I first got this word, intrinsic, as I said above, I was ordered to look up its meaning.  What a wealth of knowledge was revealed through just one word.  This study came about because of one implanted word.  Let me now pick up where I left off beyond the definition of this word intrinsic given to me.

Before their fall, Adam & Eve, had intrinsic abilities, inherent powers.  Intrinsic in that they did not have to learn things for they were created with the needed knowledge.  It was ingrained in them via birth, for example photographic memories with instant recall; build in language and ability to comprehend that language.  Had Adam & Eve not fallen, their children would have been born with these intrinsic abilities.  Period in the womb would have been longer.   (Note, I am saying things unknown.  So, understand, what is shared here appears as speculation, open to your questions and input.)  Why do I say that the period in the womb was possibly longer?   After the fall it is said, “I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception.”  Possible more births because of shorter time in the womb; with the child not fully maturing as originally intended, it would be born with pain?  Let’s go on with this speculation.  Before the fall, the time spent in the womb was longer.  Why?  There would be a longer period to which intrinsic abilities would be developed via the inherent natural of an un-fallen child.  The child would have had intrinsic abilities to even assist in it own birth, thus less pain involved (greatly multiply thy sorrow, after the fall).  Imagine it; no pain in child birth!  The child would not have resisted birth.  It would not have been forced by time or nature (9 months as we know).  But after the fall, birth period was shortened to fixed period of 9 months.  Thus, there would have been a lack of time for intrinsic abilities to develop?  Birth would have been resisted, in ignorance, by the child; fear of the unknown.  Whereas before the fall, the child would not have the fear of the unknown, it would have intrinsically known and welcomed the birth into this life.  It would have been prepared from the womb.  After the fall, the child, being unprepared, would have greater need demand.  Its educational process would encounter distractions and limitations.  It would have to struggle to learn, to comprehend the world around it, and a lot would have to be learned by trial and error.  The conscious mind would become dominant and the subconscious slowly suppressed.  I believe that before the fall the subconscious mind would have played a greater role and the conscious mind would have been heavily dependent upon it; this greater role would have only been like a storage battery, it would have supplied mankind needed power gaining its recharging from its true source of power God.   It was only an instrument through which the power of God would continually flow.   Yet, cut off from God, though it had great power, would over time diminish to the point that it would “DIE”.  Thus we see the cause behind death, humanity cut off from God, left with only a limited supply.  God never intended to give humanity “ALL” power to the point they would not need Him, and “Act independent” (sin) from Him.  (This is developed in my other books mentioned). 

If the fall had not occurred,  All born would have KNOWN intrinsic things, no one would have had to teach them, no one would have had to say KNOW the Lord, for ALL would have known Him from the lest to the greatest.  Note; the 1st Adam lost this for mankind; the 2nd Adam gained it back!!  Think about that for a moment!  Paul the Apostle hints at this in Hebrews 8:11 “And they shall not teach every many his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying “know the Lord;” for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest.”  (See my book, “Rights of the Unfallen Adam,” that develops this more).

 I have a separate study going on with this one.  It was given as “The Scaffolding”.   Another single word developed by the Spirit of God.   Without repeated that here, let me briefly say that it developed the idea of the ultimate intent of God’s purpose of building the church (think beyond the building as most think).  Yet using the idea of a building structure, seeing scaffolding as a needed element till the building was finished and the scaffolding come down; let us say that God intended to accomplish something in the first 100 years of the early church.  (Paul in the Hebrews text mentioned expressed this belief) Then the scaffolding of Apostles, prophets, evangelist, preacher/teachers were to be removed, the building being finished.  Yet this didn’t occur; the scaffolding remains till today.  Sad, if this is the case.  With that, let me now introduce further input on the Intrinsic Sons of God.  I am now thinking in light of the Scaffolding piece given to me.

That first generation of Christians that early church, called out assembly had in its grasp the ability to be the one-generation to which God would have accomplished His Intent.  What was His Intent?  To restore to “one generation” via Christ the 2nd Adam in them, what the 1st Adam had lost; Intrinsic knowledge, the second generation thus would not needed to say to one another, “know the Lord, for all would have known Him, from the lest (second generation) to the greatest (first generation).”  Being born with the knowledge of Him in the process of NEW BIRTH fulfilling thus the task that Christ gave; “He lighted every man” would have been known. 

Yet today the world moans and groans waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God; this generation of children, with the restored 2nd Adam with inbred, inborn, inherent, intrinsic, abilities.  Sadly nature still waits as we do as well.  It should have not been.  “Having begun with the Spirit, are you now being brought to spiritual maturity by the flesh?”   Self-willed religion and secularism reigned.  The sons of God are not manifested.   Is it too late?   Can this generation SEE and hope that the next generation will manifest what God Intended to be?  We could be its beginning, just SEE it!


This chapter will give you all of the articles I have written that brings out what I have seen that is different from anything others have written on this matter of pre-existence.  I open with my “sense of pre-existence.”

A sense of pre-existence

All my life, from a small child to now when I am 67 years of age, I sensed that we all pre‑existed in another realm. I felt attracted to the pursuit of this; drawn to the meaning and purpose of this experience and why we all were "Called" to this experience.  I lacked the vocabulary back then that now I have gained over time.  It was as if I was lead to increase my vocabulary because one day I would need to express what I knew to be the truth.  I knew that at around the age of fifty I would begin to gather notes which eventually were recorded on cassette tapes and now transposed to CD's, and now this book.   

 For a time, I entered into the religious scene attending Bible College.  Though I learned a lot and had some great experiences, I always felt something was missing in what they said.  Only half truths with fear of ever going beyond what theology dictated.  I when though the various denominations and eventually was lead to adventure out side the limitations and fears they had of going off what they thought to be “the deep end.”

Outside I found that my thoughts attracted more insights and experiences of those insights.   I remembered!  I remember making promises to others to assist in the smooth transition through this life's experience and back again.  I was told the meaning and purpose behind this experience..."You will all be living expressions of the expansion of the Beloved."

 I remember asking, "What is meant by this?"  The reply was, "Who I AM and who you are, will be, in the original intent of this experience, expressed through a temporal material world; one among many ages upon ages.  There will be an Evil that will seek to disrupt this expression and expansion. Those who are chosen will be able to overcome this disrupter and assure an exit and way back guaranteeing its continual unfolding.  This was the purpose of My sending My Son, Jesus Christ.  I AM with you always."

This was only one of the many recalling assurances given to me to share with those I promised to assist in this experience.  I am not alone in this.  Others remember for a reason; that reason being to assist those that may not remember.  To give this temporal experience real meaning that would reach beyond to a True Reality which goes on forever.  I have been told that this is "The Awaken".  (Others are using this idea of an awakening; please do not get what I am saying confused with what they are saying).  An awakening from a sleep that hides from us a pre‑existence and would seek to entrap us in a world originally intended to be temporal.  I knew I would share with others the many typed up notes I have on file along with the CD’s.  I knew, that to those to whom I once knew in this other realm, I must do this, for I have promised to do so and this book is the beginning, the Invitation, of that promised.                                                 


My mentioning a pre-existence scares some people. You can understand what is meant when it is said that we "work out our salvation with fear and trembling." Simply because we cannot remember it doesn't mean it wasn't so. Others have attempted to introduce this idea of a pre-existence and give us many reasons to be turned off to it because of the farfetched ideas they have presented.

I have known this all my life. In the past I could not have known how to express it. When I attended Bible College they taught that it was heresy. I put it down during those years. Yet this Knowing remained in me and triggers in this experience kept re-establishing what I once knew even as a young child. As I have mentioned to others, this is the only reason that keeps me in this life's experience outside my Wife, Daughter and Son.  I must continue to share that which I am compelled to share. Let me use the words of Paul the Apostle.... "For the Love of Christ constrains me and keeps me from considering any other way, for I thus judge, if one died for all, then ALL were dead. In that He died, that we, who NOW LIVE, should no longer live unto ourselves, but unto Him who for us, died and rose again." It is this Love that keeps me sharing what I know with family, friends, work associates and you the reader of this book ....nothing else. I'd love to return HOME, but as it was said in the movie, The Gladiator......"but not yet.!!"

Things Not Remembered

(A repeat of what I had said earlier in another context, now with additions)..I am going to share to you things you may not remember.  It's not important that you remember at this moment, only that you listen to things of an eternal nature established before the foundation of this world's experience; things that will, as you desire so, things that will give this temporary experience its true meaning.
(Used in Video 3 “The Ultimate Intention of God”)

There was a realm before this experience when we were in the Beloved; as I have mention in video 2 “In the Mind of God.”  We loved one another and rejoiced of that which was to take place.  We were given the opportunity to be THE LIVING EXPRESSIONS OF THE one of many temporary ages.  At first, we didn't need to know, in this experience, what we once knew and rejoiced about in that eternal realm.  For the experience to qualify as a true experience, this had to be.  In this realm of time, which we have grown so accustom to, glimpses of glory of that realm would be triggered to assure our safe journey from its beginning to its end.  Keep this in mind as you read what follows.

A question was once put to Job, "Where were you when the Sons of God rejoiced together?"... never considered by him, which became the answer for him and for us.  Job had said earlier in text, "Shall I see God in the flesh?"  He was not speaking of the skin body because just before this he mentions the body and how it will one day decay..."And though after my SKIN worms destroy this BODY, yet in my FLESH shall I see God...."  Note this is not said as a question by Job, but a lost perspective he was slowly regaining via his present experience.

Flesh mentioned here is referring to view and perspective of this experience carrying the same meaning Paul uses..."Having begun by the Spirit, are you now brought to maturity by THE FLESH. (Other words, do you think you will ever be able to figure out what this life is all about apart from eternal spiritual insights to it all).  Job was in a learning, awaken moment to things he at that moment could not remember or forgotten and God's words TRIGGERS and REMINDS him.  This reminder is Jobs answer.  An answer he had only heard by ear, yet not experienced fully.   After it is all over and his so-called comforters are silenced, Job experiences what he had once just heard, now he SEES!  Job 42:5...."I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear; but now mine eye sees you."  What he had seen earlier as tragic...the lost of his prestige; the lost of his children; the lost of his possessions and the respect of his wife, now reached beyond all this. 
Not unlike the caterpillar wrapped up in its cocoon, experiencing what it might call tragedy, not knowing that one day it will be a beautiful butterfly, we too are experiencing the same. When we reach beyond the tragedy we many times experience in this life's temporary journey we get answers that the temporal could never give.  No amount of comforters could ever understand if they do not see the original intent of this life's experience and only focus on that which was only meant to be temporal.  They only see the tragedy of it all.  They only see THE WOMB, the process, not the outcome of the beauty of the butterfly.  The original intent of this experience is liken to this butterfly; nothing wrong in the needed process of human experience, but when this process clouds out the original intent, what was once a womb now becomes a trap with death as its end not life.

Job, like us, began to slip into this stagnate entrapment.  Read it for yourself in Chapter 29.  Job remembers his past.  He is reaching for the ROOT of his dilemma.  Hear what he says:
“Then I said, I shall die in MY NEST, and I shall MULTIPLY MY DAYS as the sand, my ROOT was spread.”

Listen to this statement given to me:   “The hedge which Satan said was around Job was a consistent view of the temporariness of this life’s experience.  Forget this for one moment and you open yourself to what Job learned for us.  You hear in Job’s above statement a lost view of this life and its original intent when Job used the words MULTIPLY, NEST and ROOT.  This is triggered in Job’s mind as he reflects back. 

When Satan says to God, Remove this protective hedge from around Job and he will curse you, God knew that the hedge was already down, thus power is given to Satan. Yet note this!   God begins to work this to his end intent which was that life was to be only a temporary experience.  It is not our nest or a place to spread roots.  Forget for one moment this truth or reality, and evil’s lie that got you to think this way to begin with, attempts to work its end intent.  It, Evil, builds you up only to destroy you not God!!  This old fear, that most get, after reading the story of Job and hearing teachers who attempt to understand it, is a fear that God gives, and then takes away, and say the very words Job said..”The Lord giveth and takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord.”  One big lie!!

James hits the nail on the head when he said...”let no man say when he is tempted that he is tempted of God, but men of their own lust and enticement are drawn away.  And when lust is conceived it brings forth sin, and when sin is finished it bring forth DEATH.

That’s the King James text version.  Now hear it clearer....let no one say when he goes from great success in life either by his own efforts or attributes his success to God, let not that person attribute his fall from this success to God.  See it for what it is.  Your own desire to seek to save this life, which was originally intended to be only temporary, thus loses the original perspective of the temporariness of this experience.  If you lose this perspective, you are in this ACT alone open to the very one who gave you this mistaken idea that all this is permanent where you can settle in and establish and spread out roots, thinking you are here to stay forever.  If you fall for this lie, evil will expose its lie and its real end intent which was not success but sudden destruction and death.

Note, God does not allow Satan to reach his end intent and forbids him the right to bring Job to death.  Why?  These things were written for our example.  Hear this in light of what Paul said.....There is no temptation taken you but what is common to “ALL” men, but God has prepared a way of escape that you might endure it.  Flee idolatry.....let him who has wisdom think on what I have said.”  See what Paul was saying at the end of this passage....Flee idolatry.....It is worship of this experience and forgetting its original intent that gets you into the trials you are in.  Flee not the world...or as the deeper Greek says don’t get rooted in it all.  ENJOY IT, JUST DON’T WORSHIP IT, even if it is God giving it to you as it was to Job.

 In a pre-existence, we would have KNOWN matters, “yet,” without the EXPERIENCE.  There is a big difference between knowing and experiencing.  The example I’ve used to explain this is as follows:  When I thought to enter the Military, I had in mind the movies I watched as a kid and memories of the war games we played.  So, I had some knowledge about being a solider, the glamour of it all.  Even the Recruiter made it sound so inviting.  So I joined.

I remember the first day at Boot Camp.  IT HIT ME!!  The choice I had made based only on what knowledge I had.  Now I was in the EXPERIENCE of that knowledge and it proved to be quite different.  I remember saying to myself, “WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!”  I couldn’t have known before joining what I now was experiencing. 

In Hebrews Chapter 12 it is written, “who for the joy present with Him, endured the cross, despising the shame.”    The JOY mentioned here is a pre‑existent joy Christ had with the Father.  Christ KNEW before coming in a body what it would cost and take to accomplish his task.  You hear Him even while here, seeing and remembering what He knew before coming, speaking to the matter of His death on a cross, being a Jew despised, later to be rejected not only of His peers but also the world.  He KNEW this, yet, the EXPERIENCE (His being “Touched” by our infirmities) was to come.  You could say it unfolded to him in this experience, what he knew in its completeness before coming.  As it was needed, it unfolded moment by moment.  Any other way would have disqualified his experience, making it not a truly real one.  It would have been just an act and him following the script.  It was no act, because he only knew what was pre-written as it unfolded itself to him.  This would allow a true chance of his going independent of it all...what we call being says he was tempted as we are tempted.  This guaranteed this.  He would have been as we are, dependent upon the Father to know.  Remember, this was his choice to do this.  So, when he came into a body, “he learned obedience by the things he suffered.” (Heb. 5:8)  He couldn’t have come knowing what he knew before he came, to really qualify as a man.  You can see why he is called the God/man.  All memory of his pre-existence was set dormant in his mind UNTIL activated.  A time delegated of the Father.  We know that was at 12 years of age.  We all have such a time....”we are under tutors, guides, UNTIL a time delegated of the Father.”  (Gal. 4:2)

 Another point or view must be added here.  This KNOWING which Jesus and we had before this experience was already complete.  The knowing in the NOW, already had the experience of which we experienced in this realm of time past, time present, and time future.  This realm is a rather slow, drawn out expression of the NOW, which is at such a speed that the only expression of it is that it just “IS”.  It would be hard to express with three dimensional languages.  Jesus being crucified before the foundation of the world was more real in that realm and complete then what we observed in this seen realm of time at a slow crawl.  

What we are accomplishing in this realm is only this expression of what IS, yet greatly slowed down.  It, these expressions of the IS will go on forever.  No one single age of expression will ever accomplish this.  (This will be developed more in another chapter).

Let me say more on His coming into a body.  It said that this was “like our flesh”.  I’ve had it said to me that His coming into a human body would be liken unto our becoming crabs to save all crabs; our going from one experience as a human being to becoming a crustacean; our taking on all the experiences that a crab would have in order to understand them to save them from their lot.

We can’t imagine this devastating and drastic change that Christ went through coming into a body!  In the Hebrew text mentioned, it goes on to say...."despising the shame" other words it was saying... if that was what it would take, He was willing to “empty of Himself,” set aside the Joy, a Joy pre-existent, prior to coming as a man, being in the essence of God, to become a man.  All He previous attributes of Deity, power and abilities were set aside and He CHOSE to not act independent from this predetermined decision, and would be like infant, a child, a young adolescent to an adult.  All that we experienced He would experience.  In this emptying it did not mean He ever STOPPED being who He was.  It only implied it being set aside to qualify this experience in a body as a real one.  In order to accomplish what was intended to be accomplished, He had to be what is said, "LIKE OUR FLESH"...implying more then a body but in every other aspect of our experience like us.  I hope you caught that.  Others misunderstand this and twist His coming to something other then what it was.

 So, if what I am advocating, if we knew, as Christ knew before coming, we would have Chosen even as He chose...knowing it would work to the Good....that realm’s interest and intent.  Yet with this pre‑existent knowledge, we would not as of yet known the experience of this knowledge.

You hear Christ coming to the experience of that knowledge He had before coming, with His expression in the Garden.   And you see that the experience of that knowledge was far greater and devastating...”Father, if it be possible, please let this cup past.”  He expressed it this way, “The flesh is weak”...weak in its perception at that moment.  Not until He goes on in obedience does it unfold to him more.  Then on the cross the weakness of the flesh hits him again feeling forsaken.  Once again, going on, he sees it...”it is finished;” obedience always proceeds
understanding.  We knew as well, looking at our decision to come and the environment we would be coming into, our choices, YET...we had no idea of the experience.....WE DO NOW.....And if you can see what I am saying here now, you might understand what Paul meant when he said...”In all things give thanks, for this is God’s will towards you.”   Without this view or perspective of a pre-decision, pre-existence of it all, it would not make sense to give this thanks. 

Imagine with me the Blind man choosing to come into a life of poverty and being born blind?  Well, first of all he would know the words of being blind yet not having the experience of being born blind.  He comes into this body, defected from birth to be blind.  Spends most of his life being blind; judged a sinner for being blind and ends up begging.  UNTIL....Jesus came along.

Hear what is said..."Who sinned, him or his parents?"  Jesus’ replied, "Neither, this is for the manifestation of the power of God."  How about that for a REASON for coming into this body! Could the blind man thank God for his blindness?  Not at the moment.  But after his healing he “saw” it.  That is the last we hear of him; that was the only thing and purpose to his life; and I would say, “WHAT A PURPOSE!” His one act would surpass many so-called successful famous acts of those who have no idea of the purpose of this life and its experience.   Looking at what was manifested through just that one life, a blind man, that appeared to be a tragedy, now can be seen with meaning and purpose beyond any idea he, those around him, and  we might now have.  What is our idea of accomplishment?  For that blind man, that may have been the only thing he ever accomplished; yet WHAT AN ACCOMPLISHMENT, the manifestation of the Power of God.   Jesus' main focus was on a brief three years.  He accomplished more in that concluding three years then most of us will accomplish in a life time.  Time, purpose and as brief as it may appear, matters more in Quality of that life rather then the Quantity of that life.  An intent pre‑determined before the world's understanding and judging of a matter with the limitation of the experience cut off from any idea of a pre‑existent purpose or will, and our FREE WILL participating in these decisions and choices. I will be sharing more on this in a later chapter that deals with what I’ve called pre-written script.

Now being born blind; good thing or bad thing, child's fault or parent fault?  You decide.  Decide with this limited perspective or see something greater.  We seem to decide based on our present point of   Do you know how hard it is to shake this point of view?  A view which we are shaped in from our carnal birth, cut off from any knowledge of any other view or perspective.  No wonder it is said, "We work out our salvation with fear and trembling".
We might think we are writing our lives experiences out as we go alone.  We can do this or we can come to see that whatever we are, and we think we are writing now, was written, with our free will assisting in this writing, before we came.  We may not remember doing this and there is a reason why we don’t.  As I have already mentioned, Jesus didn’t recall it until he was 12 years of age.  If we had that pre-written script before us, our experience could not have been a true one.  We would have only been “actors on the stage of life”....just an act and not a true free will choice to either come to see this, via its experience at first, later to be discovered to have been pre-determined by God and us, or start our own written ideas of the meaning and purpose of this life which many have done.  Paul expressed it this way, “having gone about establishing their own righteousness they have forfeited the righteousness of Christ.” (Romans 10:3)....or said in this way, “having gone about over writing their script for their lives, not wanting to know what was once known and written by them and God before the foundation of this world, they have canceled out ever knowing what they once knew.”

It is more of an UNDOING to bring about the DOING of His good works established towards us before the foundations of this limited world's view of it all; Ephesians 2:10 “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, WHICH GOD HATH BEFORE ORDAINED that we should walk in them.”   It is also expressed this way, “The author and finisher of our faith.” Heb. 12:2.....this Christ, meaning in this case the purposes and reasons of our lives in this experience, was authored, written by our free wills in that Christ, existence, realm...authored from beginning to end.  It was our part in this story.

Another thing must be understood.  The so-called timing of this knowing and experiencing of it all in the eternal realm was instantaneous, immeasurable.  It was something we just always knew just needing expression, which the purpose of this life here and now was to be about.  I’ve seen it as His intent and purpose, the expansion of the expression of the Beloved.  (Shared later under this title in this book).   Imagine what little we know of the speed of light.  That realm is all about this matter of light.  The light, life and LOVE (God is love) of God.   More on this matter of the speed of light and its affect on us in this experience will be shared in a later chapter of this book.  Here is a highlight of this in regards to our new bodies.

Now concerning this idea of our getting a new body, what we call a resurrected body.  We, in this realm of time, think that this body isn’t there but will be in the future.  Christ being in a resurrected body is seen in the same way.  We think he didn’t have this until after his death, burial and resurrection.  From our view of matters it appears this way.  Yet, in that realm, once again, it always was.  What we see manifested here is only a manifestation how this ALWAYS WAS – “IS.”  I can’t use the word “was accomplished” would then imply a process of time also giving the impression that there was a time that it once didn’t exist. It has always existed.  It’s an Eternal Fact; this view which Paul used and expressed, “Having the mind of Christ.”  This mind set was of a mind set of an eternal realm not time as we know time.   More will be shared on this in a later chapter.


 “ In the world you will have tribulations, but I have over come the world.” John 16:33

How did Jesus accomplish this?  We mentioned it in the previous chapter in the Hebrew text “Who for the joy present with him, endured the cross despising the shame.”  The KEY is hidden in the above text.  “BY THE JOY PRESENT WITH HIM;”  a pre-existing joy.  It was a joy He once shared with the Father.  It was this joy that gave him the ability to ENDURE.  Without it He would not had accomplished what He did.  What was this joy and how can we benefit from it.

I, earlier, touched on this with the question once asked Job by God, “Where were you when the Sons of God rejoiced together?”   It is now asked of us.  Where were we when the sons of God rejoiced together?  The answer, this view or perspective, will give us the ability to endure this experience.  Without it, we will falter.  “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith (experience).  For consider Him, least you grow weary and faint in your mind.” (Heb. 12:2)

Do you feel as some, that you did not exist until your natural parents, beyond just the thought, activated a physical act and thus you were conceived?   Thinking that prior to this you were non-existent.  If you believe this, then your hope lies in this life only.  Depending upon where you were “so-called born,” your experience would be one of joy and happiness or misery and sorrow, with thousands of unanswered questions as to this thing of your lot and why.  The joy which I’d like to address is greater then any joy or misfortune this experience could ever give you; an eternal joy which had no beginning nor ending, held in reserve to assist you in a temporal world.

It is said, “If in this life only we have hope in Christ only, we are men most miserable.” I Cor. 15:19  In other words, if you can not regain this joy to which Jesus experienced and I am addressing, all you will have is a form of what God knows to be a truth.  Forever learning but never coming to its knowledge, this pre-existing JOY.  Or some form of self willed religion that lacks the power coming from the knowledge of a pre-existing joy, a pre-existing joy that is the POWER OF AN ENDLESS LIFE.

In this world only, you might feel you have this joy and this peace, but tomorrow, with circumstances changing, might feel differently.  Paul, the Apostle, said that he had learned to be content in what ever circumstance he encountered.  How could he do this with out faking it as many do?  Pretending things are O.K. when they really aren’t.  I believe he saw and experienced this joy, this pre-existing view and expressed it in this way, “then shall I know even as also I am known.” (I Cor. 13:12)  He considered himself as an Ambassador, (one sent from a foreign country, in this case another realm, the REALM OF JOY).  From this experience he had come to feel like a pilgrim, a stranger in this experience and one time expressed a desire to depart which would be far better.  Yet for the sake of what he had come to experience as a TRUE REALITY, stayed for the sake of others gaining this view. (Phil. 1:22)  I am glad that he did and wrote what he wrote.   He labor was not in vain.  Joy in the seen comes and goes but this pre-existing joy remains forever.  It was before this experience and will be after it. It is what Paul called the hope not seen.  He said that seeing the hope that this world has to offer comes and goes, but the hope unseen once discovered never ends because it is a hope eternal.

 Jesus, I am sure, had moments of joy in his life with family, friends and his disciples.  The joy, which I am addressing, is not referring to this kind of joy.  That kind of joy came and went when Jesus walked out the door at 30 years of age.  Beyond that they saw him as crazy.  His own disciples couldn’t understand him at times.  The crowd loved him one moment and hated him the next.  That kind of joy came and went.  The joy present with him was that “PRESENCE” before his incarnation, now sustaining him.  It assisted him in saying what needed to be said without fear of retaliation.

What I have said above is the only thing I have left to sustain me in this experience.  I have seen and experienced this joy and have felt the same longing to depart which would be far better.  From whence I came I do long to return.  But for the sake of Irene, my wife, Heidi, my daughter and Eric my son, I remain.  Also because of what I have seen and experienced and the need that it be shared; this alone keeps me here, nothing else. 

In the next segment I will develop this matter of a pre-existent JOY; a joy which is based in a Unity that only God and that realm can offer.


Love’s definition is shared below in this chapter; which I see is the problem of mankind’s never finding a unity in the diversity found in this life’s experience.

Before you read this definition below, let me briefly share my view of a true diversity, one which passes any diversity thought by others; a diversity which is between the seen and the unseen, that finite and that Infinite, something that no human effort to rectify this division has been able to resolve.

This division is more then the male/female issue, race issue, culture issues or national issues. These are only the by-product of this greater division. Some are only man-made or temporary divisions God instituted to an eternal purpose. Our focusing on these temporal divisions misses the division beyond which the answer lies.

In the Unseen, the eternal realm, none of these divisions exist. Neither male nor female, nor bond or free, nor racial ethnic difference persist there. Gal. 2:23  It’s been called The New Creation. New as in “new to us” in that we haven’t seen it in this experience and world that presently surrounds us.

What I have seen of this unity links to a pre-existence. A pre-existence idea beyond any you may have heard of.  So, bear with me as I introduce this insight to you once again in light of a pre-existing unity of the Spirit of us all.

This in only a brief exposé of all I have on this matter. Know that more will follow in this book.
The human spirit is eternal in nature. Other words, it always was thus always will be. It can never die. It can lay dormant or be cut off from it original source by choice in exchange for things temporal expressed in scriptures as “carnal”.

The carnal man can not receive the things I’m about to share. Not that the ability isn’t available. It’s lying dormant waiting to be awoken. This awaking comes at the death of the carnal. One view sacrificed for another.

The human soul (intellect, emotions and will) was intended to be an instrument to express this spirit. It was the spirit that quickens it and not the other way around. It’s been expressed in this fashion...”The unseen surrounds the seen.” What happened was that the seen ate up the unseen, redefining it thus canceling the Unseen out, calling that seen, the universe and god. That is as brief as I dare to express it. As I’ve said, more will follow later in this book.

Let me at this point share what I shared on this definition of Love:


“It’s a pre-existing harmony manifested beyond the seen, coming from that Unseen, drawing us back to a Unity that always was, is, and will be. It was what should of carried us through the trials we would encounter in this temporary experience. This matter of the word used here, love, is more then just an emotion. It reaches to what was, and what will be again, and is expressed in the sacrifice of anything picked up in this experience that might disrupt this unity. A unity preserved in a realm where disunity cannot exist.
Knowing this preserved unity which was before this experience, and being awakened to it while here, is what keeps me going on in this experience. It gets me past any indifference, disagreement, I might have, getting to know others after another world’s idea of who we are, to get them back to realize who we were, not what we have become. The closest word to express it, and even that falls short because of its use and abuse while here, is the word JOY. This joy gets its strength from seeing another realm, not here. It is expressed here, but it comes from there and is perceived as LOVE personified. It can love the unlovable because it sees past the seen and touches the unseen reality of our once being in the BELOVED, existing together as one, yet each uniquely expressing the whole.

Many have sought to discover this unity in diversity apart from this pre-existing preserved JOY. We must return to receive what was lost. This carries us and changes our view of one another. Our failing to know one another after this temporal experience isn’t the problem. The problem is not remembering who we WERE; something that was intended to be expressed now and in ages upon ages to come. This is the true expression of Love and the Beloved.

Let me now expound further on this. The world’s idea of joy comes and goes and is dependent upon circumstances. The joy from the eternal realm doesn’t need favorable circumstances to prevail. Its by-product is called contentment with a peace that passes all understanding.

Without a Revelation of this unity in diversity, we could have never guessed it or found it in this life’s experience. None would ever have had what we all desired, peace, unity in our diversity. One important text, which I have mentioned, reveals the true meaning of this use of the word “JOY”.....
“Who for the JOY present with Him, endured the cross, despising its shame, and now is set down on the right hand of God.”

Who for the joy present with Him....This life and its idea of joy was not the joy expressed in this text. The joy mentioned was a pre-existent joy He had with the Father. The power of that reality, gave Him power once all human joy and its power was drained, to endure the cross and its rejection and shame.

In this joy, in the pre-existent view of joy, comes the power we need to endure this experience. Any other view that the flesh has (the world’s ideas) is weak and is expressed as such by Jesus and Paul the Apostle. Jesus had said in the garden, “The flesh is weak but the spirit is strong” at that moment he was about to be deserted, rejected by all. Any carnal idea of joy that he may have had would be GONE!!  The only joy that remained was the Joy he could remember that he and the Father enjoyed before his incarnation. The joy of knowing, that he had agreed, that if the need would arise for his coming to save humanity from its lot, he would come and suffer as he did, yet would rise again delivering humanity. It was this JOY that empowered him to get up, and go to the cross.

Paul, seeing this from Jesus, came to see it as well. He realized that his strength came from his weakness; his lost of a carnal idea of joy, to gain a pre-existent joy which he expresses as “Being known as I was known.”  It was this joy that gave him the power to be what God had called him to be. It also is the joy that will carry us through this life’s trials.

Pinch Me, I’m Dreaming

Whenever life gets so good, we hear people use the quote, “Pinch me, I’m dreaming.” We say this with the hope that we aren’t dreaming.  How do we pinch someone to awaken them out of this Adamic sleep?  It would require more then a physical pinch because it is the physical that constitutes our dream reality. Pinching someone in this case would only confirm it.  We sing songs with the words, “He touched me.” Are we implying a physical touch? Or is there something more real to this touch meant by the song writer?    

These are thoughts and questions started by the simple quote, “Pinch me, I’m dreaming.” It is said that Jesus PRICKED them to heart. So, to awaken you to a true reality and get you to wake from this Adamic sleep, I will have to do more then pinch you in a physical sense as the quote implies. It requires something much deeper, reaching beyond our conditioned thoughts and emotions to an area of our deepest being. It’s been called “the spaces” in-between matter; matters that matter, which sustain and hold all things together. It’s these spaces of our being that have to be shaken. The writer of the letter to the Hebrews wrote that God once shook the earth, yet once more will not only shake the earth but also will shake the heavens, signifying the removal of all that is seen, to reveal the UNSEEN.  (Heb. 12:26-29)  This is the pinch that has worked in our lives many times without our being aware of what was happening.   The effects of this pinch, what experience would we encounter?  Well, first it would change our sense of this reality. So, to pinch in a spiritual sense would mean I would have to say things that would alter your sense of reality.   I will express, later in this book, the expression, “In sleep, out of sleep.” Using a natural illustration, I will explain what I meant. 

You are in a beautiful dream and the alarm sounds and awakes you to your reality....”Pinch.” You are on your vacation and then you have to return home, having to go to work the next day –“Pinch.”     We get repeated pinching in this life and its reality to get us to face another reality, that of the routine from that of a night’s rest or week of vacation. The two realities of even this unreality, work verses pleasure, reveal what I am attempting to unveil in this book.   Like the natural, we also are pinched in like manner of this unreality verses the True reality. Awakening us to a higher calling and responsibility for which, without, this reality and experience would be as Paul said, “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are men most miserable.” If the PINCHING of the True reality does not come into play, you are only left with what the natural has to offer, which is home to work, home to work, home to work, sleep, wake, sleep, awake. Solomon called it the vicious circle and vanity, meaning emptiness of boredom and routine with no hope of it ever ending. Depressing stuff this matter of pinching, as the world turns, yet, the pinch to which I am referring to here is a PINCH TO HOPE.    


As I reflect on what I am writing here, I see where I have wakened to some small degree to this other reality. I am on vacation at this moment and know I will have to return to work in a few days...Pinch. I must go back to their reality and play my part.   When I expressed these thoughts, in relationship to this writing, it was new to me, this matter of dreaming. So, I asked the Lord for its understanding. The understanding came via the trials of my present life. What I once called beautiful, is now more like an Adamic nightmare.

In the song by the Moody Blues, “Nights In White Satin,” one line of that song expresses it
this way, ”beauty I have always missed, with these eyes before, just what the truth is, I can’t say any more.”  Pilate and his generation, the peak of the Roman Empire, saw this, and Pilate expressed it at Jesus’ trial....”What is truth?”     We are living in an Adamic nightmare making the best of it; but once you are given a glimpse of the true wake state, it’s hard to come back or function in it, this Adamic nightmare. The only thing that gives us reason to return back to this nightmare is a strong desire to deliver, awaken, others to what we now know to be the truth.     What if this is a nightmare to which we have adjusted to?  If facing this fact, can we do anything to change it?   I believe the answer is yes. I have expressed it in this way...”we have to live as if Adam never fell; then coming to realize that we could enter and leave this nightmare at will, returning with assistance to those unaware of it all.”    The ability to do this was lost by Adam, who chose to believe the lie that he could live out this life, play god, independent from God.


Time to awake out of sleep; the day is far spent, the day of this experience.  This Adamic induced sleep.  Imagine being given the task of waking those asleep.  The anger you will confront because you disturbed them.

We are born into this world via a sleep.  A sleep in that we lose consciousness of that which we once knew.  This sleep experience was not intended to last forever, but was meant to be temporary.  To better understand the use of the word sleep, let us take a look at it from our current experience of sleep as an illustration.

While we dream in our sleep state, the dream world feels real to us.  The emotions and thoughts give it a sense of reality.  It can even have physical sensations.  We, in this dream state, can live days even weeks at a time.  Also we can travel great distances.  It has all the truth of that which we have in a wake state.

Now going a step further, there are times, when dreaming, we realize we are dreaming.  Knowing this, that it’s only a dream, we get bold and can express greater truth to this dream world then if we didn’t know we were dreaming.  Ever have those moments?  You say and do things you would not do in a wake state.  Now imagine that you find out that this life and its experience is like this experience in dreaming.  You now KNOW that it’s just a temporal dream and that you will soon awake.  Fears would leave you that you once had not knowing this.  What others might think of you would no longer matter.  You would find yourself speaking truth you otherwise would not say.  You know your real world is not of this dream world.  You wouldn’t hang on to it because you would know you would soon awake and the dream would be past.

You can see what the Apostles saw and came to know and how it changed their lives giving them boldness they never had before this insight.  Let’s take a quick look at various Biblical texts that speak to this matter of sleep:


“And the Lord God caused a DEEP SLEEP to fall upon Adam, and he slept.” Gen. 2:21

 “And when the sun was going down, a DEEP SLEEP fell upon Abram; and, lo, an HORROR of great darkness fell upon him.”  Gen. 15:12

 “And he (Jacob) lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to SLEEP.  And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven; and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.” Gen. 28:11-13

“And Jacob AWAKEN out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the Lord is in this place; and I KNEW IT NOT.  And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place!  This is none other but the house of God, and this is THE GATE OF HEAVEN.  Gen. 28:16-17

“So man lays down, and rises not; till the heavens be no more, and they shall NOT AWAKE, nor be raised out of their sleep.”  Job 14:12

“How long will you sleep, O sluggard?  When will you arise out of your sleep?”  Prov. 6:9

“I sleep, but my HEART wakes; it is the voice of my beloved that knocks, saying, OPEN TO

ME, my sister, my love, my dove, my undefiled…Song of Solomon 5:2

Isa. 29:8  “It shall even be as when an hungry man dreams, and behold, he eats; but he awakes, and his soul is empty; or when a thirsty man dreams, and, behold, he drinks; but he awakes, and, behold, he is faint…”

“For the Lord hath poured out upon you THE SPIRIT OF DEEP SLEEP, and hath closed your eyes; the prophets and your rulers. The seers has he covered.  And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray; and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed.  And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray; and he saith, I am not learned.”  Isa. 29:10-12

“And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.  The night is far spent, the day is at hand; let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.”  Rom. 13:11-12

“Therefore let us not sleep, as do others, but let us watch and be sober.  For they that sleep, sleep in the night...”  I Thess. 5:6-7

These are just a few of the many verses that speak of sleeping.  So, with all these references, we see where we are being told that this is a sort of “SLEEP”, dream world, yet having its own sense of reality; a Reality so real that the danger of being trapped in a comatose state is possible.  It’s been called hell. For you to see what I have come to see that hell truly is, I offer you this definition of a COMATOSE STATE, which, defined, means...”A deep prolong unconscious state”....which continues beyond this experience if we do not awake out of this sleep we find our selves in.  There, after this experience, in that hell, there is no more learning or chance to wake-up.  We can understand the statement that Jesus gave...’There will be wailing and clashing of teeth’....anger, frustration with no hope of ever changing forever.  ‘The way of life is above, to the wise, that he may depart from hell beneath....’  Prov. 15:24   Don’t let this word I used, comatose, give you the false idea that some have of death meaning soul sleep or forever being unconscious.  My use of this word implies that you will be forever stuck with whatever you have ever thought or believed, unable to awake to what was REAL.
You can see why getting this view could ruin your experience here.  DON’T LET THE

KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH  DESTROY YOU!  Paul saw this TRUE REALTIY beyond this unreality and felt a strong desire to depart...yet, for the sake of the message and his task to cause all to see what he had come to see, he remained.’s not to be seen till a time designated of God.  Other words, you aren’t to interfere with those first starting in their experience.  Jesus was 12 when he saw this.  You will be well over this age before seeing it.  Rarely does one see this at such a young age; the unreality of this experience and how temporary it is.
At this point I asked this question...”Waking out of sleep in this experience, what are its affects?”  Here is a good answer which I quoted in the Biblical text above:   “As a man eating in his dream, he awakens hungry.  As a man drinking in his dream, he awakens thirsty.”  Isa. 29:8
So, two signs show one is beginning to awake.  “Bless are those that hunger and thirst after Righteousness” (See righteousness for what it truly is....A strong desire to SEE and HEAR from what one has awaken to....TRUE REALITY.) 
For years I read and studied books, tapes and videos of what others thought and experienced.  Yet, as for myself, I lived only as a parrot quoting others and their experiences never relating it to my own experience.  It was to be this way not only for me but for all of us.  This learning stage under tutors and guides, UNTIL a time designed of the Father.  (Gal. 4:1-2) This relates to this time of waking that I speak about, when all that once was just theory comes to us via experience.  Quite different is this matter of experience verses theory.  Something like one finds out after listening to an Army recruiter.  They paint a glorious picture of “BECOMING ALL ONE CAN BE.”  They just didn’t add the hidden elements that what you presently are would be destroyed in the process of converting you from a civilian to a solider.   I guess if they did, many would not have signed the doted line. 
But Christ wasn’t your typical recruiter.  He, right up- front, warned of the cost and explained what to expect. (Luke 14:28)  Did we listen?  No.  Did we believe the warning?  No.  Then what caused us to join this thing of Christianity?   I guess we figured he was only kidding or we listened to some well meaning preacher that took the role of a good recruiter and lead us to believe that everything would be great once you came to know Jesus.  Guess what?   They were wrong and we need to wake up to just how wrong they were and why. (This is developed deeper in my book, “Addfire’s Spiritual Insights.”)


Bruce Morgan, a friend of mind, spent his life doing just this and paid the price for doing it.  The price all of us will pay if we follow what he is sharing in his tapes.  First, you will find that you no longer fit into the scheme of things in both the secular and religious world.  You are like an alien from some distant planet that doesn’t exist to those hearing you.  Outside of something like this you’re hearing in this book, you feel a deep feeling of Aloneness.  It’s like being a solider in Germany riding a street car in a soldier’s uniform.  They give you this look that says,  Outlander (Foreigner).  Those were the loneliest days of my life spending one and a half years there away from the familiar things of home and family. 
Those experiences and feelings now come to me, yet not as a solider in a foreign country, but because of what I have come to know and experience.   You feel like you are speaking a foreign language and only a few understand you. 
So, this matter of our first, waking up, and then taking on the task of waking others, has its price.  It has been expressed in this way.....”Many are called, yet few are chosen.”  The many is referring to the calling of all of us to this Experience.  Those that are chosen, are those who were given the pre-foundational responsibility to call to memory too the “all,” what the original intent of God was for this Experience.  It was their task to give the warning of entrapment in this experience and to direct us through this Experience back to “Whence We Came.” 

There are times I regret ever taking on this pre-foundational task.  Little did I know then what I have now come to know via experience just what this meant?  Think of the Son of God, who before the foundation of this world’s experience, had said that if the need arose to assure our deliverance from this entrapment, he would come to offer the way back.  He knew in mind what it would entail, and did not consider it a matter to even be considered.  He HUMBLED himself and came into our experience and was touched with all our infirmities.   The shock of the EXPERIENCE over whelmed him at times, giving him this same conflict I feel today.  Asking, “IF it be possible, let this cup pass.”  But then, “Never the less, I promised, thus what I promised be done.” (Matt. 26;39)

So, as he did, I now continue, filling up that which was lacking in his afflictions, and keep reminding others to the meaning of this experience and its ultimate intention.  THERE IS MORE BEYOND. 



Life is said to be a mystery.  Many have sought to solve this mystery, yet, fall short of coming to a real satisfying answer; an answer that would give this EXPERIENCE of ours true meaning that would sustain us through it all.  It is my hope that what I have come to understand will assist you in putting together a clear definition of what this experience is all about.  There is no better place to begin then the beginning itself.  So, let us go to THE BEGINNING.


This word, BEGINNING, has its misunderstanding set in our minds by our very experience of it.  So, we must first define this word so that what I have to offer won’t fall short of giving you what I have come to know to be a truth.  The word beginning has been established in our minds to mean, “before this beginning of ours, we were non-existent”.  I have heard it expressed, by well meaning speakers, that we came from nothing and we return to nothing.  This so-called “nothingness” is hard to understand, simply because, again, of our limited view of the very word.  In our minds, “Nothingness”, conjures up a feeling of emptiness, a void of non-being.  Something we can’t say we have ever experience being alive and feeling our being.  Hearing what they had to say on this word, nothingness, I attempted to feel this.  In my frustration of doing so, I asked, beyond myself and experience, if there ever was such a condition.  If it did exist, this nothingness, how would I even begin to experience NOTHING?  From beyond myself and my experience I share now with all those around me, the answer that came.  The very idea of something coming to me from this so-called Nothingness, convinced me that there is SOMETHING there rather then nothing.  Either I, or they, misunderstood this word nothing, or nothing is really something and we have been misinformed, thus replacing this experience for another, calling this a reality and that as non-reality.  That was a Beginning of my understanding what I now share with you. 

To set the stage, so to speak, let me give in essence, a brief thought that will be developed throughout this article.  Many in this experience have come to see the idea of a God or after life as non-existent, thus NOTHING.  Assuming, for now, there is a God and an afterlife; for us to think it is nothing, would show us our illusive mind and how it can trap us in an experience, it only proves for me all the more that what this book the Bible shares is true.  If this God and after life does exist, then what we are experiencing, apart from it, denying it would place us in NOTHINGNESS.  How so?   Life would have no lasting meaning or continuation, thus signifying nothing.  No purpose or meaning could be had from this experience of ours and would be as Shakespeare once said, “Life is a tale, told by an idiot, signifying NOTHING.”   There would be no original intent, no real beginning nor ending.  It would only be a brief flash, an accident, with no cause or affect.  This is not the case.  Life does have intent, a purpose that originated before its foundation, and our experience of it.  This experience is not ITS final definition, but simply a limited expression of ITS totality.   What is the intent of it all?   This limited, temporal experience of ours, had INTENDED to be simply an enhancement of something greater, a TRUE REALITY, using a temporal reality to express its self, including us.  If there ever was an evil, it would be to entrap us in a temporal world barring us from an eternal world.  To keep us blinded, asleep to another reality and call this temporal world “something" and that world a Nothing.

Now I must get about “Awakening” us to the reality of this Other world that is the TRUE REALITY and SOMETHING.   To do this, it will appear to be an act of destruction, and a warning must be given to you the reader.   What you will read here will destroy your illusions of reality.  It’s been said, “Every act of creation is first an act of destruction.”  Why is that?   If this is true, it is one reality over riding another, with the HOPE unseen of a better one.  Its end intent is not destruction but the offer of a BETTER WAY.  We experience this in this life in the stages of growth we go through.  We grieve the lost of childhood experiences and let them go to come into adulthood; many times fighting this change by regressions.  In our transition between this temporal life to an eternal life, we have the same fight and regressions to content with.  We learn to “work out our salvation” so to speak; a salvation from an entrapment of our limited mind and temporal experience.


I begin with our relationships with those around us in this experience.  I believe in developing friendships, family and social relationships.  It is part of our experience here and should be so.  But, where the dangers comes in, is the perspective we have developed, because of our entrapped condition, unaware, of these temporal relationships and our lending towards  eternalizing them when they were to only be temporal.   We must learn the give and take of this experience and letting things go; then knowing when and where to do this, to the betterment of others, and ourselves, with the perspective of an eternal enhancement that reaches beyond just this temporal experience and focuses on what is to come in ages upon ages.  This gives our actions in relationships, which might be termed “wrong” in a limited perspective, the definition of “good” that those in a limited mind set of this life only, would judge in error on their part.  Thus you can see, where many times we have gotten stuck in temporal relationships fearful of being judged wrong, when what we should have done, to let it go, would have been to the betterment of all involved whether they could understand or not.  It is “we” who must come into a new perception of this experience and what is termed right and wrong decisions and dare to reach beyond the limitation of those who may never come to understand.  Yet again, this is the basic need that drives most of us; this “need” to be understood by another human being.  You will find that there are those that do understand your position.  It is with these that the change will occur, at the expense of many times, the letting go of those who can not.  Verse after verse in Holy whit warns of this danger of placing too much emphasis on the seen in the area of relationships. (II Cor. 4:18) You would think we would understand this and avoid this danger.  What is the problem?  The problem is many times the overwhelming reality of this experience.  For this experience to qualify as a true experience, this had to be allowed, yet with checks and balances to assure we would not get trapped in it.  That is why things peak in heights and depths of good and bad experiences.  It was to never become so good that it replaced True Goodness, nor so bad, that this depression destroy any hope of goodness.  That is why Holy whit stresses over and over again to not longingly look upon the things seen, but to focus on the things not seen where hope is eternally there.  An evil has always sought to over emphasize either one or the other, never the balance. In a later chapter I will develop this under the title, “The Extremes.” 


First you must know that while in the mist of this experience you may not see what I am about to express here.  The reality of it all, this present experience, will block this needed perspective that has helped me get through some bad situations    A perspective that eases the hold that this life’s experience can give you at times.

So, what is this, “It’s Just An Experience” perspective?  I will now give you key words and phrases that will link you to it.  The first phrase is “Temporary verses Eternal.”  It is our knowing that various situations in this temporal world, good and bad, do not last forever as that eternal will.  They run their course then end.  This course is what we call experience.  Paul the Apostle gives his understanding of this in what appears at first reading to be crazy. (Rom. 5)  He said that he “rejoiced in tribulations.”  Strange we think?  How can you come to rejoice in tribulations?
Paul gives us a start towards the answer in what I’ve come to call “It’s just an experience.”  He continues his remarks in Romans chapter 5....”I rejoice in tribulations, for tribulations works patience and patience experience.”
See the link to experience which is patience.  (Later I will bring out how this patience is really the word HOPE, hope coming from the unseen.)  For now, using this word as patience, if patience isn’t there, what we need to experience, which is usually our desire for a good experience, what we desire isn’t achieved, this so-called good experience, but rather a bad one comes.  Either way, good or bad, experience comes.  Note that this good experience is, from what I’ve experienced, is always linked to patience.

We’ve all heard it said, “Good things come to those that wait.”   There is some truth to this.  But then the question is, “How long do we wait?”  It depends on what you asked for and if it involves others.

It’s said, “We wait (note this) we wait THROUGH the spirit” thus not expecting self or others to meet our requests.  It goes on to say what it is we are waiting for....RIGHTEOUSNESS.  (Gal. 5:5)  Getting past any religious idea of this word righteousness, see this word as your request or desire for now, I’ll explain deeper what righteousness really is in a later chapter.  So we have the following links:
1.  Tribulations (experience of this life, good and bad). 
2.  Patience (coming from an unseen source not self effort or others). 
3.  Wait (with expectancy). 
4.  Righteousness (that word, direction, need, solution). 
5.  Experience. (seeing and experiencing the reward of that received, patience)
6.  Hope. (hope not seen, now coming in to view that God has not deserted us).
7.  Love (being shed abroad through our hearts. God is love, meaning the power of your desire being manifested).

Clarifying this word hope, it is something not yet seen, of what you desired or requested.  You hope for something and desire it to be manifested, taking a substance form. Note also, many times we think we want something to only find later that it wasn’t what we truly wanted.  You can see where Paul’s statement here makes sense...”We know not what to pray, so the Spirit utters groaning we cannot speak.”  (Rom. 8:26)

It’s said that “Faith IS THE SUBSTANCE of things hoped for.”  So, now we are getting closer to what we really want.  Again, getting past any idea you might have of this word faith.  See it as something more then trust.  See it as a lively sight of what you desire or God knows you really want. 
It’s been said, “If you can see it, you can get it in time.”  But if you can’t see it, you will get what you can see, which could be not getting what your truly wanted.  So, do you see your desire coming or are you focusing on the tribulation?  Are you becoming impatience waiting?  Are you sure you want what you claim?

Ever done this, you give up waiting and later on what you desired shows up?  Yet, now you have created another conflict that cancels out what you originally desired?  You end up right back into tribulation again.  That’s ok, you’ll have another shot at it.  The next time at least be willing to wait longer.  Backing up now, and see what you have learn even in your failure....Tribulations WORKS patience.  You gained a little more virtue of patience.  And you thought you had patience.  We come to experience how little patience we have.  It is a gift given by the One who had came to over come this world, Christ in us.  It is called working out your salvation with fear and trembling; this thing of fear and trembling is seen in our impatience and inability to wait.

Let me now end on what I’ve come to see as “Need verses Dependence.”  Our need and dependence has already been established by God to be in Him.  He put that there for a reason.  Because before the foundation of this world system of handling matters, He knew and, note this, we knew this to be the best way, considering He is the originator of this world experience (Author and finisher).  Yet now, here we are getting distracted by our need and dependence being in this world’s experience and of its structure cut off from the originator.  So God has to instill a law that will conflict with our experience, and bring us back to need and dependence in him (He subjected the world to futility in hope.)  The danger, that we knew before we came to this world experience, was that need and dependence could GROW in this life to the point where it could cancel out what we knew then as need and dependence in the eternal realm upon the Father.

So, that is what I mean by need and dependence.  If our needs are met in this life only and by human efforts, and doesn’t go back to need and dependence in what we knew before we were born into this world, it would kill us; that is, this Real SELF, in that it would permanently cut us off from the purposes of God, to get us through this temporal experience back into the eternal realms, and trap us into a self-image cut off from God.

Now hear this!   God touches you with pain.   He touches you with healing.  Yet we have always seen the pain as from the Devil.  But it is said, “The wicked one touches us not.”  (I John 5:18)  There comes a time, with a change of perspective, when we will in truth speak what John wrote, where it is no longer evil touching you but the Holy Spirit.  We don’t give the devil any power in any form, good or bad.  All power is to God. (In “All things” give thanks because this is God’s will concerning you. Good and Bad.)  Note Pilate’s comment to Jesus to see what I am driving at...”Don’t you know I have power to crucify you or let you go!” (John 19:10)  Note Jesus’ perspective and response...”You have NO POWER, other then WHAT MY FATHER GIVES YOU.”   The power that day, given by God to Pilate, which appears as evil, that power to crucify His Son, isn’t evil, in that it WORKED TO GOD’S GOOD and the salvation of us all.  This understanding got Paul to the place where he gave thanks for all things, knowing this was the will of God concerning his experience.  He quit judging his circumstances as being good or bad, and God, seeing Paul’s life experience as free from his judging them (we bind or lose according to our judgment of a matter) was able to work “ALL THINGS TO A GOOD.”

Paul in his closing remarks to Timothy was able to see, as he puts it in the expanded Greek text...”The desperate, straining, agonizing contest, MARKED BY ITS BEAUTY OF TECHNIQUE.”  Paul came to see his life as a huge tapestry with many shades of color and the time and straining, on God and the Holy Spirit’s part, of pulling this altogether.  In his early days he could not, nor can we, see just what and how God is going to pull this whole thing off and put us into this plan and purposes conforming us to the very image of His Son.

You can now see a little more what Paul meant when he said, “though I have known Christ after the flesh (Jesus of Nazareth) I know him this way no more.  Though I have known men after the flesh, I know them this way no more.”  This being conformed to the very image of Christ is far greater then we could ever imagine.  The closest I have ever see it is expressed by Paul....”As one star differs from another, in glory so shall we.”  Imagine billions of images, each of our unique experiences, spread across the vast universe....WHAT A PICTURE!!  As we look with the naked eye into the starry sky at night, we see little of this image.  Yet today with the Hovel Telescope we are getting pictures beyond our wildest dream.  Even this does not touch what we can see in the spirit.  This experience we are going through is painting this picture.  No shade of color or stroke of brush is wrong when the Father gets done with it.  Each of us has meaning and this gives this EXPERIENCE its power.
Imagine looking through a very powerful microscope; one that reaches the deepest depths ever reached, and using this microscope to investigate a small section of an oil painting.  In that small world that you would discover, you could not imagine that this speck of a world, a world that would appear to those in that tiny world as huge, is really only a microscopic kingdom of a vastly larger kingdom, that of the TOTAL OIL PAINTING, that your powerful microscope is fixed on.  We, trapped in this microscopic little world we call earth; can not even begin to comprehend the vastness of the kingdom of God.  Our single experience, a flash in time, can not conceive the immensity of eternity.

The statement of this being just an experience isn’t to say that this experience hasn’t its value; it does, yet if it abides alone, its valve is lost. It is after we pull away from our narrow minded microscopic self image that the total picture comes into view. Like a painting of many strokes of the brush, each contributes to the make up of the total painting. This is what is meant by, “IT IS JUST AN EXPERIENCE.”   

It’s unavoidable. Many times we will not have a choice. We are here for the experience. It will be termed by us as “good and bad”; but beyond the seen interpretation of it all, it will be towards the good in that it has an end intent. It is our task to come to this perception. There is an unseen evil which would keep you from the total experience. Its aim is to get one to focus only on one aspect of this experience. For example, to focus only on the so-called good experience and strive to avoid any so- called bad experience, their thinking being that one must be good because all they have is good experiences. “They are better than others because of this; they attempt a protected sheltered life, but will find, as I said, the total experience of good and bad will come. One must make this their choice, excepting both, or the choice will be made by ANOTHER. To truly have free will is to desire the total experience; thus getting a balance between the two. The opposite of the above is to focus on the bad. To see one’s self as just a unlucky jinxed victim, not as “good” as others, unfortunate.  Thus they focus on the bad experiences of life and see no hope of anything good coming their way. For the “GOOD” to bring in a bad experience, it would be to the individuals certain good to acquire the needed bad experience, for this life’s existence is made up of both. So the GOOD is not tempted to Evil’s end intent, but to bring a “total experience.” What I am saying is this, that though we might think it as unkind to bring in a so-called bad experience, in truth it is good for the individual. Many times it comes because that individual is striving with human efforts to avoid the inevitable....a bad experience. The evil of human effort to create a Utopia has always been fought by God who desires that we come into this experience and then wanted it to be only a temporal one. Evil seeks to bring the illusion of permanency or to short change the experience through suicide. If you don’t go alone with its utopian ideas it seeks to remove you. We must not only be born into this experience (born of the water), but also to avoid the trap of evil that would either get us to think it is permanent or kill us, we must be born of the spirit, or better said...COME TO KNOW the reason of this experience (the seen) and the Unseen’s purpose for it. Using that which is unseen (spiritual) to get us through the needed experience and “BACK” to that which is eternal.

 Turn, turn, turn.....a season for everything and a purpose, end intent for it’s turning. (Eccl. 3:1) One would stop the turning, freezing the wheels, or get us caught up in the turning wheels. Rhythm and flow of this experience, good and bad, just give thanks, “In all things give thanks for it is God’s will concerning you.” (I Thess.5:18) It’s just a needed experience, choices to the depth of any experience, good or bad, but all will be experienced. Changed perspective brings the thankfulness. Obedience precedes the understanding of any situation. Confidence is gained that He does know what He is doing. Our choice is to trust that Unseen. Not what appears to be life and death, war or peace, build or destroy, embrace or refrain from embracing....turning and turning.  He made it all real for it to qualify as an experience. Not actors on the stage of life but participants in the flow of life.


 Examples of these extremes have been seen in our experiences.  From the extremely religious to the complete opposites of absolute denial of all these things religious to also include the changing of the meanings and understandings of things religious to definitions that no longer are represented of things given to us via the revelation of scriptures which God clearly gave to us with scriptures defining scriptures.  There are those who take these spiritual truths completely out of their context, thinking to change them to mean something other then what God had intended them to mean.  Both secular and religious minded individuals have done this.
The results of such action could virtually lead to what is said concerning demon possession.  Case histories of such results are there for the reading, if one cries out for proof.

Most of us in this life have crossed these lines of extremes and have survived; others have not.  I will call this “The Shadows of Evil.”  I have come to see this as “The Umbra.”  The word Umbra is defined as “the darkest part of the shadow.”  We all encounter various degrees of this shadow.  Some cross into the Umbra, called in scriptures “the outer darkness.”  Some have cross over never to return.  Though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we fear no evil.  Notice, it says only the shadow…Why?...because we walk in the light as He is in the light, having fellowship with the Father of all light, our light cast a shadow, and there are those that love their darkness where we are attempting to share light, it angers them.  That is what I mean when I say our light cast a shadow.  There is no shadow in pitch darkness; if they are reacting, it at least reveals some hope that they are still reachable.  Yet once they cross over into the area of the Umbra, all hope is gone, no more light and no more shadow, only pitch blackness of what has been called the outer darkness. (Psa. 23:4; Matt. 8:12; I John 1:7)


Evil pushes for one extreme or the other.  Know this!  If you get pushed to the extreme you miss any truth there is to know.  The reason that evil pushes to one extreme or the other it to destroy a truth by over stressing or under stressing a matter, that’s why we must read both extremes to find the truth.  There are those who will do nothing.  Then there are those who desire distractions so they don’t have to know.  Then there are those in the middle of these two who must find that something that can be done, they just can’t sit there.

I’m as concerned about others as the next person, but it is getting to where if you push this to the extreme or just spin your wheels trying to get those who fall into one extreme or the other, to see what you and those who desire to know; if you get distracted, I wouldn’t want to think of the consequences.  I’ve known this matter, call just it a Knowing, and I know, really know, those who have this same knowing.  Some have acted sooner then I have and have been my incentive to act now.  Christ made a statement, “For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles gather together.”  Matt. 24:28    Have you ever noticed birds of pray circling, How do they know that there is a dead carcass …”they just Know”.  This matter that I have mentioned of Knowing, this knowing is something we will develop in God’s good time so that we can discern the extremes and avoid them; knowing when enough is enough.  Call it a spiritual sense, you will just know. 


We have called it the Right or Left; one extreme to another. My mentor, Dr. Bruce L. Morgan, at one point announced that he was called to the Left. We understood what he meant and knew that it didn't mean the old idea of Liberalism but something more. When we move from the conservative right, what conservative fundamentalist Christians are called, what we do is not as some do, or understand.  It is NOT the left as known by this world's standards. You may be labeled "left" yet again not as they mistakenly mean. LEFT AS NOT TO THE EXTREME… This world's ideas of the left are to the EXTREME. I've written on this and now will only highlight what I've written to clarify the word EXTREME. An Evil seeks the extreme of either right or left never the balance. Those that sway left or right generally swing totally to one or the other side. What's termed "Moderate" again is NOT what I mean by BALANCE. The world's idea of Moderate is not this balance but is a world seeking to embrace both but ending up embracing neither. They don't add to the solution but are part of the problem in that they can’t IMAGINE another way is possible, yet UNSEEN, a Mystery if I may say. For example, our being called to the left, the opposite of the Conservative Right of the religion view, is not this throwing out of the baby with the bath water. That would be Evil's desire of "the Extreme." The move to the left would come under what I have called A TOTAL EXPERIENCE. To understand what I mean by A TOTAL EXPERIENCE, view the life of the Son of God and you'll see this. Where it's claimed, "He was touched with all our infirmities." The religious right of his day hated him for this experience calling him a wine bibber and a glutton, which he was not. Then it appears that He moves at one point in his life from the right to the left which, NOTE THIS, had nothing at all to do with the world's opinion and views. This move came from a HIGHER CALLING;  for us to move from the right to the left apart from this higher calling to do so, will land us in just another extreme. You see it. A notorious sinner gets so-called-saved. Next week he's a saint not drinking, smoking, living in church 24-7; that my friend is THE EXTREME which many of us experienced. We came out of that at some point in our days of religion, hopefully, and now have no desire to go back to it and got beyond this right or left mind-set, finding our true calling.

I have seen of late, those who have come out of this Extremism of fundamentalism to now be caught up in the Extreme of New Age teaching. Now understand, there is an extreme right wing conservative fundamentalism attacking this New Age which I and a lot of others like me despise and see it as an extreme witch hunt attack. I've been through this in my past and now it's something other then BOTH EXTREMES....right or left. I am of neither. Here is the result of this: If I say anything to those in the Extreme of the New Age I am considered Pro-Right wing Fundamentalism (which I am not). If I say anything to the Extreme Fundamentalist I am considered a Pro-New Ager (which again I am not). It seems that this world can not see that there is anything other then one extreme or the other. The old idea of right or wrong, good or bad, coming from that Old Tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, comes into view and blocks any other view of matters. Not wanting the label of one or the other, they chose one or the other, YET not knowing there is a way to NOT CONDEMN, NOR JUDGE, but to come to an UNDERSTANDING of both. Something which I have already addressed asking you to view the life experience of the Son of God. His experiencing both extremes enabled him to draw some from both and introducing them to a better way linked BEYOND BOTH.

Considering these two camps, you will find that not all will see what you see and will hold to one or the other, taking offense which Christ himself said would come. The woe that Christ pronounced with this matter of offenses was on those of the EXTREMES, right or left.
 If you want to stay positive in this life's experience, you will not hold to either of the two camps. Stay out of the EXTREMES. See the original intent of this experience...."It is just an experience" Stay out of "Specialty Miniseries,” those individuals that attack either those of the New Age or those in Fundamentalism.   Don’t waste your experience fighting wind mills.  This whole world system, whether we accept it or not, has been subjected to what is called futility...or better translated, THE UNREALITY.  This experience we all are going through, as good, or as bad as it can get at times, is NOT THE TRUE REALITY.    I have said this and expressed it in just about everything I have written, the importance of gaining and retaining a perspective beyond this temporal experience.  If you need a Biblical text, consider I Cor. 2:15 “But he that is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.”

My moments with you, are brief.  They are right now as you read this article.  Once you finish reading it the world around you will close in and cloud out a lot that I have said.  I know this because I have this same thing happening to me as well.  It’s been called “the cares and affairs of life.” (Luke 21:34)  I, as I have written, had to set up a Reminder agreement between the Unseen and myself, lest I get distracted and consumed by this temporal experience.  Do whatever works for you to get this going in this age of great distraction, DO IT!   Enjoy this experience but always remember from where you must return


At some point in this experience we will be confronted with what’s been given to me as dimensional over lays.  Things of this experience which were intended to be only needed temporary structures to give us a qualified experience while in this life.  When that time comes, what will occur will be what has been termed a paradigm shift away from the temporal to an eternal reality from whence we came and now must return. The reality of the temporal will be revealed to be just that.  There is no set age of this revealing.
It’s been said, “Naked I came into this world, naked I leave.” This gives the hint of what I mean by temporary.  It gets linked to Adam’s reply to God’s question to him, “Where are you Adam?” Adam’s reply, “I was naked and I hid myself.”  Then God’s reply, “who told you?”
Humanity, cut off from God, will always feel a sense of lost meaning to life.  The true value of this experience gets lost in the temporal, thus my meaning to this idea of Nakedness.
Who told Adam?  It couldn’t have been God.  Adam had chosen to isolate himself from God.  I’ll put it this way to answer this question...The temporal told him, not something eternal. 
This needs explaining.  How could the temporal speak to him?   The root definition to this word NAKED gives us a hint.  to be subtle, be shrewd, be crafty, beware, take crafty counsel, be prudent
Sounds strangely familiar doesn’t it; the very things which speak of the nature of Evil, yet now, humanity affected by it, giving them a strange feeling of nakedness.  Let’s take this even deeper by defining the word subtle:

Hardly noticeable, clever.  Marked by subtlety of perception of discrimination.  Having or showing skill in thinking or reasoning.  Attaining or seeking to attain one’s ends by devious means.
Hardly noticeable.  What is being introduced here is hardly noticeable.  We usually interpret it into the natural as Adam and Eve did, this thing of nakedness, and sews fig leaves to hide it.  The nakedness they felt that day was not in their bare naked bodies but was much deeper.  Paul continually called it THE FLESH.  We know he was not speaking of the SKIN of the human body, but was addressing a deeper problem. (See terms defined at the end of this book) 
Marked by subtlety of PERCEPTION.  I use this word over and over again when I write my articles.  The reason being that this is the true problem that constitutes our condition or perception, the way we view things.
An expression from the song, “Yesterday When I Was Young” brings this out...”I lived by night, and shunned the naked light of day and only now I SEE how the years ran away.”   We see this expressed by Christ in another way...”The light of the body is the eye; if therefore your eye be single, your body shall be full of light.  But if your eye be evil, (your perception) your whole body shall be full of darkness.  If therefore the light that is in you be darkness, how great is that darkness.”
The address is to Perception.  How do we see?  This article will deal with just that under the title “Dimensional Overlays;” overlays of fig leaves that hide from us a True Reality.  There are leaves that must fall to see at all.  Change that comes in many colors, removing the leaves and the old saying is canceled, “We can’t see the forest for the trees.”  Everything lays bare naked before Him, to whom we must give an account,” (Heb. 4:13)

The following phrase was once coined; “Life is many times like a Painted ship, on a painted ocean.”  What was being conveying was this limited perspective which I am addressing here that is unreal and not truly ALIVE. 
In our definition of Subtle it said, “Attaining or seeking to attain one’s ENDS by devious means.”  Devious means!  Interesting word; the meaning is “Tricky”.  Also is carries with it the following ideas: Departing from a straight line or course, moving about aimlessly or irregularly without a fixed course; deviating from an accepted pattern or standard, characterized by sly unobtrusive craft or deceit.
Everything in humanity gets expressed, than filtered into a system that ends up constituting the make-up of this world.  Paul saw it as, “the world, the flesh and the Devil.”   Layers and layers of this dimensional experience that hide from view a true reality.

I looked up the word OVERLAID in scripture.  Real interesting; it is used over and over again in reference to the making of the Tabernacle.  Every material used in its make up was overlaid with GOLD.    Link this to Paul’s statement of the Foundation built and you can see the jest of
what I am saying.  On that foundation we place Wood, Hay and Stubble.  By the grace of God, this gets overlaid with Gold, Silver and precious stones.  (I Cor. 3:10 -15)  With this overlaying, this life’s experience stands the test of fire, thus this experience, though touched by evil, can be worked to a good. 

Dimensional OVERLAYS now take on a new meaning for me as I type this article.  As I have expressed in other articles, this life is JUST AN EXPERIENCE.  Rather then focusing on whether what we are experiencing is Good or Evil, know this, that God by His grace through Christ, has overlaid it in Gold.  Through Him this experience does work to a good.  That Good being His original intent that an Evil sought to destroy.
Because of the Overlay of His grace, this life’s experience has its weight in Gold in the eternal dimensions for us. So we can agree with what was given to Paul...’In all things give thanks, for this is God’s will concerning you and this experience.” I Thess. 5:18


I had debated on a forum on the web this matter of the two Witnesses found in the book of Revelations, where I revealed some high-lights of my dimensional studies and how it applied to Enoch and Elijah, showing how it could be possible for them not to have died, but leave via dimensions we are unaware of.  I used a few scripture illustrations that appeared to agree with all that I have come to see.  A few individuals requested that I expound upon this further; so I posted in that forum what follows.  
I want to reach beyond just Enoch and Elijah, but for those who may not have read that section yet, I will include these Two Witnesses for illustration purposes only, not getting into the debate of who the Two Witnesses are, which some feel could be Moses and Elijah, not Enoch and Elijah.  What I want to do now is share how dimensions do come into play through out scriptures.  Thank God for the insights and language of it all, this thing of the possibility of dimensions, as it is being reveal today as a Mystery, something always there, yet hidden, now being revealed in a time when it would be needed more then ever before.  I want to share how it has always been there, known and experienced back then by few, yet today is coming to light more and more.  Even secular scientists are seeing it, though puzzled by it all in what they have labeled Quantum Physics.  I can see what they can’t see, simply because the Word of God has dealt with this matter centuries ago via God’s Prophets, Apostles and the Son of God.  Some of these scientists, understanding the Word of God, have made the connection and are excited as I am.  So, let me start sharing some of these insights they have and I have come to see.
If you and I were to sit and read these scientific articles printed in Science Journals, we would end up scratching our head wondering what they were saying.  Believe me; many of them don’t know what they are saying.   I thank God that He has raised up those who can share what others have presented in a complicate manner, in a simple analogy.    I was introduced to one such individual; that individual was Robert W. Faid.  Now understand, even with his writings, eat the chicken and spit out the bones; not all that he shares, and others I may recommend, fit with what I or you may understand at the moment.  That’s O.K.  I only want to direct you to one section of his book.  If you don’t have this book that I will be referring to, you can find it on the web at this link:

Once there, browse the book's image on "See inside the book"....type in the search area this chapter title.....Where is heaven and hell? You can read the book for free there. It is about Science's discovery of Strings in Space and the subject matter of dimensions; many Scriptures are revealed in light of what we are talking about in this section of my book, Enoch & Elijah also, by Robert Faid, the author. You can read about his credentials in the sciences and the Bible also on this link. He sheds new light that is important to bringing out what I'd like to share. I would recommend you purchase the book; used copies are inexpensive.  There are a lot of other matters covered in his book; but in light of dimensional overlays, stick to what he shares on dimensions.  Don’t get distracted with the matter of heaven and hell.  Let me set the stage, so to speak, for those who have not gotten to this thing of dimensions.  This is a piece I developed called “Flat World.”  It shows how it would be hard to convey truth to a two dimensional world, our coming from a three dimensional world experience.

 If there were such a world, as a two dimensional world, or let us say “flat” world, how would they perceive us in this three dimensional world?  To catch my drift, take a flat sheet of paper and place your five finger tips on that paper and draw circles around your finger tips, lift them, and observe, there are 5 different sizes of circles on that paper.  In ‘flat” world they would only be able to perceive us as 5 circles of different sizes.  Yet, they would not have in their world the added dimension of HEIGHT; thus not seeing fingers, hand, arm, body and a mind to these circles, five circles yet “ONE”.  Note, each finger has it function different from the other, yet, getting supply from ONE HAND/BODY/MIND.  Finger, hand, body = ONE HUMAN.  Now suppose you and I were going to leave our experience and enter into Flat World and their experience to save them.  How would we relate our experience and perception to them?  What would we sound like?  Would they want to kill us for what we shared?  Here you are, using Flat Language to convey three dimensional truth/reality, there would be endless debates over what you were saying, and how Flat language conveyed your meaning.  Their eyes, ears and deepest logic of their flat minds could never guess what you were attempting to convey to them.  You would have to select a few Flat Landers and pull them up into your three dimensional world, to which they would be shocked to say the least, then send them back to share to their fellow Flat Landers their “OUT OF FLAT WORLD” experience.  They would die for their beliefs........SO WOULD WE.....we who KNOW AND HAVE EXPERIENCE THE “ETERNAL”.

There is a good web site that develops this further, but to avoid distraction, I will share only this simple analogy. 

We, in our three dimensions of Length, breadth, height, couldn’t imagine a world that surpasses our experience.  And if anyone were to come to us from out side our limited experience, we would find it hard to understand what they were accustom to in their other dimensional realm.  We might attempt to understand, yet because of our limited views and perspectives, couldn’t come close.  Our eyes, nor our ears, nor those deepest thoughts that our highly educated system could offer, could comprehend what that individual was trying to get us to understand.  There lies our dilemma and the reason for most of the confusion we see in our effort to understand these strange people of Biblical history called Prophets, Apostles and the Son of God.  It was the Son of God who had said, “I am from above, you are from beneath.” ( John 3:31-32, John 8:23)  Above what, we might ask?  Answer is, above anything we could think or imagine. Eph. 3:20.    Remember this, “lean not unto your own understanding…Pro. 3:5  And heed this warning…I Cor. 1:19..”For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent..”

Get a good concordance, or Franklin Computer Bible, or find a site where you can
research words like:  ABOVE, UNDERSTANDING, Wisdom, Knowledge, Foundation ….many other words that will be expressed here.

This is only preliminary thoughts on this matter of dimensional overlays that have to be shared so what I share later in this book makes sense.  The next chapter will take this further which I have called, “Caught in the Threshold.”


It is written in Phil. 3:13 “forgetting those things which are past.”  Is it speaking to just this past life or possible other lives? We know, “Pressing forward” is referring to other ages upon ages.  Yet if we get stuck in this one age, “How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation...the door out to continue yet another experience...ages upon ages?
We finish this life, and as we finish to step across the threshold of the door, we reflect on what we had just completed in experience and we say with relief, “I’m glad that’s over.” The Father asks us, “Want to go again?” We reply, “No way!”  Yet, like asking a women who has just given birth, “Want to do it again?”  She might reply, “NO!”  Yet, in the process of time she forgets the pain and once again gives birth to yet another child.  We forget and are willing to do it again.  Going around again we forget the previous experience, once born into this New Experience.
Yet, understand, this going again is “not” as those who advocate reincarnation.  It is not earning points, or karma, to gain entrance into the Kingdom, but rather to DEEPENING the understanding of what we have always had, yet forgotten.
Is this possible?  In the past, I would have not even entertained such an idea.  But there are just too many coincidental events that come into our present experience that scream out the possibility of the above.  We have shrieked away because of our religious teachings that deemed it evil, or others saw it as crazy day dreams and unsubstantial nonsense.  We then avoided the subject matter in order to be seen as “normal” and not off the deep end, to be liked and not rejected and isolated. 

I agree that there is a price to adventure into these ideas, and cannot guarantee you won’t get what you fear.  But, what if it does matter and has bearing to life and its meaning?  What if what I am getting could be shown that it does not go beyond that which is written but much more, enhances what is written and takes it to its length, breadth, height and depths.  We have seen, in what is written, where there were those not willing to see the depths of what they thought they knew, then were left behind and missed a Mystery Revealed. (Thinking of the Nation of Israel).
More thoughts came to me as I pondered the above.  It appears to get off the track, yet if you follow what I say in the next few paragraphs; you will see that it is right on track to everything I have been saying so far.  After reading the next few paragraph, that give you some back ground to my thinking processes, you will see the DANGERS of this experience via tribulations, trials and how we allowed these temporal powers to change our true Need and Dependence established before the foundation of this distracting world system.  So, follow closely what I lay out here, and when you get to the underlined section start looking for this point driven home beyond that.
Nothing new under the sun…Everything repeats itself.  Like in the movie, “The Matrix”, Neo discovers that this was the 6th matrix experiment.  Could it be that this world is like a Broadway Stage with many props back stage; yet only the current on stage play matters.  You can not dig out past props and make them fit into the current play.  Only thing that remains the same is the
stage...this covers the idea of “nothing new”.  The props, characters, plots, change yet the stage is the same...this world.   What was or may have been before this present experience does not apply NOW.
 Actors on the stage of life, wearers of the mask; pretending to be something we are not.  In a temporary play that teaches us all, yet is not the reality.  With this said, I conclude and am sure of this one thing....THERE IS MORE BEYOND. 



The text that reads...”What is a man to profit if he gains the whole world yet lose his soul?”  Interesting text.  So let us take a look at it and expand upon it.
What are we to gain...getting a full experience of it all; college, family, success and wealth.  What is the profit of it all if we don=t come to see its ultimate intention?
Mid-life, around 50-to-60, will hit you and your old valve system will be shaken.
If the kingdom isn’t in you (spiritual perspective developed) you will find yourself in the world without God without hope, hope of the unseen.  This hope seen is ending and that unseen is coming upon you and for most they find themselves unprepared.  They attempt regression hoping to delay that which they aren’t sure is real.
A wasted life would be to come to mid-life and not know God and life’s true reason.  I believe that I have enjoyed this life and its experience, yet in its adventure have always sought its meaning.  I don’t look back on this experience and feel it was a waste.  The reason for this is that I have come to some understanding of its meaning and purpose.
I would go so far as to say, if I had lived the life of a bum and at least sought God and the meaning of life, that life as bum would have counted as an experience and I would have been the wiser for the experience.  The only reason this life would be a waste is if we don’t get to know Him.  There will be successful people who in the eyes of the world are just that, successful, but if they never came to Know Him and the meaning of this experience it would amount to a wasted life, worst then the bum I mentioned above.

So, as an old song goes, “We sometime live a life time in a day, but realize to late that day is gone, I’m standing at the end of my world, looking back over my wasted past.”   It need not be, because He promised to work it all to the good to those that love Him and are called to His purpose.  His purpose?   That you come here and gain some kind of experience.  As long as we have breath, we are in this experience and it does have His purpose in it all.  Ask Him.


Using the Jewish people as an example, we will see how holding on to our present point of view and relationships can have a devastating effect on not only our lives but all those around us.
1.  Refusing to go on.
    A.  Wanting to go back to Egypt....death of many.
    B.  Refusing to cross the Jordan and take possession of the promised land.  Forty years in the wilderness....whole generation perished.
    C.  Wanting a Natural king over them not God.
    D.  Departing Abraham’s view of a Kingdom not made with hands, wanting a physical one.
    E.  Living in the shadow of the coming Christ, stuck in the symbol, missing its manifestation in the flesh.

Notes: Illustration of “THE STAGE”.
    1.  Possession of the stage.
    2.  Kicking the stage manager out.  Changing the script.  Making the stage more real then it was to be.

They were to be Pilgrims and Strangers in this world.  They wanted to fit it.  God called them only because they were the least among all people.  Being the least, they should have had a Pilgrim, stranger mentality.  Yet, they settled in and soon left this mentality.  They got ”fixed” in their acting role and part in the on going play.
We all could be great screenplay writers (said in sarcasm).  Why?  We all could have been actors on the stage of life, pretending to be something we are not.....Hebrew definition of the word hypocrite; Wearers of the mask.  We get lost in the roles we created, changing the original script.  Like an actor who forgets his home life and takes on his character role, making it more real to him then that which is real.


Temptation of the highs and lows of this experience demonstrated in the book of Job.  Evil’s presence in both spiritual highs and lows.  God sustains him.
1.  Spiritual highs:   Spiritual pride; being puffed-up from much revelation.  Paul’s thorn in the flesh;  Paul’s glimpse of glory, mountain top experience.
2.  Natural high: Pride  that says it doesn’t get any better then this attitude; Utopian idea of this life.  In the world, without God, without hope (hope here means the hope unseen).  Paul’s comment from his experience of seeing hope in this life destroyed.

1.  Spiritual low: Despair...defined as “Having hope, knowing there is no hope, yet still hoping.”
2.  Natural low: Depression.

    Job’s question:   “Will I know God in the flesh?”
How do we beat frustration?  Answer: Know all this isn’t real or the true reality.
Paul...”I rejoice in my frustrations, trials.”  He had come to know their keep him from getting trapped in the highs and lows of this temporal experience.
So, how do you beat frustration?  NEVER see this world’s relationships etc. as permanent and real.  “They have come to pass!”  The car breaks down and we are frustrated.  Why?  It’s a temporary thing right?  If we knew from whom most of the frustration come from, we would be upset with Him, God, not knowing why He would do such a thing/
The highs, they rise.  The harder they fall. 


Everything in the SEEN is only a LIKEN UNTO of the UNSEEN.  Interesting statement made by the Son of God, who claimed that He was from this Unseen and came unto the seen. He said because we have never seen the Unseen, or better, remembered it, forgot from where we originated from, to us this seen is the only reality that we have ever known.  So, here is Jesus “JUST” using the seen, because of our limited minds, to attempt to make some kind of connection that might jar our memories to the True Reality.  What did we do, we took these Liken Unto statements and made them real.  So we get the impression that the unseen is what the seen reality is.    We get the impression that when we get there, we will see Grand-mom and Grand-pop sitting in rocking chairs and fluffy the dog come bouncing across the clouds.  Also we see houses as we left them, yet with a new paint job...or maybe a few more rooms added on.   There is old dad sitting in his boat at the pond fishing.  And cars, streets are there...of course they are paved in gold and not black top.  Mom & Dad are in there Sunday-go-to-meeting
 clothes and the church steeple bell is ringing and the chorus is singing.  And thus every “liken unto” is in the unseen, and the unseen is still unseen.
With that said, now think with me further.  It is written, “Eye has NOT SEEN, nor Ear HEARD, nor has it entered into the heart of mankind, those THINGS PREPARED for those that
love Him.”   If we stopped there we would think it hopeless to even think we would ever know what the Unseen looks like.  But thank God it goes on to say, “But God has revealed it by His Spirit.  Spirit GIVEN WORDS, to REVEAL SPIRIT GIVEN TRUTHS (or better

put Realities).   So, we can get a glimpse of the UNSEEN, but it does not come via the seen, the seen is only a “liken unto”, but not the true UNSEEN. 
So, from what we have said thus far, give up on the silly notion of comparing things of this life to what is coming.  The “liken unto” are for the un-matured.   In a song called “Nights in White Satin”, one line of that song says this...”beauty I’ve always missed, with these eyes before, just what the truth (reality) is, I can’t say anymore.”    We have never really seen beautiful as things may get in the seen; it does not touch the beauty that is in the Unseen.  What we many times have called beauty is on this side of the Biblical flood, isn’t.  For example, the beauty of the Grand Canyon is really a scene of destruction, yet we would call it beautiful.  Our eyes have not beheld this world as it was intended to be.  Even Adam and Eve briefly beheld it. 
Now it might be asked, “Then how could we describe it?”  Paul, in an experience put it this way, “I beheld a man, whether in the body or out of the body I know not, he was lifted up into the third heaven and HEARD UNSPEAKABLE WORDS, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.”  It comes down to this, WORDS.   Words can not describe it.  English can’t touch it, Greek can’t touch it, nor Hebrew.  The words that could describe it, must come from the Spirit, we have already seen this.  Once you get those words, it is said they are Unlawful to utter.  Why?  For what reason, or purpose, are these words not to be written?  
Words, that enter this seen world, become what Paul coined, ”the dead letter.”   This is a place of death and decay, those words are from a place of no death or decay. Thus they come under a principle given to me.....”Know but don’t tell.”  I have at times been told, “know and don’t tell.”   I told others, and those words, thoughts, insights, died in their speaking.  We have all

experienced that which I am speaking of; we have seen it occur.  Have you ever heard of an individual that got healed, and their speaking it, lose it.   Have you shared a beautiful thought, and have some one shoot it down.  Christ Himself commanded those He healed...”Tell no one.”  Then at other times say to them....”tell others.”   Know and don’t tell is a real thing.  It has a reason that the Unseen only knows.  What I have seen of the Unseen is one of those things I hold as a treasure which is not to be cast out to be trampled under foot.
I am learning to “Know and not to tell.”  I have lost many a precious jewel doing just that.   But to say that we can not see the Unseen is untrue.  We all can.  It is there for the ASKING.  Ask, and it shall be given.  Seek, and you shall find, Knock, and it shall be opened.  The Unseen is just a Knock away.  The door will open and you will see that which you have never seen before.
    Many may say, “Come on now, tell us!!”   Or they may be thinking, “Oh yea....I bet you haven’t seen a thing.”  I can say this...I have seen it in the eyes of those who have seen what I have seen.  There are no words between us, it is just something we KNOW.  And we know not to speak it. 
 One more comment and I will end this piece.   This takes what I have said and drives it home.  So really think on this in light of all that has been said.  Christ said, “It is the Spirit that quickens
( makes alive), the flesh (the letter) profits nothing; the WORDS that I speak into you, THEY ARE SPIRIT (coming form the unseen), and they are LIFE (life only comes from the unseen.)       Note, after these words are spoken, words that in this case were to be known and told, because they had a purpose, those words exposed those who wouldn’t receive.   Here is the conclusion of the text....”But there are some of you that believe not.”  For Jesus KNEW from the beginning

who they were that believed not, and who should betray him.  And He said, “Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father.  (Note the number of this last verse John  6:66).....From that time many of his disciples went BACK, and walked no more with Him.”
I can’t leave you just yet.....back up in this text when you get the chance.   Note this....those that liked, the LIKEN UNTO  remarks of Christ in the past, from what he is saying in the verses just before John 6:66 they quickly change their minds.
He comments that He is the Bread that came down (from the unseen) he speaks words that come from the Unseen to those in the seen who interpret things according to the seen.  You can see why they departed and walked no more with him.   They thought he was talking about cannibalism is what he says in UNSEEN language....”Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life in you.”
Put this in the seen, which they did, thus they were left with thinking he was a cannibal.   They weren’t looking for LIFE, they came looking for bread as they knew and experienced earlier when Christ fed then and others.  In the UNSEEN, here is what was meant: Unless you see your condition and weakness (eat my flesh, which Jesus later labels as Weakness in the garden...”the flesh is weak, but the spirit is strong” my flesh would be our agreeing with him, our flesh is weak.)  And see and experience that which truly sustains your life (drink MY BLOOD ...we in the seen see life as the blood of our system which without we would die.  But know is not the liquid called blood that truly sustains us; it is THE LIFE that makes it a liquid and sustains it, that gives us life.  Drink, or better said, SEE this, gain this perspective and you will have REAL LIFE.) ...or you will never come to know what real life is.”

Christ calls to the Unseen for physical bread, the Unseen delivers from its warehouse bread.   It enters the seen, and takes its temporal form and is consumed...dies, them sustains this temporal life.  Christ coming from the Unseen, the LIVING BREAD, comes to the seen, is consumed, dies, goes back to the Unseen and is made alive, ONCE FOR ALL;  proving his POINT....Man does not LIVE BY BREAD ALONE.    Eat this Bread and live forever.   Dying to the “seen” gives us our daily bread.  Christ never once lost sight of the Unseen...IT GAVE HIM THIS LIFE SUSTAINED....thus could be the Living Bread which we consume daily beyond just the physical.  

SCRIPT: Writing in which the letters are formed by a hand-guided implement (as a pen); text (as of a play).
That is the dictionary definition of the word “script. What I am about to share with you reaches deeper than just a dictionary idea.  As a matter of fact, it goes beyond what you may be thinking at this moment.  Do not allow any idea to get you to read into what I will be sharing.  I am not advocating what is called “automatic writings” on my part.  As the dictionary definition says, “writing in which the letters are formed by a “hand-guided”implement;” I could say that I have been hand-guided; I am the pen and the Holy Spirit, that which guided me, to write what I have; yet I don’t want to claim this, simply because there are just too many individuals today claiming the same, yet really are not Holy Spirit lead.  I would ask that you personally ask God on what you will read; see if what I reveal here is from Him or not.

Following script, or being guides into a script unaware, most of our lives, at some point we discover.  You can see how those that advocate the Non-existence of free will, and those that teach determinism, can feel the way they do.  Yet, they fall short of understanding what I will reveal.  What the determinist teach, is that we are victims of chemical, social, and environmental elements, and because of this, you have no free will over the matter.  That is the way that it appears to them, yet note; it is how it appears from their limited perspective.
There is some truth to this, yet again they don’t go further to show where many example can be shown of victims of chemical make-up and environment conditioning, being able to over ride, by the will, all of this and bring in change for themselves.  But, in light of what I will share,
this is also part of a :pre-written Script: again unknown of the individual.
Note though, I do believe in the free will of the individual.  How is that you might ask?  For now I will say it briefly: “The free will was exercised in the writing of the pre-written script before the living out of this freely written script before the foundation of the world, which is the experiences we encounter in living out that script here and now.”

Let me at this point adventure into related thoughts I’ve gotten to prepare you for what I will be expressing later on in their consolidation. 

Our individual actions, cause will manifest an affect in not only our lives but in the lives of many.  Example: If I were to know I would die on such a date in the future and was able to stop this from occurring, what would have occurred had I died, will now not occur.  Something other then what would have occurred will occur; yet, not only in this one life but in many others.  What would have occurred in their lives, had I died, now will not occur but something else would.  (Note: this occurred in II Kings 20: 1-11 where Hezekiah had asked God to extend his life.  Death is delayed to God’s end intent.  So it is possible, yet only if to an end intent of God’s will, who is what determines the cause that brings the affect, thus makes the difference.)   This is now touching what I have come to call pre-written script.

                                                   KNOW OR NOT TO KNOW?

It doesn’t matter.  The only advantage of knowing is peace and assurance of knowing that someone greater then ourselves is in control and knows what He is doing.  Not to know, one is always in the dark guessing.  You make the decision.  Do you want to know?
Be fore warned.  Though there can be this peace I’ve mentioned, there is also the grief and sorrow of such wisdom and knowledge.  Look at the movies today that speak to this possibility and its results:
1.  Final Destination
2.  Dead Zone

3.  Groundhog Day
4.  7th day
5.  Back to the Future
6.  Time Machine
7.  Matrix
and many, many more.


World Script: Developed.....most of the world script has been given in what we call prophecy. What came to the prophets had to come surely by the Spirit, yet note it filtered through the subconscious more so then the conscious mind.  How do I know this?  Symbol used
because the subconscious speaks in symbols more so then language.

Where does my story end and begin; and how do I fit in?  Listen to the Apostle Paul’s expression, “Forgetting those things that are old script, losing this old script to see his script determined by God before the foundations of the world,....The Prize of the Higher calling.

WORLD SCRIPT AS THE STAGE SET… Don’t mess with the stage!!

The book of Acts set limits with the world’s script, its leaders, money, (economic, political, religion) God’s…” His”-story being distorted. 
Consider this one example found in Acts 14:12-    ....And they called Barnabas, Jupiter; and Paul Mercury, because he was the chief speaker.  Then the priest of Jupiter, which was before their city, brought oxen and garlands unto the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people; which when the Apostles, Barnabas and Paul, heard of, they rent their clothes, and ran in among the people, crying out and saying, “Sirs, why do you these things?  We also are men of like passions with you and preach unto you that you should turn from these vanities unto the Living God, which made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein; who in times past suffered all nations to walk in THEIR OWN WAYS, nevertheless He left not Himself without witness, in that He did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.
Catch the scene....Paul heals a crippled man, who was crippled from birth.  These worshipers of Jupiter and Mercury, are astounded by this act attributing Paul’s power to the gods and not God.

 Generations had distorted what once was known of God, into a distortion where they began to worship the creation rather then the Creator.  Modern science today does the same.  How?  Just go to any University World wide and ask in their science class, “Who or what is the originator of this universe and mankind?”  Without exception, all would say “The SUN.”   The power of the sun is, to their view, the originator of life and sustaining element to our existence.  Remove the sun and we would no longer exist.  This is what you might call, Modern day sun worship.  To whatever we attribute our origin to and sustaining factor is our god.  You can see in this the reason God created the sun on the 4th day and not before He created the earth.  He is the LIFE source and sustaining factor and not this universe and us.  He didn’t need the sun to accomplish this.     Now many may not accept this, but if you claim to believe in a Revelation from God, to claim other wise, the sun becomes you god, and not God. 
What has this to do with script?  If you can’t accept the written word of God, what makes you think for one moment He would reveal to you what is behind you very make up?  The going question today is “Who or what” is behind the architecture design of our DNA Code?  It gives strong evidence of a designer giving rise to questioning random chance processes advocated by naturalistic cause and effect of those supporting the evolution model.  Instructions, information and purpose for each and everything in this universe are in this DNA design, or what I have come to call script.  This gives a clearer idea of what I mean by script.  Just because men can not see this or believe this, doesn’t mean that it isn’t so.  It has been pre-scripted that men will be “willfully Ignorant” at the final end point of human history.  The facts will be so strong to
an Intelligent designer, that to deny it, they will be without an excuse.  They will eventually have to attribute this Intelligence to something or someone, yet it won’t be God.  An Alien?  Many are

saying this.  Educated people??  Many in the New Age movement believe this.  If you have ever watched the movie, “Red Planet”...this is exactly what is said.  DNA from a Alien was sent to this planet.  Yet, the question still stands the same, “where did their DNA originate?”  Blind chance or an Intelligent Designer, you decide.  As for me, it was God as a Personified, Intelligent Being, Uncreated, and eternal in nature.   The pagans of old had created their own ideas, their own script of how things came about.  In our modern ages we aren’t too far from old pagan thoughts.  We might throw in new words, thinking to change an old script, using Aliens and all, yet it still is an attempt to remove that script which God has clearly given to us. 

Revelations 20:12...And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the BOOKS (Plural).were opened (Self created Script- over- writes).  And another BOOK (Singular) was opened, which is the BOOK of LIFE (God’s script); and the dead were JUDGED OUT OF THOSE THINGS WRITTEN IN THE BOOKS, according to THEIR WORKS (their script- over-writes).
Paul in Romans 10   “Having gone about establishing their righteousness (script) they have forfeited the righteousness (script) of Christ...Christ the author and finisher of our script. (Heb. 12:2)


 Book of life....His book is our true story; Christ slain before the foundation of the world...Implies these two separate books.  His script written before the world script was written. 
1.  His will- script/book - Oneness
2.  Their will- script/book - divisions                   

Jesus was expressing the Father’s script when He said to Pilate, “You have no power, other than that which my Father has given to you.”
So, it is possible that even though it appears that mankind has a will and can write their own script/book, some how the Father is well aware of what they would write and has already employed what they would write, unaware to them, and He has written around what thy have written.  Best example....Richard De Haan’s booklet “Conflicts of the Ages.” shows best this very fact   Don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.  (God is ambidextrous)
Our inward man can out run the outward man in getting all that we do in the flesh to conform to the pre-written script.  The right hand seen as good, the left as sinister’s original meaning.
Painter Leonardo Da Vinci could paint with one hand while at the same time write with the other; Conscious and Unconscious minds at work.   God is better at it.
Could it be?  The conscious life, we are living out, like an ongoing recorded autobiography yet subconsciously; could it be more then a recorder of this conscious autobiography?   Could it be when this subconscious mind yields to a higher influence, that whatever it is that we experience or write in this autobiography can work to this good no matter what we may be living and writing.


The following thoughts are for you to reflect on.  I am sure that at this point you may not be able to accept what I am suggesting.  The burden of proof is in my court; it is my hope that once you have read this chapter and those that follow it will at least give you some possibilities, which will lead to probability then to a degree of certainty beyond a reason of doubt that what I share is real.

Imagine, the script written there on your heart, something I have yet to convince you, the reader of this book, which it is really there. I believe Evil knows it is there as well. It knows “your calling” and instructions of life are there, your purpose of being here in this life. It seeks to either keep this mystery hidden, or block it, or distort it, making it unreadable. Think in light of what James was saying and what many people have missed...."Cleanse your hands you sinner.”  Now beyond the religious idea of this text, see this...."Cleanse your conscious life,” why?  Lest evil block, distort, distract you, getting you to not go in and read what was placed on your heart. "Purify your hearts, you double minded....see this again beyond the religious idea of it...."Do not let anything enter your conscious life, via the eyes, ears and senses, that would distort, cloud over, cause what is written on your HEART to become unreadable. PROTECT that which matters....your LIFE'S instruction, known only by you and the Father. Let nothing block you from being able to read these instructions. The Holy Spirit has been doing His part of CLEANSING THE make it a readable. Our past, up to the present, this script in there was hidden under the debris of life.  HE HAS BEEN REMOVING IT, don't put it back!!! We see now a good reason to change beyond being forced by laws and rules......we change to be able to read our script. (For the skeptic; read Ephesians 2:10 “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, WHICH GOD HAD BEFORE ORDAINED that we should walk in them.)


We were taught checks and balances before the foundation of this world.  We assisted in
setting it all up.  Why were these needed?  To guarantee our getting the needed experience
and getting “out”.  To assure we would not get trapped in a temporal world and experience.
The true ministry would be to reveal this mystery.  A mystery is a truth comprehended only
by revelation.  Paul, the Apostle, commented that eyes had not seen, nor ear heard this mystery,
and to explain this matter of “the Mystery” further expressed it via the following words...
“What man knows the thoughts of a man save the spirit of that man.”   Paul was at this time
appealing to Revelation over our intellect or reason.  Though these checks and balance occur in
this life’s experience, they originated before it.  To understand them we would have to go to
their source.  We see circumstance occur in our everyday life and many times question their
reason, being limited to this perspective alone.  Apart from seeing their source they would
make no sense at all.
Think of those who write Novels, books, movie scripts from start to finish, of individual
lives...amazing!  If it’s humanly possible why wouldn’t it be possible with those of a higher
intelligence?   Considering the possibility of a pre-written script of each of us; as we read this script, if this were possible, assuming we could read up to the present where we are, reading this

script, ARE THE PAGES BLANK for us beyond this moment?  Could we see our script
beyond what was and is now?  Script can not be changed if you are not aware of it and if you
didn’t know that you could change it.
Examples of Biblical characters that could foresee their script; also those who were able to
change their script.  The first has been named in religious terms prophecy (a foreknowing, then
forth telling).  Though we many not be able to change the past in script (largely because we
were unaware of such a thing) is it possible for us to change the future?
Possible::    Capable of existing, happening, or being true without contradicting proven facts,
laws, or circumstances.  Capable of taking place or being done without offense to nature,
character, or custom.  Potential.
Probable:    Apt to occur or to be true.  Relatively likely but certain.  Plausible, provable. 
Certain:     Definite, sure to happen.  Inevitable.  Establish beyond question or doubt.
We plan a vacation.  We figure where, when, how, who, but little, if anything, is focused on
the why.  We may say, “To rest....To get away....To visit family, friend.....We have always
wanted to go there....etc...etc.”    But, is this truly why?  Maybe the why is unaware to us as of
yet.  Could this idea of pre-written script be the WHY?  Thus the ”Why” was there before the
script.  The Father knew why...did we?  There are times, beyond our knowing why, we feel lead
almost driven to go to a place or do a certain thing, we feel as if we were following a pre-
written script, predetermined beyond any rational reason in the known world to be going or doing what it is we are doing.  Sounds like the Biblical text that says...”My people sin as if following a written script.”  Another question in light of this thought...”Has their been an “OVER-WRITE” of what was originally written?   Our having a free will, is it possible for us to “change” this script to “our will”?   Like it is said....”Having gone about establishing their righteousness, they have forfeited  the righteousness of Christ.”   Seeing the two forms of righteousness here as two possible of self-willed, the other pre-willed before the foundation of this world system.  This pre-willed script lying dormant in us, waiting to be activated once the self-will script is rejected.  As long as we go with OUR SELF-WILLED script, this other script will not come into play. 

The IMAGE and Hidden Script

"Whom He did foreknow, He did pre-distinate to be conformed to the IMAGE OF CHRIST. “

The image of Christ...not referring to physical appearance to be sure.  It is something much more. Christ, meaning the ANOINTED ONE.  This as well must be seen in its depth.   Think of IMAGE in light of this text..."Who for the joy set BEFORE Him”..Set before Him implies a "PRE-EXISTENCE". So, the thinking I'm sharing, in light of this matter of image, is a "Pre-existence" beyond any image we may have of who we are now in this present perspective of existence. We existed; yet, have this Knowing clouded over by what we call existence today.
Jesus at the young age of 12, "REGAINED" this image...and says to his mother, "Women..(term of respect, yet implying something beyond the carnal perspective of Mary being his natural mother.)

He says to her, "Women, what have I to do with you." (in other words, "I don't do according to your life's ideas of action.") Then he continues and shared what He had gained..."Don't you know I have to be about my Father's business." (implying..."I now live out of a REGAINED perspective, one which "Pre-existed" before that which you, Mary, have ever known or could have known, with your ideas of my being your natural son. I now know the early beginnings of what I knew in its entirety, a joy set before me in the presence of my True Father, beyond my step father of this carnal natural life, that you, Mary, only know."  "Yet, because I am just now beginning to see what I once knew in its entirety, I will still remain with you, at this present age of 12, till such a time I see in a clearer perspective that which I once knew totally. (Later, at the age of around 30, He sees this, leaves mother, step father, brothers and sisters, yes...even his own perspectives of life, family, social position and begins to walk in light of a "Pre-existed Script", the will of the Father, established before what he and others had ever known of Him in this life.
Not till hanging on the cross does He see the last page of this Script....."IT IS FINISHED"
Now think of this in light of "US". Who are we Really? Had Jesus just kept with current opinion of who he was and had not sought this hidden script, he would had been, maybe, just a good carpenter's son; a son of Mary and a elder brother to his other brothers and sisters, nothing more.
Are we anything more? The answer is YES. Seek this hidden script.


Lean not unto your own understanding (thoughts), but in all your ways (plans), acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. Sounds like plans.... This is one of the disagreements I had with the statement made in the New Age movie, The Secret....."there is no black board in the sky"...the individual implied that God has no pre-established plans for you, that you determine your own plan and the Universe works with you giving you the power to accomplish whatever you want.   I do not believe this is how it is.  Sure, we can make up our own experience as we go unaided by God or the Holy Spirit.  I believe in the free will of us all to chose. It is my belief that we were known in a pre-existence relationship with God. Not as the cults might believe. I know the earlier church fathers rejected any pre-existence, other then Origen whose belief of this matter leaned towards reincarnation, which I reject. I am not implying any thought of reincarnation. This can be seen in most of what I have written in my own defense.  I know that there is strong support that God did, and does have, "Plans" for each of us with a pacific End Intent. We, in the early stages of our lives, may have not known this for reasons I clearly will bring out in the following chapters. One reason, which I develop was to assure that this would be a True Experience not robotic. (Note, religion makes it sound robotic, which I fight with a passion). The best illustration was the Son of God Himself. He "knew" at 12 years of age the Father's plan for his life. At the age of 30, and in three short years, he accomplished the pre-existing plans for his coming into this world. ("Who for the joy present with Him...pre-existing knowledge, plan,.....indured the cross, despising its shame...(“despising” in the Greek text implied he "knew" his path before he came, and did not consider it as something he would not do. He willingly chose to come if the need arose, and it did). From birth to the age of 12, it is said that he grew in the wisdom of men and God. He experienced, worked, made plans, lived a social life, "BUT" with he came to know his ROLE....he left all that and CHOSE the Father's PLAN for his life. Thank God he did! Many a crazy movie like "The Last Temptation of Christ"...had him getting married and not going with the plans of God. Yet, the good point of that the end, he DOES choose to go with the Father's plan and ends up dying on the cross for all of us.  It was one of those movies that ruffled the feathers of the religion fold who didn’t understand the opening remark to this movie that clearly said that the movie wasn’t a depiction of the life of Jesus Christ, but rather one that relates to our inward conflicts fighting good and evil.  By this the writer of this movie wanted us to consider how “we” might had acted being in the role of Jesus.  We would have thought to desert the Father’s mission, gotten married, to only discover later in life that this was a mistake when we saw the result of our not following the Father’s script of our going to the cross to pay the price for the sin of man.  The movie ends with “this Christ” deciding to do the will of the Father.  It was meant to reveal “us” in the role.  Thank God the “true” Jesus did say in the Garden, “Not my will, thy will be done.”  What would we have done in that position?

Satan’s promise to Adam & Eve was in truth a promise to let the cat out of the bag, so-to-
speak.  They would gain insights of this Experience, Evil implying that under the control of God they would not know.  They would learn of the Balance of the system.  Evil implied also that God’s system would place restrictions on them.   Restrictions they could over ride thus going to greater heights creating a utopia.
You see later in scripture God fighting this in the many dispersions of humanity seeking a one world order.  It appears that Evil was correct to label God a die-hard not wanting humanity to come together in great power.  You see this in Satan’s comment, “He knows in the day that you eat you will become wise knowing good and evil.” ( making it appear that God’s plan will keep you from this).  Of course, what appears as God withholding something from us was really for our own protection. (I have developed this in my book, “Warning of the Occult.”)
Understand, Evil is claiming to know God.  How?  From experience?  Yes.  Remember Satan still has access to that realm; though one day in the future will not.  One day he will be stripped of his power and authority.  In the Garden of Eden scene he sought to gain this power second hand.  Adam and Eve was his ticket to gaining more power.  This sounds like the plot in the movie The Matrix.  The machines being deprived of their power, because humanity scorched the skies of solar power they needed, turned to them for their power by harvesting them and using the energy from their bodies for power like a battery.  One of the team members, seeking to save Neo from the computer generated unreal world of the matrix, calls him “Copper Top.”  Neo
learns later that it wasn’t the color of his hair she was referring to, it was what had happen; humans being used for POWER.  (Again this gets developed further in my other books mentioned in this one).

Well, guess what?  Hello copper tops of the world and its system.  We are being used just like our father Adam.  And like those in the Matrix, Evil’s created system doesn’t want you to know it.  Listen to some of the comments coming from that movie and you see this.  If one is turned off to God and the Bible, you can’t say you never heard the truth if you sat and watched the three movie series of the Matrix.  Wisdom does cry in the streets and the market place. (Prov. 1:20-30)  Darkness cannot hide the light.
This first exert is Morpheus speaking to Neo who is attempting to answer Neo’s question of what is the matrix:
The Matrix is everywhere.  It is all around you.  Even now in this very room.  You can see it when you look out your window;  or when you turn on your television.  You feel it when you go to work,  when you go to Church,  when you pay your taxes.  It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth (true reality).
Morpheus later defines the matrix more:
Have you ever had a dream Neo that you were so sure was real?  What if you were unable to wake from that dream?  How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?
What is being described in this Hollywood movie can be seen in Holy wit.  Whether the screenplay writers was aware of this truth or not doesn’t matter.  Paul lets us know that “all wisdom is ours.”  God has ways of getting the truth out and this is only one of many.  (I have notes on my spiritual insights from this movie that are free for the asking.)
So far I have written at length on the matter of a possible pre-written script; one which we have forgotten.  Not that it isn’t in us hidden (a Mystery).  It lies dormant UNTIL a time designated of the Father; other words, hidden so that we couldn’t mess it up...yet we do anyway.  That is the nature of Evil.  Doing what it thinks best and not even considering that just maybe, maybe God had other plans for us.  Evil’s intent has always been to discover these hidden instructions in us and “re-write” it to our destruction. 

I  have mentioned before of a small pamphlet by Dr. Richard Dehaan called “The Conflict of the Ages.”  It traced evil’s attempt to destroy the coming Messiah.  It fits what I’ve come to see on this matter of Evil attempting to disrupt God’s screenplay of this age, so-to-speak.  Without going into what Dr, Dehaan did so beautifully in that pamphlet, let me say this.  No matter what Evil attempted to do to disrupt God’s screenplay, God just would fit what ever it did to His good.  He just worked it into the screenplay.  I’ve experience this with my attempts as screen play writing.  I’d be writing a scene and say to myself, “Now you did it!  How are you going to get this to work out?”
Well, I simply, being the writer of the past scene, present scene and possible future scene, set things into motion by entering things in the past and future to handle my present dilemma. 
Now understand, if I could do this in creating a fictional screenplay, thus placing myself in what is called the NOW, God, who is in the NOW, meaning having the ability to see all three elements of time at once, could do just that in a split second without a time delay.  Believe you me, Evil is as trapped in time as we are and does not have this advantage...(But we speak the wisdom of God in a MYSTERY, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory; (which none of the princes of this world knew; for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory.  I Cor. 2:7-8)

Think of this next time you get yourself into a mess.  God already knew it and has arranged to solve your dilemma using both the past and the future.  God can frustrate Evil’s attempt of re-writing your purpose in this life and work it to His good.  Just know this and Love Him for it.

                                                                      CHAPTER 15

This, hopefully, will be a study off pocket notes I have gathered that gave insights on Christ's statement..."I never knew you." There are many pockets on this and I wonder if I can convey the "in-between" thoughts that linked these pocket notes together. Oh well, I will just share some and see where this goes. Different view of a Biblical text: Mal 3:16 “Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: (Before the foundations of the world) and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name. (the only book to be concerned about) Mal 3:17 “And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.” Mal 3:18 “Then shall ye return, (from whence we came we must return) and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not. A Book of Remembrance. (I have called it in my book, “our script.”  I might be accused of pulling out of context. My reply is...don't blame me, it was given to me in this manner. Call it the devil speaking to me, as I know, well meaning people might claim. Still, I say, don't blame me. )
 1. Spake often one to another;   I do believe we shared our lives to one another, planned together, set up meeting places where our paths would cross, to "remind one another of that which we once shared in another place, or better put, realm. There is too much that has come to me at this point in this journey to not believe this. It has come to be via what I have termed "Pocket notes," things important enough to jot down where ever I get them. The problem is sharing these thoughts and truths. The best times, times when these thing flow, I have come to know as just mentioned, those moments of crossing one another's planned paths before our remembrance here and now. These moments of crossing, at first aren't seen as something pre-designed.  Not UNTIL they occur time and time again, does one Awaken to this truth. A truth that assures you that it can never be said to you...”I Never Knew You,” for this is that which gives us the assurance "we have become known, as we were known."
2. In that day when I make up my jewels; Gold, silver and precious stones tried of fire; when this experience, ALL of it, is worked to a good. The wood, hay and stubble of this life are the elements of the fire that produce the Jewels which without they would not be. No wonder we are told to give thanks for All things, because this is God purpose for you....REMEMBER!!

As I reflect on my own pocket note, it sounds so familiar with what I have been experimenting with lately, the writing of screen plays. It is amazing how these stories develop. You actually see the characters walking and talking to one another. You find how a few words can change the whole direction of the story plot. One event follows another and at times you get on a roll and the external world around you disappears and this created world takes over. I can see how we could have written our whole lives out in a Pre-experience-script; the resent movies, that I have mentioned before in this book, that have come out, express this more and more. If you have seen the following movies you will understand what I mean. I thank God that much of what I have received via my pocket notes, came to me "BEFORE" I ever saw any of these movies, less I be charged with using them to come up with a new cult. I have no such plans. But it is confirmation to me as I viewed movies like. I know others have gotten a different take on this movies that I have.  I simply like what the Holy Spirit did for me from this movies; spinning what may appear to be straw to gold:
1. Final Destination
 2. Dead Zone   
3. Groundhog Day   
4. 7th Day   
5. Back to the Future
6. Time Machine
7. Matrix
8. Lord of the Rings
9. What Dreams May Come   
The list could go on and on. I didn't look for these movies, they found me. The excitement was beyond the movies and their writers. I have no idea what they intended to relate, but only that which I got out of them. Many of you here know the experience I speak of and its excitement.

Chapter 16
Things That Are

We are left with two choices.  We can either SPEAK TO THINGS THAT ARE, or we can SPEAK TO THINGS THAT DO NOT APPEAR.   If you think this is easy, give it a try for just one day.  Observe how much we speak to things that are.  We see things, hear thing, and by nature speak according to that which we hear and see.  To even begin to get some lead way in this matter of seeing the True reality come upon us is a battle to which we must prepare.  Most do not want the labor involved, because it is through much labor that this OTHER REALM comes to us.

Christ made a comment that appeared cruel.  He had asked an individual to follow him.  The individual commented that he had to bury his father.  Then Jesus replies, “Let the dead bury the dead, follow me.”   The man could not see what Jesus was saying and apparently does not follow Him, or better said, DOES NOT FOLLOW WHAT JESUS IMPLIED.  It is my hope that you, the reader will follow what I am saying in this piece.

Things that are… To even begin to speak to things that are NOT, we much come to see how over whelming we are engrossed in matters that appear.  For what I am about to share, this must first be ESTABLISHED in our lives, this speaking to things that are.  So, for those of you who wish to get into this subject matter, I would ask you to print this article out, stop after this and run a test of your experience of how much you do speak to things that are.  I will give you some highlights of the test I have been running to give you an idea of how it is done.

I hear of situations of my son and daughter from my wife or from them, matters that concern me.  My first reaction reveals my acting to what I see and hear.  I simple observe this behavior without judging it right or wrong.  In this, things that are there, there is Right and Wrong, BUT...both are wrong in that they both speak to things that are, giving answers from things we have established in the past or heard from others.  What we want to accomplish is to get beyond our natural actions in order too gain OTHER actions that are yet to be seen.  But as I said, we must first come to see the problem to get an answer.  Our problem must be seen and acknowledged by us; this problem of our always SPEAKING TO WHAT WE HEAR AND SEE.     I have found my first reaction to things that are, causes me to JUDGE it.  I had attempted to even stop this judging matter and found it’s another impossible task.  We make judgments after judgments in the course of even one given day let alone weeks and months.  Many time unconsciously.  I had to give up trying to curving this bad habit and let ANOTHER thing come into play.
I also observed in my attempt to CHANGE, I would say I was not going to judge these matters or let them get to me.  Well, needless to say, that failed as well.  I would contradict what I had said earlier, and then be upset with myself for doing it.  In my failure and frustration I found my answer.

I will now share an article that leads to this answer.  It is called THE A.R.E FACTOR.
THE A.R.E Factor:   I have come to know it as the ARE factor. Each letter represents parts of this factor. Let me explain it to you as it was given to me from the Father.
1. "A" Acknowledge.
2. "R" Remind
3. "E" Establish

That is the letter break down. Now let me give the explanation of this Factor.  We must come to Acknowledge God on a daily bases. I have no doubt that you do this. But we all are human and can be overcome by distractions and forgetfulness. That is the second letter..."R"...Remind. I once was praying a routine prayer and was stopped by the Father who said..."I heard you the first time. Don't pray that prayer again."
I asked Him to explain. He replied. "A prayer of doubt cancels out." Once you have ESTABLISHED a matter with Me, you need not pray for this is established between you and I. To pray it again, shows doubt, thus it cancels the first prayer out. Vain repetition is for parrots. You are not a parrot."
I replied...."But I am human, and humans forget."
He replied, "Then I will remind you. Once I have reminded you, then you will remind me of that which has, and will be, established between you and I. What do you wish to establish?"
At the time I was parroting this prayer..."Thank you for getting me safely to work and home again. Protect my wife and kids throughout this day...Amen" So, I repeated this one more time for starters of this established matters between He and I.
    He asked..."What else?"
    I began a long list. When I finished I thought to myself..."How in the world am I going to remember all that I have establish? What if I repeat a matter a second time, will it be canceled out?

    He read my thoughts and replied. "I didn't say what I've said to you to produce fear in you. Here is what we will establish this day. Trust that I will remind you of even this. And when you slip and repeat a matter, which should have been, A ONCE FOR ALL ACT, ONCE FOR ALL, simply say, "ARE"...we will both understand what we mean, and what had been established will remain."
    So, this is how this factor came about. I know it works between the Father and me without going into long lengthy proofs to prove this. Will it work with you is between you and Him. It starts by acknowledging Him on one of those days that you do acknowledge Him.  So next time, bring up the matter to Him and see what He says.
    One more thing, believe me, He does remind me everyday.  Not always at the same time. Understand He isn't hung up in time and so if you are reminded, let’s say at 12 noon, it covers the whole day.   I worried about that....of course He corrected me.
Here is an example of what occurs:
Somehow I remember....then say this:   I acknowledge you and I remind You as You have reminded me, of that which is established between You and I, thank you for your love, grace and mercy, through Christ name, amen, so let it be.   (Note…  At this time if there is something new I desire to establish between Him and I, I simply place the desire and it is established by a once for act, once for all. 
    I had asked later for this to be explained more.  It was rather long, but I will keep it brief and say this.  We humans have a very short retention of a thought.  Imagine this....for this great universe of ours to continually function as it does, it requires "SUSTAINED THOUGHT" on God's part.......that is why it is said of Him...."Through Him, all things hold together and consist..and that He neither sleeps or slumbers.”  He has the ability to Sustain a thought.....thank God He does.  Imagine what would happen if He stopped thinking of us and this universe?    

    Now just recently I have learned that we as humans do have the retention ability, many times unaware to us, built into our mind make up.  This is rather long also, so I will briefly say this and close this long piece......the frontal part of the human brain is the area where matters are retained.  If we are unaware of the process that takes place in the mind, many times what we on the conscious level desire, never gets placed in this area, thus does not occur.  So, till such a time we MATURE and are taught of HIM of this ability, He retains for us the desires of our hearts.  But here again is our problem.  Our hearts (center part of the brain) can disrupt the process.  Bringing in emotional doubts and restricting thoughts that come against what we desire.  All that I have said aids us till such time the heart is CLEANSED of these unconscious blockers of our desires.  Let Him do the reminding, establishing and retaining, and the doing of it all and you will see it occur. It is said the world groans and moans for the day that the sons and daughters of God can once again have these powers established in them.  The above is just a beginning of this.  It starts simply by our ACKNOWLEDGING HIM.         
    Now I will give some illustrations of the above process and how it has worked for me
lately.  Again, I hear of the problems of my son and daughter, or some situation at work.  My natural reaction is to SPEAK TO WHAT I HAVE HEARD OR SEEN.  When I do speak to what I have heard or seen, I AM REMINDED of things ESTABLISHED between God and myself.  If nothing on the current situation is established between Him and me, I back off from my judgment of the situation and establish something between God and myself.  He then RETAINS what we have established, and if I should SPEAK anything contrary to this Established thoughts between He and I, I AM REMINDED.  I then simply say the following.  AI acknowledge you, and remind you as you have reminded me, of that which is established between You and I.   What ever the judgment or action I said or did before being reminded of things established between He and I, is CANCELED OUT, and what was establish continues ESTABLISHED AND RETAINED in the mind of God and COMES ABOUT. 
    Here is and on going situation for a good example.   My wife and I like to worry about our kids adventuring out, starting their own lives.  Heidi set out two years ago, and now Eric is moving out in August of this year 2005.  You can imagine the thoughts and situations that can arise in us as Parents letting our kids go on in their lives.   Well, I have established things between God and myself on all of this.  But, be as it will, I HEARD AND SEE and SPEAK to that which I hear and see concerning them.   Thank God, He REMINDS ME of things ESTABLISHED, and the judgments and fears are replaced by the things He and I have established, and I SEE AND HEAR of their situations working out to what God and I established.  Amazing!! 
    There are a lot of other personal situations that go into great detail that I can=t share here.  All I can say is, IT WORKS!   Why?   I will close with this Established thing between God and myself........(this came out in a conversation between He and I once)...
"I AM, you are."   I then replied to Him.  "You ARE, I am."     That's why it works...!

                                                                     Chapter 17
From Where We Were Taken, We Return

    From where we were TAKEN, from the original INTENT of GOD for this Experience we are currently involved with, we WILL RETURN.  Call it a Period of time coming at us in our very near future, God's Original intent will be accomplished here.  Many have called it the Millennial Reign of Christ - a thousand year period.    Evil will be suppressed for this time period till God's intent is fulfilled.  Then, strangely, evil will be set loose for a brief moment.  If this doesn't cause us to see that evil, bad verses good, has its intent in God's original intent, nothing will.  What would an experience be with out the OPPOSITES?  It would not be concerned a true experience.  Our coming into this Experience had its original intent to ENHANCE us, bringing us to a greater fulfillment of who we were and will be, and the Increase, expansion of God Himself.  In that realm this "IS" and always will "BE".  What we here now are experiencing is how this "IS" always existed .  In ages before us, this will be seen deeper and deeper as Deep Cries unto Deep.  We, as it is written, Increase with the Increase of God.  This will go on forever.  Yet, an evil, seeks to entrap us and cause to stop this expansion of God through us.  This is our battle of reconciliation of the opposites.  This reconciliation comes through what I am now revealing.


 Satan can't be in more than one place at a time, his being cast out of heaven.  He is only at an advantage in that he can transverse dimensional realms.  He dwells in the "depths" of this three-dimensional world of length, height, width and the added realm of depths of time.  We, as of now, are restricted to length, height and width.  Someday we will be able to transverse the depths.  In the realm of our bodies, restricted by our soul, cut off from our spirit, we except only what we can see, hear, feel, taste, and smell, thus restricting my experience to the soul/body senses.  Yet, it has been discovered that there are some 39 other senses in mankind beyond the 5 basic ones.
Spiritual senses go beyond our natural senses.  Let’s take a look at the words of the Son of God in light of our perspective of life and His views:

John 3:31   He that comes from above, is above all; he that is of the earth is earthly and speaks of the earth; He that comes from heaven is above all.
32.  And what He has seen and heard, that He testifies: and no man receives His testimony.
33.  He that has received His testimony has set to his *seal that God is true (reality)
34.  For He whom God has sent speaks the words of God; for God gives not the Spirit my measure unto Him.  (Measure: not a limited portion, degree)
(*seal:  strengthened, a signet, as fencing in or protection from misappropriation, the stamp impressed (as a mark of privacy, or genuineness).
John 8:23 “And He said unto them, You are from beneath, I am from above: you are of this world; I am not of this world.”  (Beneath: Inferior)                  
24.  I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins (trapped mentality) for if you believe not that I AM (He), you shall die in your sins
(In other words be trapped forever in this limited restricted mind set).
I Cor. 12:2 I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (Whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell, God knows.)  such an one caught up to the third heaven.
3.  And I knew such a man, (Whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell, God knows).

4.  How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words which it is not lawful for a man to utter.                                                             

Gal. 4:26 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.
Eph.  1:21 “Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come.”
4: 10  “He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that He might fill all things.”
6:6 Above all, taking the shield of faith where with you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
Phil.  2:9 “Wherefore God also has highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name.”
10.  That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth.

                                                                      CHAPTER 19
Not From Men

    “Paul, an Apostle, "Not from men nor even through the intermediate agency of man."
 For about the last ten years, I parted from extensive reading of the Bible.  Not that I parted entirely from reading it on various occasions or reading it for referencing to articles I have written and shared with others.   I, in the past, spent long periods of time reading and re‑reading it over and over many times in a single setting.  I say this to clarify what I mean by parting from reading it.
 I was lead to once again pull out Wuest expanded Greek translation and read the total book of Galatians and Ephesians.  What a wealth of knowledge I now see that I couldn't have seen in the past. 
The above quote is from the opening statement of Paul's letter to the Galatians.  In the past I'd only quickly read over these opening statements to get to what I'd thought to be the meat of the body of the letter.  I see now I was wrong and see what I missed back then.
 Let me share what I'm coming to see, with just these opening remarks from Paul.  Be forewarned.  It will not jive with many of our accepted views.  I'm at the point where I can accept this and can honestly say, I understand.  Just take it and ponder over it.
As I read it, the above quote, my old mind set asked this doubting question, "You, Paul, say you are not from men. I can understand this and see it to mean that you, Paul, aren't from your old Jewish traditions and their mind set.  "BUT", what you appear to be implying in your further statement, has me puzzled.... (Typical self, carnal skeptic questioning on my part)

You appear to claim a different agency other then you natural parents?@
Note this.  The traditional approach focuses on "An Apostle".  Leave this out and see....”Paul, neither from men nor even through the intermediate agency of men.”   Paul seems, in the traditional view of this opening statement, to be defending his Apostle‑ship.  This may not be the case.  The traditional definition of apostle is....ambassador, one sent.   The question raised in my mind, "from where and by whom?"  Now if you see the word apostle in this light, you are closer to what I have seen, then just the misunderstood idea of the word.
Where did you come from Paul and who sent you?  Paul says, NOT FROM MEN.  Now here is where you begin to lose people and their understanding.....NOR THROUGH THE INTERMEDIATE AGENCY OF MEN.  (Think of this text in light of this...Gal. 1:15-16....Amplified, and you can answer the question yourself)
“But when He, Who had chosen and set me apart (even) BEFORE I WAS BORN and had called me by His grace, saw fit and was pleased... TO REVEAL (unveil, disclose) His Son “within me.” To catch what I am driving at, also hear this later text of Paul in I Cor. 4:15
"For though you have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have you not many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have BEGOTTEN you through the gospel."

Paul's view of himself and others, as he himself claimed, was not after the flesh, meaning views we are commonly accustom to...beyond Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Male, Female...which he expressed later.  “Though I have known humanity after the flesh, I do not know them in this manner anymore.”                                                                                                              
You could say he when to the extreme to counteract the extreme which evil and this present life has done to us.  God is his Father and the New Jerusalem is his Mother.  He calls Timothy his son because he was begotten of Paul through the views he had gained of the meaning of this life and its experience, something that this life and the flesh had distorted.  Paul follows Jesus words to the extreme...."Call no man your Father"....and in this text in I Cor. demonstrated the expressed extreme of his views.  “I have begotten you through the gospel.”   Note Paul uses “through”....thus is not directly claiming Fatherhood of Timothy.  No man has that right; God only is our Father and has the right to claim such. 
I see where I have come to a place in my life where I can no longer explain what it is that I am seeing.  To say it bluntly, what it is I am seeing, almost guarantees that I will be misunderstood.  To attempt to explain it, leads to frustration and the experience that the Son of God had himself   while here attempting to get us to see this matter I have come to know.  He had said, “Though I explain this in full, you will not understand.”  Link this to his famous statement on the cross, “Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
We do not know what it is that we are doing.  We may think we do, but it is far deeper then we could have imagined.  To see what I have come to see, you begin to understand the WARNING given my The Christ, “Judge not at all.”   Link this with John’s remarks, “He that hates his brother (of mankind) abides in darkness.”  Link this to Christ’s statement, “Walk in the light (of my view of matters) as I am in the light, and we would have fellowship together.”  In other words, a SUDDEN UNITY would come upon us and unite us in a way that this world in all its efforts could never accomplish in a million years.  What would be the power of this SUDDEN UNITY?  To Know...  WE ALL PRE-EXISTED..  We all were in the Beloved.  We loved one another and we were loved of the Beloved. 

Before the objections rise in your mind or fears, here these.   IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A PRIMAL BASE FOR A UNITY, THEN YOU WILL NEVER HAVE A UNITY.!
If we did not pre-exist, then there will never be a unity other then that which we conjurer up in this temporal life.   Where is that in the Bible you might say?  Hear it, “If, IN THIS LIFE ONLY we have hope IN CHRIST, we are men most miserable.”
We hear this phrase over and over again preached...IN CHRIST.  And we have NEVER heard the echoing warning coming up from before the foundations of this stupid world’s ideas of a unity.  This is a warning I hear in my dreams.  This is a warning I promised to preserve.  To keep us IN CHRIST, in the beloved.  To never allow any division separate us from who we were and will be forever.  IF WE COULD SEE WHO WE WERE, COMPARED TO WHAT WE HAVE BECOME, WE WOULD ALL WEEP!
You can see the warning from Christ, “He that seeks to save this life, will lose it.  But he that loses his life shall save it.”    AHe that does not come to hate this life, will lose it....What?  The pre-existent JOY that Christ is said to have enjoyed with us and the Father.  Now you can understand the question put to Job to get him past the sorrows of his condition, “Where were you when the Sons of God rejoiced together?”   Other words, “Weren’t you listening?  Have you forgotten?  Don’t you remember?  I had said that your experience would only be temporary!

That your life would be the expression and the expansion of The Beloved.  That no matter what might occur I would be with you and cause it all to work to the good.  I am that GOODNESS.  Not good as you might count goodness.                                                                                              Moses desired to see my Glory.  For who he was and what he represented, the law, he would not have survived the revealing.  So, I shared my GOODNESS to him, getting Him to LOOK BACK to before this experiences and the law.  And for this he glowed in my Glory and saw the knowledge of the Glory of God through the face of Jesus.  And he remembered.   He, Moses, is said to “Had not followed the God of his father, Abraham.”  Abraham saw a God which I now speak to you of.  Of a world not made with hand.  Not temporal in nature.  The Face of God changed to a face that was, is and always will be.  THE BELOVED.  Moses could not had seen the purpose of the law.  Law which had only intended to restore what had been lost, to reveal your condition.  Once seen, My Son would be the end intent of that law…  IN CHRIST RESTORED…  Ending this experience and restoring its purpose; a purpose that was only to express and expand the Beloved using you to do so.  The Law revealed an evil set on destroying this expansion. You have called it the world, the flesh and the devil, a trinity of evil.  Because of this evil you now see as through a glass, darkly – “but then face to face; now you know in part; but then you shall know even as you were known.”
But now, after that you have KNOWN God, or rather are KNOWN of God, how turn you again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto you desire again to be in bondage?  You observe days, and months, and times, and years.
Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he had purposed in himself.  That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth, even in him



This thread is for things that have confirmed many of those things you have gained from experience yet at those moments you lacked the words to express what it was you experienced.  This is only one way that the Spirit brings us along.  He does at times give you the knowledge first and later the experience of that knowledge.  So, stick to the experiences you have had and how the Spirit used tapes, books, movies and speakers to confirm that experience He brought you to. 
“Now we have received, NOT the spirit of the world, but the SPIRIT which is of God; that we might KNOW the things that are freely given to us of God.  Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teaches, but which the HOLY GHOST teaches; COMPARING spiritual things (experiences) with spiritual (confirming words).  But the natural man receives not the things of the SPIRIT of God; for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.  But he that is spiritual judges ALL THINGS, yet he himself is judged of no man.  For who has known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct Him?  BUT WE HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST.”  I Cor. 2: 12-16
I’ll start this off with this experienced I received and later the Spirit gave Spirit given words to confirm my Spirit given experience.  Here are some notes I have to Part 2 to the movie script I worked on The Awakening.  Part 2 is called The Threshold.  It dealt with the matter of Fading.  If you have ever read The Celestine Prophecy you will know how my reading this book after the fact confirmed this matter of The Fading to are the notes I got before the reading of The Celestine Prophecy....:
WHO WE TRULY ARE.......What the fading produces. Images.We take on who we truly are.
This is the change that comes to the team.  “It’s not what we have become, but who we were. 
What we have become here, was intended to enhance who we were, not cancel it out.  Evil
would have who we were cancelled out.  “Depart from me, you who worked iniquity, I never
knew you.”   Worked:   Came to a point to deny the pre-existence, the Unseen, and works in the
seen existence only.  Living as if there never was, nor ever will be that Unseen.  They teach this
and lead others into this trap....thus “THEY WORK INIQUITY.”
Definition of NEVER: “No point in time upon which a matter was ever known or conceived.”

In “time” does not retrieve that hidden in them.  The lie takes it’s hold via the iniquity
of the parent visiting to the third generation.   “Wherein in time past ye walked according to
the course of this world, according to the Prince of the Power of the Air, the Spirit that now
worketh in the children of disobedience.”  Eph. 2:2
The opposite of this verse:   Eph. 3:20   “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding
abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us…”
The experience became our own, not His.  We sought to bring it to our end, not His. 
Like it has been said – “And I thought I knew you, I guess I was wrong, I never knew you.”
Strange confirmation that I still am seeing more and more to this.  We have been taught of this
matter of a rapture.  Where we all disappear.  Could this matter of a Fading be its truth or reality
yet to come?
Later a song sang in the last of the three movies “Lord of the Rings”…a very haunting song. 
Here are the words of that song:
Home is behind, the world ahead.
And there are many paths to tread,
Through shadow to the edge of night.
Until the stars are all alight,
Mist and shadow, cloud and shade,
All shall FADE, all shall FADE.
Share you experiences and confirmation to this if you have ever had any.  Don’t be concerned
with those that may not understand.  If there is any truth to this it will be confirmed in this thread
by those who have had similar experiences.  I understand any hesitance on your part.  I sense the


                                                                    CHAPTER 21


I wish now to expound upon a matter that reveals how fire is kept in store for our age and our PRESENT CONDITION.  This is an addition that came to me after receiving that mentioned in Chapter One, Our Condition.
What is kept in store and who is keeping it there?  Well we know it isn’t water.   That fell at the Biblical Flood.  We were told that it is Fire, and it is held at bay, and increases day by day.  Now the question is, “Who is increasing it; God, humankind?”
Consider another text in Genesis that is reference in the text of I Peter we had mentioned.  “And the Lord said, my Spirit will not always strive with men, because he is also FLESH.  Yet his days shall be 120 years.”
Without debating whether the 120 years was speaking of the time required to build the Ark, or it was referring to the cutting short of mankind’s life span, focus on this, “My Spirit shall not always strive with men.”  Striving also means to struggle.  Have you ever struggled with someone to keep them out of trouble till such a time you just let them find out for themselves, the hard way?   Then once they find out, there you are waiting to save them from what you tried to tell them would happen.  That is what is said here.  They could not see that they had become flesh, not meaning skin, but they had changed their total world view leaving God totally out of

the picture. 
As I said before, they did not know what hit them.  You can see a little deeper what Jesus meant when He said, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.”  Mankind has no more understanding of what got them into the mess we presently see, any more then those at Jesus’ crucifixion knew that the cure for their unknown problem was being solved that day.  You got to know you have a problem to even begin to look for a solution. 
When Christ preached to them in Hell, they had to know they had a problem by then.  No doubt.  He offered them the solution, Himself.  They believed it and captivity was lead captive. 
Note what happen that day.  It is hinted at in Isaiah 5:14.  “Therefore Hell has enlarged herself and opened her mouth without measure.”  At the writing of that text, Isaiah had no idea of its meaning.  Hell had enlarged herself?  Remember, it is said that Christ was slain before the foundations of the world.  Those in Hell were not there to long before the descending Christ came and preached to them and lead them out.  On this side of that World wide flood, this deliverance has been offered.  You, the reader must at some point in this existence, come to understand what it is that he offered.  It’s my hope that via this reading of this book you will come to that decision and find the way back....From Whence We Came, we must return.
                                                                       CHAPTER 22

We are God's Living Expressions of the Expansion of the Knowledge and Wisdom of God in a Unity of Diversity........

 This statement was an answer given to the question asked by me as to the meaning and purpose of this experience.  We were to be living expressions of the expansion (sharing in this case) of just who God is.  If He had chosen to not reveal Himself, we could not have ever guessed who or what He was. I Cor. 2:9                                  

Many in this experience, thinking to do this, have come up with some of the strangest ideas of who this God is.  Kind of like second guessing Him.  They have either second guessed this God or simply denied His very existence.  Others have thought to make themselves god or gods.  These, thinking simply because they have sensed this expression and expansion through them, feel that this must imply that they are God or gods.

I asked about this once, “Are we gods?”  The question was asked because I remembered Jesus saying this once, so I wanted to know what he meant by this. (John 10:34)  I wasn’t given a lesson in theology because I already had this from my past. I was looking for something different.    Here is how it was answered:

“Moses has your answer.”
“What do you mean by this?”
“He, like you, was raised under a world system, just another system, without comparing yours with his.  Later in this experience he found out that what he had become, was not who he truly was, just like you have found.  You are more then just Paul Woodward a corrections officer living in Southern New Jersey. 
For who Moses had become, it took 40 years to undo.  To undo what was done to you took some time as well.  Depending upon ones up bringing, more or less time would be needed.  Time taken doesn’t matter, only that it be undone.
You have found that it is human to seek to save what you think you are.  It is threatening for someone to suggest that you are something other then this.  Moses was filled with questions not unlike yours, and over a 40 year period, had many of these questions answered.   Many of your questions have been answered with still more coming as we speak.  I welcome your questions for they fulfill My original purpose of Expressing and Expanding the knowledge of Who I AM and you are.  Wisdom is TO ASK and keep on asking.  My Son so taught this by saying, “Ask, Seek, Knock, for those that keep asking receive, and those that keep on seeking find, and then the door is open;” a door that leads BACK to that which gives this experience of yours and others Unity in Diversity.  I have no problem expressing MYSELF through such a diversity of beings as you all are; I created it to be so.

Human efforts have sought to make sense of this diversity apart from seeking ME as you and others have.  They all fall short.  Your frustration is shared.  You are not alone.  You have complained that you are misunderstood, and many times labeled something other then who you truly are.  You have seen many with half truths or distortions of what I have shared with you and others like you.  Don’t let that concern you.  I will handle this.  All who have heard from Me have had the same problem.  They know the source of their truths and know that these others haven’t a clue where they are getting their answers.  Not knowing that it is I that has expressed MYSELF through them, they think to claim it as their own patent truth. 
Remember the Apostle Paul, My ambassador, he shared your experience and it troubled him.  Not till late in his experience did he learn what I AM now sharing with you....”Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will; the one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds; But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defense of the gospel.  WHAT THEN?  Notwithstanding, EVERY WAY, whether in pretense, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.” Phil. 1:15

So Paul, rejoice and let me handle the misunderstandings and labeling.  You will find that who you truly are has nothing to do with what you think or others.  It is more of what I THINK of you, and even them. 
The disciples were concerned of what others thought of my Son’s expressions.  The reply I gave Him to give to His disciples was, “Don’t worry about them.  Whatever isn’t of my Father will be up rooted.  Don’t seek to up root them.  Remember!  Let them grow up together, wheat and tares.  Judge nothing before the time.  That time will come sooner then you and they think.

One last thing Paul, remember what I once shared with you about Myth and the Distortion of Truth?
Remember how I brought out how some have thought to justify their occult practices and claims to being gods using Moses as their example?”
 Reflect on this in light of what I have shared so far.  Moses’ 40 years experience had so humbled him to the place where he wouldn’t allow ME to speak through him. (Exodus 3:11) 
So, I used his brother Aaron. (Exodus 4:14)  Now here is where these others got their mistaken idea that they are gods.  I said to Moses, “I will speak to you.  You will share this to Aaron and he will speak that which you are unwilling to share feeling so humbled.  YOU WILL BE AS GOD TO HIM....(Exodus 4:16) in other words, what I was saying was this, “Sense you won’t  do the speaking for me, Aaron, who can’t hear from ME as you do, simply because he hadn’t gone through the process that you Moses went through to hear me FACE TO FACE, you will APPEAR to be  What you tell him to say will come about in POWER!....thus, you, Moses, will appear as God to Aaron.  Of course you and I know different.  IF you had done these things without being humbled first, it could be attributed to your TEACHING, TRAINING under the old system of Egypt.  Their magicians will do what you do....but your source will be ME whereas their source is NOT FROM ME.“
So, that was what I meant above, “their time will come sooner then you think.”  THE SOURCE will be exposed as either from ME, or themselves.  Your snake will eat their snake....catch my drift??  I AM sure you do.”

Typing this has given me some peace on this.  So, I will continue to share what I am called to share whether it gets misunderstood or my being labeled.....  Which I am sure it will.  It is the human condition.  Always was and always will be.  Nothing God can't handle.  I’ll let Him do what He does best....Work it all to His good.


Living Expressions of the Expansion of the Wisdom and Knowledge of God in a Unity of Diversity

Paul the Apostle had saw where there would come a day when no one would have to say to his neighbor know the Lord for ALL would know him from the least to the greatest. We are approaching that time as many other authors are revealing today.  But think about it. I don't know if Paul gave such a thought not experiencing it. "IF everyone knew the Lord and heard from Him, what need would there be to hear from one another, when all of us would know the One who could give us the answers to all that we would want to know?                              
As I've mentioned in other writings, one reason would be "For Confirmation" or to share information in area I may have a block in my mind so at that moment I can not receive that needed answer and need to hear from another. Or to share DIFFERENT views and words of expressing the same matter which brings out this Unity in Diversity which God is and thus we are now experiencing in this experience.   But know this that there will come a time when even this won't be needed. It isn't yet, but it will come. How will we handle that when and if it comes? Well, it could be frustrating. Many times I share things to only find out that others already know what I think only I know. Makes you wonder, "Why share it any more. They already know it!" "What's new, isn't there anything I can share that has not been heard?" Well, be glad, Morphic Fields are working and we are living testimony of this.  Separated by great distance and back grounds, we are all getting one another’s input. This is the NEW JOY and answers, and beats the competitive game the world seeks which only puffs one up as Paul warned us of.  So, I do believe he did see this day we are living in and did address the dilemma erasing it. We are God's Living Expressions of the Expansion of the Knowledge and Wisdom of God in a Unity of Diversity. Amen

Pulsating Rhythmical Expansions

My, my, the things I am coming to see in my mind!  The shear beauty of it all and our small part in a single galaxy in one among many possible unfolding waves of universes spreading out like vibrating waves of energy pulsating in rhythmical harmony from an ever increasing hub.  This Personified energy of the highest intelligence manifesting itself in form, through form, then out of form to only form again and again, having no beginning or ending.  Uncreated, never to be destroyed, always was and always shall BE.
This I see is the true beginning; a beginning beyond our limited definitions.  An eternal beginning in a Personified Mind of Thought constantly moving; sustaining thought, to which there is no stop or pause, expressed in the Eons upon Eons. 

To think we play apart and contribute to the expression of this eternal expansion.  Like the fluttering wings on a butterfly, it to adds to this effect.  So small, we may think, so insignificant, as to our part.  Yet, each participant, knowingly or unknown, adds to this wave.   Even Evil’s attempt to stop this surge becomes part of its manifestation.  Had they known, they would not have crucified him.  The HUB, the WORD expressed, manifested in flesh.  The NAME that defines the essence endowed with flesh continues the expanding vibration through this valley of the shadow of death, through the energized heat of hell, restoring the GLORY and the Pulsating Rhythmical Expansion of THE BELOVED.   Amen


THE UMBRA, for me, is a new word, packed with power.  Here is its definition:  UMBRA, Latin; meaning the darkest part of a shadow. Follow this thought though selected texts in light of the word PLAINLY:
 "Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, “How long do you make us to doubt? If you are the Christ, tell us PLAINLY."  John 10:24

 "Then said Jesus unto them PLAINLY...Lazarus is dead."   John 11:14

"These things have I spoken to you in proverbs; but the time will come when I shall NO MORE speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall SHOW YOU PLAINLY OF THE FATHER.  At that day ye shall ask in my name; and I say not unto you, that I will pray the Father for you; for the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God.  I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world; again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.  His disciples said unto Him, “Lo, now you speak PLAINLY, and speak no proverb,  Now are we sure that you know all things, and need not that any man should ask you; by this we believe that you came forth from God.  Jesus answered them, “Do you now believe?” Behold, the hour comes, yea, is now come, that you shall be scattered, every man to his own, and shall leave me alone; and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me. These things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace.  In the world you shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”   John 16:25-33

“These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having SEEN them AFAR OFF, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims ON THE EARTH. For THEY THAT SAY SUCH THINGS, declare PLAINLY that they seek a country.  And truly, if they had been mindful of that country FROM WHENCE THEY CAME OUT, they might have had opportunity to have returned.  But they desired a better country that is heavenly; wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; for He hath prepared for then a city.”  Heb. 11:13-16

This is the time of the removal of the the old testament we find THE DARKEST PART OF THE the New Testament light began to shine..yet, in proverbs of dark speak.  Christ mentions,” but the time will come when I shall NO MORE speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall SHOW YOU PLAINLY OF THE FATHER.”  It gets no plainer then to say....From Whence We Came, We Must Return. There is no mystical hidden meaning or dark speech to this short phrase. It means what it says. We are going to return from where we came whether of not we know from where we came.

I did not originate from the womb of my natural mother but from what was said in mystical speech of Paul the apostle, “the New Jerusalem, the Mother of us all.” Gal. 4:26  We are learning to “call no man our father,” because we have come to see who our Father was, and we are about our Father’s business of awakening to the true reality beyond this temporal world.


This chapter is devoted to sharing with you what others have said and seen; beyond what I have shared with you all in this book of those personal things I have been given.  These are things I picked up from others and were not known by me before the writing of this book.  I had asked the Lord, that I receive it this way so that others couldn’t say that I was just some vain babbler or plagiarist quoting others; a thing they accused the Apostle Paul on Mars Hill in the book of acts.  I use Wuest Expanded translation which does this Acts 17:18 justice; hear it  - “And  certain also of the Epicureans and Stoic philosophers kept on encountering him (Paul) for the purpose of disputing with him.  And some went to saying, “What would he desire to be saying, granted he was able to say anything, this ignorant plagiarist, picking up scraps of information here and there, unrelated in his own thinking and passing them off as the result of his own mature thought?”   Note also the warning to Timothy from Paul to not do this, thus get such an accusation laid again him, in I Tim. 6:20-21 “O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called; which some professing have erred concerning the faith.  Grace be with thee. Amen.”
Note, the way of FAITH is to ask God first, having Him give you a reply, then if you need to, go off and seek confirmation from others who also have asked God and gotten the same reply that you got.  In maturity, this is done less; you learn to KNOW His voice.

So, with that understanding, here are the many things others sent or I found that confirmed “Afterwards” what the Lord gave to me.
Something I found:

Confirmation from the Book Of Enoch:

81.1 And he said to me: “Oh Enoch, look at the book of the Tablets of Heaven and read what is written upon them, and note every individual fact.”
81.2 And I looked at everything that was written and I noted everything.  And I read the book and everything that was written in it, all the deeds of men, and all the children of flesh who will be upon the Earth, for all the generations of eternity.
81.3 And then I immediately blessed the Lord, the Eternal King of Glory, in that he has made all the works of the world, and I praised the Lord because of his patience, and I blessed him on account of the sons of Adam.
81.4 And at that time I said:  “Blessed is the man who dies righteous and good, concerning whom no book of iniquity has been written, and against whom no guilt has been found.”

Without going into the debate of whether this book of Enoch should have been part of the Bible or not, I would like to consider just this portion of it in light of the “books’ mentioned in the book of Revelation which we do know was accepted into the Bible. 

Rev. 20:12-15 “And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened; and another book was opened, which is  the book of life; and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them; and they were judged every man according to their works.  And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire.  This is the second death.  And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Look at Enoch 81:4 and take notice to what he calls a BOOK OF INIQUITY.    Then notice what he says of those he considers righteous in the opening of this verse, “Blessed is the man who dies RIGHTEOUS and good, concerning whom NO BOOK OF INIQUITY has been written, and against whom no GUILT has been found.”

See what Enoch calls the Tablets of Heaven as the same thing John in Revelations called THE BOOK OF LIFE.
Jumping ahead now to other Biblical texts with “Book” in them;
Gen. 32:32 “Yet not, if thou wilt forgive their sin; if not, blot me, I pray thee, out of thy BOOK which thou hast written.
32:33 “And the Lord said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot our of my BOOK.
Numbers 5:23 “And the priest shall write these curses in a BOOK, and he shall blot them out with the bitter water;
Numbers 21:14 “Wherefore it is said in the BOOK of the wars of the Lord, “What he did in the Red Sea, and in the brooks of Arnon.
Deut. 17:18-20 “And it shall be, when he sitteth upon the throne of His kingdom, that he shall write him a copy of this law in a BOOK but of that which is before the priests the Levites.” And it shall be with him, and he shall read therein all the days of his life; that he may learn to fear the Lord his God, to keep all the words of this law and these statutes, to do them; that his heart be not lifted up above his brethren, and that he turn not aside from the commandment, to the right hand, or to the left; to the end that he may prolong his days in his kingdom, he, and his children in the midst of Israel.”
Josh. 10:13-14 “And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies.  Is not this written in the BOOK of Jasher?  So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.  And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the Lord harkened unto the voice of a man; for the Lord fought for Israel.
II Sam. 1:18 “(Also he bade them teach the children of Judah the use of the bow; behold, it is written in the BOOK of Jasher.)
I Kings 11:41 “And the rest of the acts of Solomon, and all that he did, and his wisdom, are they not written in the BOOK of the acts of Solomon?
II Chr. “Now the acts of Rehoboam, first and last, are they not written in the book of Shemaiah the prophet, and of Iddo the seer concerning genealogies?  And there were wars between Rehoboam and Jeroboam continually.
II Chr. 20:34 “Now the rest of the acts of Jehoshaphat, first and last, of Jehu the son of Hanani, who is mentioned in the BOOK of the kings of Israel.
Job 19:23 “Oh that my words were now written.  Oh that they were printed in a book!”
Job 31:35 “Oh that one would hear me!  Behold my desire is, that the Almighty would answer me, and that mine adversary had written a book.”
Psa. 69:28 “Let them be blotted out of the BOOK of the living, and not be written with the righteous.”
Psa. 139:16 “Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being imperfect; and in thy BOOK all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of me.”
Mal. 3:16-18 “Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another; and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon His name. And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of host, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. Then ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not.


Fromke, DeVern, The Ultimate Intention, Sure Foundation, Inc. 2522 Colony Ct. Indianapolis, IN 45280 , 1963 ISBN 0-936595-02-7
Wuest, Kenneth.  Wuest’s Word Studies, From The Greek New Testament Vol.  Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49502.  1966
Wuest, Kenneth.  The New Testament, An Expanded Translation , Wm, B, Eerdmans Publishing Co. 1961

                                           Defining Terms Used in this Book

1.    THE FLESH:
 I feel I must share some quick thoughts to this subject matter of what is meant in scriptures by this term, "the Flesh." It will over lap many of my comments in this book where I used or made reference to this term.   Here are some opening thoughts on this matter of THE FLESH....

I hope you understand that the context of a scripture text will assist us in understanding various meanings to words used in its context. With that, know that the word “Flesh” carries various meanings; one being “skin.” When Jesus had said, unless you eat my flesh…a second meaning , which I will share in a moment, would come into play. Of course the crowd that day totally misunderstood his point, taking it literal. Trace scripture to interpret scripture. Jesus says in the Garden, “the flesh is weak, but the spirit is strong.” This could be just seen as his physical condition which would be true. Yet, it also could mean flesh as he later expresses, “father, if it be possible, let this cup pass" implying a mental state and present view, that of the flesh. You see this usage in Paul the Apostle’s statement….”having begun by the spirit, are you now brought to maturity by the flesh?” Gal. 3:3  The word flesh in this text is not referring to the skin of the human body, but rather the views, perspectives, methods of human efforts to achieve spiritual maturity. In the context the subject matter was addressing the Galatians turning to carnal method to achieve salvation, works of self effort. Paul asked them one question, if they can gain salvation via works, then to what end did Christ die? If keeping laws and rules, the old unsuccessful method, if this was to be the way to gain salvation, Paul asks the question, " why did Christ have to die, we could have saved ourselves? Gal. 3:2-3

If I say, “man that was cool” speaking of and event; you and I know that what ever it was didn’t come out of an ice box. It’s a figure of speech. Yet, if before saying this I said, “I went to the ice box to get a soda and it was cool,” we would know that what we meant to be cool was the drink from being in the ice box.

Those at the time of Jesus’ expression, “Unless you eat my flesh”….had thought Him to be saying they had to really eat his skin body to have a piece of him. Read the text in context.  Were they right to feel this way?

Yes I know, the Catholics, though they don’t take it literal, spiritualize it to mean the wafer, a symbol of his body broken, when eaten changes into His real body. We all don’t agree with this. On their part it was just a case of poor understanding and trying to cover there misunderstanding which only adds to it more confusion.

Well, what have I got to offer that clarifies it? Here is what I know…Jesus had said to Peter, when Peter gave the right answer to Jesus’ question, “Who do men say that I am,” …Flesh and blood has not revealed this unto you but my Father”  In context, what was Jesus saying? They all had given answers to Jesus’ question with only Peter giving the right answer, an answer, which apart from God the Father revealing it Peter would not have known. The other answers were from what they had heard of Him, (the flesh, world opinion) and what tradition had taught them (Blood heritage, in this case Jewish). Thus the context defines the use of this term, flesh and blood.

Now use this in the context of, “unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you will have no part with me.”  Here is what was being conveyed, Unless you come to realize what I have come to realize about your condition in the flesh, with constitutes you world view cut off from my Father, which I am now experiencing and know what I am talking about, thus can clearly say from experience that it is WEAK, … unless you also drink my blood, meaning what I had said to those disciples which had thought to argue about who would set at my right hand in the kingdom and my replying to them, “are you able to drink my cup”. ”…so, if you aren’t willing to come to the truth of your own condition of weakness to deliver yourself, and instead turn to human efforts, thus do what is said, “trod under foot the blood of Christ (what HE accomplished by shedding His blood)…you will have NO PART WITH ME!” No escape…”how shall we escape if we neglect so great a method of deliverance?”

It is said that we identify with His death, burial and resurrection,…death of the fleshly world view, drinking His view…(Life in His Blood which was shed) …His world view, which was clearly said to Pilate, “my kingdom is not of this world and its views, if it were my Disciples would have fought for Me and this kingdom, but that isn’t the case, my kingdom is not of this temporal world. (Pilate at least understood this much, and thus at that moment didn’t see Jesus as a threat to Rome. Not until later when pressed of the Jews did he seek away to have Jesus crucified. )

Here is a text coming out of Genesis…”and the Lord said, My Spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh; yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years. “
This text reaches beyond just the skin body. Something else which implies world view of that day, which later is expressed…”and every imagination of the heart of men were evil continually.

Another text to consider found in the book of Job…”and though after my SKIN worms destroy this BODY, yet in my FLESH shall I see God...Whom I shall see for MYSELF, and my eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins (mind) be consumed within me. But ye should say, why persecute we him, seeing the ROOT of the matter is FOUND “IN” ME.

We see a double fold expression of this term flesh in context. One moment it is referring to the skin body then moments later it is referring to view, insight which reaches beyond physical eye sight which Job could not have seen at that moment. He, with spiritual insights could see the deliverance of not only his body, but mind as well via the Life giving Redeemer yet to come in a body, Jesus. Job expresses a moment of joy and confidence that he SHALL see his deliverance of not only his body but also view and sight not with him at that moment. Also, take notice, for this, at the end of the book of Job, Job’s losses are regained …HERE AND NOW…think about that


I Cor. 2:9-10 “But it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.  But God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, yea, the deep things of God.”
Rom. 1:20 “For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.
Col. 1:12-15 “Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light; who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the Kingdom of His dear Son; in whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins; who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature…”
Col. 1:16 “For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers; all things were created by Him, and for Him….”
I Tim. 1:17 “Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory forever and ever, Amen.”
Heb. 11:27 “By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the King; for he endured, as seeing Him who is invisible.
Rom. 8:24 “For we are saved by hope; but hope that is seen is not hope; for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope?  But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.”
II Cor. 4:10 “While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.”
Heb. 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Heb. 11:3 “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

There are many more which may not use the word invisible or unseen, yet is implied and is referring to the UNSEEN.   This Unseen is God and the realm in which He dwells and we will one day.  The words unseen or invisible used in scripture reaches BEYOND our idea or a dictionary definition of them.  My Franklin Dictionary gave this definition:
Combination of prefix un and word seen. 1.  Not   2. Opposite of (implying the opposite of that seen is that which is unseen.)
Just with this definition it does touch what I am thinking when I use the term Unseen in my writings.  Heaven, that unseen, is opposite of Earth which is seen; it is not saying that this area which we might call the unseen is “NOT.”  It is, and it is eternal and more real that that which we have experience in this material word.  It is this UNSEEN that holds this seen world and us together.  Col. 1:17 :And He is before all things, and BY HIM ALL THINGS CONSIST.”
Heb. 1:3 Who being the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power.”
Acts 17:28  “For in Him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, for we are also His offspring.  Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is liken unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art, and man’s device.”

That unseen, or that realm which we call heaven is a real place, yet what we might call a “place” is a poor copy at best of the eternal idea of PLACE.  In the eternal realm, now that is going to be the place to be.
Reflecting further, read Heb. 12:25 “See that you refuse not Him that speaks, for if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from HIM that speaks from Heaven (The Unseen realm which is the opposite to our experience.  In other words, if we can’t hear God speaking though one of His human messengers, what makes you think you are ever going to know that this invisible God will speak to you from heaven which to you mind is unseen or unreal?)
Just tell your family members, friends, work associates and neighbors that you speak to God and He speaks to you. Say this to them and listen for the reaction from most..”You are unreal.  You are talking to something that is unseen, who isn’t there. 
If they catch you talking out loud to Him they will say, “Who are you talking to?”  The question which has to be asked is, what is more real to us, the seen or the unseen? 
Just about every thing that I have written carried the idea of the unseen verses the seen.  I hope this brief article clears matter up even more for you.  I have more and will share it if you desire. 
“The verb “reconcile” is apokatalasso in the Greek text.   Vincent says that the compound preposition apo gives the force of “back”, hinting at restoration to a primal unity.  Lightfoot says, “The whole universe of things, material as well as spiritual, shall be stored to harmony with God.”
In light of the above, consider the following verses;
Romans 5:10”For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.”

Romans 11:15 “For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?  (note: this goes along with our study on “filling up that which was lacking in the afflictions of Christ.”  We need to know this word, reconciled, to come to do what is commanded of us in Rom. 12:1 “giving our bodies a living sacrifice.  This is part of Romans 1-11…more to come as we study this subject.)

Other verses to consider:

II Cor. 5:18..”And “all things” are of God, who hath reconciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;  9.  To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.”
(Now note verse 20)  “NOW THEN WE ARE AMBASSADORS for Christ, as though God did beseech you.  For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.”

Ephesians 2:16-17 ”And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby;  and came preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh.”

                 4.    HOPE:
Romans 5:3-5
3. And not only so, but we glory in tribulation also; knowing that tribulation worketh patience;
4.  And patience, experience; and experience, hope;
5.  And hope maketh not ashamed, because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

Romans 8:20
20. For the creation was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of Him who hath subjected the same in hope.

Romans 8:24-26  
24.  For we are saved by hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?
25.  But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.
26.  Like wise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities; for we know not what we should pray for as one ought; but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which can not be uttered.

Romans 12:2
2.  Rejoice in hope, patience in tribulations; continuing instant in prayer.

Romans 15:4  
4.  For whatsoever things were written afore time, we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

Romans 15:13  
13.  Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.


Hope seen, just the written letter.  Stopping short of the letter’s intent and thinking the “see-able” written rules, law is their hope to gain God’s favor.  Not realizing that it is impossible to please God without faith.  Which faith (hearing God speak to us from the invisible) is the hope unseen answer we seek, when there appears to be no seeable answer in the seeable natural.
Paul in Romans 7 gained this insight via experience.  How?  He gives up hope in keeping the law seeing its impossibility.....makes the statement of hopelessness “Who will deliver me”......thus in hopelessness he gained the hope unseen in Romans 8....the answer, 19 times, the unseen revealed via the SPIRIT.

So, for us to gain this unseen answer, any answer to any situation must come to an end.  We end in hopelessness.  Only in those moments does God offer an unseen answer.  It is a jolt to our egocentricity.  (Holding one’s present point of view)

Hope “not seen: = “the dark nights of the soul”
Hope “seen” =    Our established methods, ways, to deal with our lives established apart from God’s ways (righteousness).
So, the true sense of hope is entering into darkness.  (In the dark on a matter)  The unknown or unseeable, waiting in the dark; we are not without hope (dark moment).....don’t at those moments go with past attempts to see your way clear.  Welcome the darkness!  Moments when you feel a sense of so-called hopelessness in the seen for an unseeable answer; read Romans 5...Paul learned to welcome these dark moments. “This hope brings faith (hearing from God) or light
that will shine out of your darkness (hope).   In Hebrews 11 we read …”Faith is the substance (light, truth, answer that you can’t see, don’t know, to your problem or situation).   Faith is the substance of things HOPED FOR, the unseen evidence of things not seen (Your unknown, seen, answer to your problem or situation).

It’s learning to walk this way.  But light from God only comes via the darkness, our not knowing the answer to a problem or situation.

The written word produces  We see God speaking too and working through the lives of others like ourselves.  Men & Women of clay and weakness thus allowing God’s strength to flow; once hope is quicken, faith comes, which is the substance of strength we need in our weakness....”faith is the substance of things hoped for.”

Heb. 7:8  “The formal regulation is set aside because it was weak and useless (for the law made nothing perfect) and a better hope is introduced, by which we draw near to God”.......(think on this in light of what we have said so far).

A better hope is the hope not seen (hearing God speak to us).   Note, the hope that is being set aside here, in this text, is the seeable written text to find satisfying answers.......the true satisfaction come from hearing God speak to you for the first time in your life beyond the written page.....”For in this hope”.....we are saves\d.  You Know God loves you, bcause He is speaking to you!!!!

               5.    DARKNESS AND LIGHT:


JOB 12:22.....
He discovers day things out of darkness, and brings out to light the shadow of death.

II Cor.  4:6 “For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 7.  But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellence of the power may be of God, and not of us.”

II Cor. 6:14  “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?  And what communion hath light with darkness?”

Ephesians 5:8  “For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord; walk as children of light;”

Ephesians 6:12  “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high place.”

Col. 1:13  “Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son;”

I Thess. 5:4  “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. 5.  Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day; we are not of the night, nor of darkness.”

I Peter 2:9  “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

I John 1:5 “This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. 6.  If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth. 7.  But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin,”

6.    MYSTERY:
7.    JOY:

9.    UMBRA:

Ga 4:2
But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father.
ajlla; uJpo; ejpitrovpouß ejsti;n kai; oijkonovmouß a~cri th'ß proqesmivaß tou' patrovß.

Ga 4:19
My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until * * Christ be formed in you,
tevkna mou, ouJ;ß pavlin wjdivnw mevcriß ouJ' morfwqh'/ Xristo;ß ejn uJmi'n:

Eph 1:14
Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.
o& ejstin ajrrabw;n th'ß klhronomivaß hJmw'n, eijß ajpoluvtrwsin th'ß peripoihvsewß, eijß e~painon th'ß dovxhß aujtou'.

Php 1:6
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:
pepoiqw;ß aujto; tou'to, o&ti oJ ejnarxavmenoß ejn uJmi'n e~rgon ajgaqo;n ejpitelevsei a~cri hJmevraß Xristou' #Ihsou':

2Th 2:7
For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
to; ga;r musthvrion h~dh ejnergei'tai th'ß ajnomivaß: movnon oJ katevcwn a~rti e&wß ejk mevsou gevnhtai.

1Ti 6:14
That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukeable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ:
thrh'saiv se th;n ejntolh;n a~spilon ajnepivlhmpton mevcri th'ß ejpifaneivaß tou' kurivou hJmw'n #Ihsou' Xristou',

Heb 9:10
Which stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation.
movnon ejpi; brwvmasin kai; povmasin kai; diafovroiß baptismoi'ß, dikaiwvmata sarko;ß mevcri kairou' diorqwvsewß ejpikeivmena.

Jas 5:7
Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.
Makroqumhvsate ou\n, ajdelfoiv, e&wß th'ß parousivaß tou' kurivou. ijdou; oJ gewrgo;ß ejkdevcetai to;n tivmion karpo;n th'ß gh'ß, makroqumw'n ejpj aujtw'/ e&wß lavbh/ provi>mon kai; o~yimon.

2Pe 1:19
We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
kai; e~comen bebaiovteron to;n profhtiko;n lovgon, wJ'/ kalw'ß poiei'te prosevconteß wJß luvcnw/ faivnonti ejn aujcmhrw'/ tovpw/, e&wß ouJ' hJmevra diaugavsh/ kai; fwsfovroß ajnateivlh/ ejn tai'ß kardivaiß uJmw'n:

Re 17:17
For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree * , and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
oJ ga;r qeo;ß e~dwken eijß ta;ß kardivaß aujtw'n poih'sai th;n gnwvmhn aujtou', kai; poih'sai mivan gnwvmhn kai; dou'nai th;n basileivan aujtw'n tw'/ qhrivw/, a~cri telesqhvsontai oiJ lovgoi tou'

Lu 24:49
And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.
kai; Íijdou;Ñ ejgw; ajpostevllw th;n ejpaggelivan tou' patrovß mou ejfj uJma'ß: uJmei'ß de; kaqivsate ejn th'/ povlei e&wß ouJ' ejnduvshsqe ejx u&youß duvnamin.

Ac 3:21
Whom the heaven * * must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.
oJ;n dei' oujrano;n me;n devxasqai a~cri crovnwn ajpokatastavsewß pavntwn wJ'n ejlavlhsen oJ qeo;ß dia; stovmatoß tw'n aJgivwn ajpj aijw'noß aujtou' profhtw'n.

Ro 11:25
For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.
Ouj ga;r qevlw uJma'ß ajgnoei'n, ajdelfoiv, to; musthvrion tou'to, i&na mh; h\te ÍparjÑ eJautoi'ß frovnimoi, o&ti pwvrwsiß ajpo; mevrouß tw'/ #Israh;l gevgonen a~criß ouJ' to; plhvrwma tw'n ejqnw'n eijsevlqh/,

1Co 4:5
Therefore judge nothing * * before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.
w&ste mh; pro; kairou' ti krivnete, e&wß a^n e~lqh/ oJ kuvrioß, oJ;ß kai; fwtivsei ta; krupta; tou' skovtouß kai; fanerwvsei ta;ß boula;ß tw'n kardiw'n: kai; tovte oJ e~painoß genhvsetai eJkavstw/ ajpo; tou' qeou'.

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